Tales of Phantasia was remade three years after its SFC release, for the Sony PlayStation (PS1). The remake runs on an enhanced Tales of Destiny engine and benefits from all the enhancements and refinements to the gameplay it had to offer. For example, Chester, who relied on brute force in the Super Famicom version, was given nine TP-consuming moves, which carried over into future remakes. Also carried over from Tales of Destiny was the voice-acted face chats (skits), but now the user simply needs to push select on the world map to see them, rather than stand still for awhile on the world map as in ToD. In addition, it gave birth to many new features still seen (and being improved upon) in modern Tales sequels today, such as cooking, and titles. As in Tales of Destiny, you have the ability to control any party member (as well as take Cless, the hero, out of the fighting party). Many other changes, such as adding a fully animated anime style opening sequence, new sidequests, new spells, a new summon, a new playable character, and a more player-friendly battle encounter rate were also made. The audio was remastered at a higher quality with additional channels.
For more in-depth differences between the snes and psx version, check Cless' faq in gamefaqs.
Genre: RPG
Total Size: 295mb(packed) / 600mb(unpacked)
Filetype: bin/cue packed in split rar archives
Year: 1998
Uploaded by ecchigo for da-warez.org
RAR Password: www.da-warez.org
Part 1: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=M4FREVXP
Part 2: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=2ROZWT5V
Part 3: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=QKCKYSYN
Part 4: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=UOK50ST8
English Patch v1.0: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=JLP98L70
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