and yet another filmfest to screw wif my mundane life but i like
and here i went lamenting on waxing lyrical about film festivals, when yet another one springs forth; (The Second) Animation Nation 2005! (17-23 Nov)nahbey = like that how to die? (*digs into pockets and fishes out lint, grabs a nearby razorblade and slashes open eyelids and scream out in ecstasy, 'natch) BAH.*wistful-sigh* and with a superb selection of films, which includes Wallace and Gromit:
Monday, November 7, 2005
the sandman striketh
marvel comic's flint marko / sandman, i mean ... as opposed to dc comics' morpheus/daniel/sandmanjust seen on Superhero Hype: and yes i am late wif my "news" again as usual BAH Sandman is revealed as the new villain in Spiderman 3. kewl-ish. altho i still can't shake off the image of him humpin' Sandra Oh in the motel room seems i'd always remember him from Sideways tho ... but that's just me ...
a palm-sized gratification for my generation
been fcuking dying to replace my fcukedupmotorola p.o.s. thinking of getting a new mobile phone. i think i deserve a new one (not that i could really afford one lah ~ but i can dream, can't i? nahbey), after going thru my current fcuked-in-da-ass-mobile. but nothing has gotten much of my attention, until now ... first time i saw this? POW! ~ i knew i wanted this! ~ the yummy metallic-orange
Sunday, November 6, 2005
a festival ends and another begins yet again
well, the french film festival had just ended and t'was truly great fun (for most flicks anyways :p)(updated 8.11.2005)my personal french fest wrap-up*read more after the jump*the tits and ass sombre mood and mystery that was L'annulaire ... the emotional decay of Son Frere ... the macabre madness that was Bernie ... the excellent emotional journey of Le Grand Voyage (*highly recommended) and the
Friday, November 4, 2005
little it might be but a giant it may become
i could choke on this uber-cuteness and die wif a smirk on me hairy-face, i could ... ;poh but for the power of shock-and-awe subliminal-advertising ... a "seemingly innocent image" of a dancing chicken on the big-screens (FYI: the sequence is currently being shown during movie trailers and used as a "public service reminder" to "switch off handphones") and the next thing i know? = me girl's
i tell myself to just stick with 12-inches but alas i want more now
*gourge that mind out of da gutter yer pervs!* hehima talking about my collection of 12-inch toys action figures! or rather, what we term "1:6th scaled figures" ... tho it hasn't always been the case ... for before 12-inches, i was playing with 6-inchers; alla the MIP (Mint-In-Pack) and blistercarded goodness that had swamped the toyshelves of eons ago (of coz they still do lah). from Batman to
Thursday, November 3, 2005
them vinyls are getttin' ta me but good
last raved about in september (and no, nobody bought me squat) and seen last sunday just @ China Square Central; in Ng's Collection (and NO, i am not affliated wif him whatsoever, except as a customer) ...Isadore and Fairybit have arrived![image ripped off via Rotofungi ~ apologies guys :p]going for a shelf-price of SGD$143, wif a 512MB capacity = looks like tis out of my price-range now, innit?
unkl unkl buy me these toys can please?
... ima feeling these babies from the UNKL Brand seriously real-intensely actually ... tho i've yet to see them in singapore (am afraid to as well, coz it sure bust me gut and wallet to get them, innit? ~dammit-to-vinyl-hades~)i first saw these SUGs in Play Times magazine (great mag btw! *nudge~nudge* ;p) and developed a renewed wanton desire for vinyl fell in lurve with 'em immediately ... tho
the vastly diminishing line between toys and art
"decorative arts", more like ... and in this endeavour, them there Neth Creatures' looking purdy goode, no? t'would be great to have them displayed on my film-sets, but as a toy? again, great for display purposes only, innit? ... but then again, most urban vinyls that're being churned out nowsadays recently ARE only good for display, innit? .... NOT that im complaining, mind :)check out their
blessed the moon and galaxy
vinyl-faith via Argentina; all 9-inches worth of plastic lurve = Astronaut Jesus!(from AdFunture, designed by DOMA)well, at least it seems more respectful somber than the Buddy Christ Dashboard Statue, innit? ... but i is a freelance-buddhist and a full-time-toy collector; so i wouldn't know diddly-squat about that, innit? heh. (and please save the religious rants - this here's a toy and that's
remember when mama said: "ah boy ah! dun play with shitte!"?
well, times sure has changed! muahahahaha ... and now? = you can even cuddle it! check out the main webbie HERE fer sum Swedish-plushpoop-lurve :)[via strangeco.]
Wednesday, November 2, 2005
i *heart* monsterism
basically ALL toys lah aiyoh! :p but for today, tis Pete Powler's Monsterism that has me all googly-eyed and sweaty-palmed ... and i covert thee toys, not just coz i have not a single item from them (that i remember anyways :p) and i want them AAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL! ... and becoz they be serious cool. check out the cool flash-animated-movie of the monsterism world (*click on the
state of flux*
the Aeon Flux website has been relaunched, wif a spiffy new movie trailer = mondo "better" (if not snazzier) than the one i saw in july, with plenty of flash and bang, and of coz; Charlize Theron *swoon* ... and i've gotta say: "it looks goooooode" :)now, i lurve a good brainless "less cerebral" hollywood flick as the next (no, i really do! *lurve them purdy pictures*) and i pander this naught
Tuesday, November 1, 2005
getting old
cuppa hot milo by the wayside. an empty plate wif crumbles where once was a peanut butter sandwich, i logged unto the cyberways and ... dug my nose ...yes, you've read it right, i dug my nose, but deep ... and out came a single white nostril hair. just one. and i stopped there and then. i marvelled at the singular whitness of it all and it hit me: damn, im getting old, to have white nostril hair!
Thursday, October 27, 2005
what do you do when the power leaves you
electrical power, i mean :pa scheduled "building electrical maintenance" in my block was forgotten this fateful afternoon ... quite the irony for i did see the notice plastered the noticeboard at the base of my life lobby (which is uncanny, becoz i never do bother to look at the noticeboard at all, if not very rarely), at the beginning of the week. i even told me dad about said: "
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
and yet another film festival begins
(** Warning: tis gonna be a looooong entry y'all **)the 21st french film festival is happening now in rainy sunny singalalaland.screening at both Alliance Française and Cathay Cineplex Orchard Cineleisure. you can read the film synopsis here and here.the schedule and timings on this page is a tad off on a coupla screenings (not all lah), so do check with cathay (above link) and sistic (for
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
a vampire theory/conspiracy unveiled (almost)
to quell bury my anguish, i blindly leaped into the celluloid world of vampires, into the silent echoes of the night (yes, am being melodramatic *bleh*) ... first catching Underworld (UW), starring Kate Beckinsale (one of the only real reasons to watch this flick) ... followed by Queen Of The Damned (QOTD), and followed almost immediately by Bram Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola (BS'D) .
off the wagon
i dunno when was it exactly that i stopped smoking; 4 weeks or so ago ... just that one day, after my last stick of cigarette, i upped and decided not to buy a new pack. just like that.t'was in reaction to my declining health (highblood pressure) and financial issues (they're getting gawddamned expensive dey) which i have gone on til end in this here blog. and also "personal issues" and of not
reactions to the news today
a few things to get off me chest, after reading thru the newspapers today:.............................................................................................Culture Watch:(in the LIFE section)here's a pix of (both pensive) Dick Lee and Jack Neo, probably at the ceremony which conferred unto them the The Cultural Mediallion Award.and for which one of the responses/writeup was:read the
the hunt for cool gadgets
just received via email from Lisa of Cool Hunter:The Ultimate Geek Desk"The representation of three-dimensional objects on a surface so as to produce the same impression of distance and relative size as that received by the human eye is a practical definition of perspective. Now imagine the perspective created by a portable, inexpensive three-dimensional immersive viewing system that could be
Monday, October 24, 2005
lost rhapsody
a hilarious parody of LOST, by way of Weird Al Yankovic's cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody" (found via Eau de Humanity)heh. farnie. especially the head slammingtho what buggers me the most is: i have yet to sit thru a single episode of LOST ... *need to see it in it's entirety*; i insist, and hence i've been itching to get the DVD from HMV, if not for my "legendary frugal ways" (*cough*
the wonderful and weird world of toys
there are Toys ...and there are Other Strange Toys ..."(these) plastic sacks, each dolled up with a big question mark logo, dissolve when placed in warm water, revealing one of ten different Marvel Comics figures"wow. what will they think of next eh? finger down the throat heh.but then again, one might argue "Aesthetics versus Functionability" too, innit? but heck, they're but only TOYS, innit?
and the stifling continues
"simplicity thru nostalgia"a line that popped into my mind, tis wretched tuesday afternoon; as i found this serious collection of cassette tape images, created by Not Wild Style [via Cool Hunting]harking back to days of yore and opening the flood gates of nostalgia once again ... and i suddenly feel so ... stifled; creatively ... have i over-thought too many a things? have i looked too deep
61 rooms / 21 artist / 1,000 ideas
"For the launch of the new Volkswagen Fox 21 international artists from the fields of graphic design, urban art and illustration turned Hotel Fox in central Copenhagen, into the world’s most exciting and creative lifestyle hotel."got this exceptional link via pamdemonium (thanx loads, Pam!) and i've been inspired ever since ... loving the concept of "collaboration", in whichever genre and
depeche mode's precious : an evolution of a music video?
the more i listened to Depeche Mode's Precious, the more i like it ... and the more i feel it's the closest sound to Enjoy The Silence and their Exciter album (of 5 years ago?) ... whilst everything else on the album (which is currently on repeat play on me oldskool cd-player, 'natch) does not sound like DM, at all (save for Dave Gahan's+Martin Gore's voices lah dey) ... or rather, they sound
wtf is "popcorn bidding"? and of online auction memories
"discovered" this "new term" today, while sufing thru my comics-related online portals and chanced upon this ridiculous auction (tho i am a fan, i ain't that much of a fan) for Two tickets to the Red Carpet Premiere and After Party of X-Men 3 (scroll to bottom of page) ... which would be a pretty interesting opportunity for some photos and obviously a blog about the event (and fucked is i when i
Sunday, October 23, 2005
fatboy slim's the joker music video
just caught this on MTV and couldn't resist but search for it in google and here it is in all it's toys and pussy glory. made me monday morning; it did! :)
one of the tricks to life
... is to know when to get going when the going is good ... or bad ... whatever the situation may encompass and whatever the action/s may entail ... how the fcuk does one know anyways? when is the exact right moment, to do whatever it was/is that needs to be done.and the real kicker is might be, that even when the moment is right and ripe, and the opportunity presents itself for further action ..
Saturday, October 22, 2005
if only this could be "real life" gawddammit
i ain't a greedy man i ain't kewl. My blog is worth $3,387.24.How much is your blog worth?[courtesy of Lancerlord]a not-so-bad weekend so far, innit? heh :)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
if i said: "i've lost the will to love"
... am i being too melodramatic? or being realistic?a crinkledcrease within the folds of happiness and falseblissBAH._.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
playing the angel my halo twists and flickers so brightly
i can't switch off my iTunes. i just can't ...itz 335am on a thursday morning and im knackered beyond belief and yet awake i sit by my Mac, eyes barely opened but ears hardly closed ... in fact they're getting sore (ears) from perking up to the sounds coming out of my iTunes (and please do bear in mind; it ain't exactly a great sound system) ... and the warpedsounds of Depeche Mode's Playing The
the sounds they are astounding
loitering hanging around HMV @ Heeren today (wednesday afternoon); was sorta therapeutic in a way ... lameass excuse to go shopping lor where i discovered what it was that i am drawn to these days ... tis hardly the lyrics, nor the artiste (well, sometimes old habits die harder :p) and sometimes mayhap not even the melody ... i realized i'm more particular about soundscapes and would go to
rain rain go away far far away nahbey
checklist for wednesday:[.. ] go town to pay credit*pui*card bills[.. ] go tower records to look for Depeche Mode's new album Playing The Angel[.. ] go meander about aimlessly trying to look for toys to buy[.. ] go alternative comic-shop to look for missing issues of comics (duh)[.. ] maybe go catch a movie (maybe)but since the rain had just started and the air in my room is
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
narcissism overload as an excuse for self-reflection
censor sensorcookiecutter smilinpeekaboo perva bored wednesday morning scribbling scambling for inspiration and creation to fall flat fuck it tis ain't no self-hate headtrip, lemme assure y'all first ...BAH. whatevah.._.
the jackhammer drilling above me righteye is driving me insane
the entire afternoon. til now. im too tired to be pissed anymore. make it stop, can? and it's not just about yet another article on blogging in the newspapers. it's not just about another (or a coupla) bloggers going-on about the state of blogging in singalalaland and their holier-than-thou attitude towards other bloggers. and tis not just about "good bloggers" versus "bad bloggers" ... tis not
Thursday, October 13, 2005
truth be a bitter pill to administer
tis fifteen minutes after the hour of one, and i feel the shreds of my patience wearing very dangerously thin ... i know not why ... mayhap t'was the waking dream i had in the early morn (where i hadda mouth my explanation to the dream question, even when if i had already awoken) ... mayhap tis the hunger growing inside of me ... mayhap tis the unpredictability of everything ... mayhap tis the
of sms, horror and kewl sketch blogs
just barely checkingout my site meter for the night (*ahem*) and came across a coupla interesting blogs who happened to stray into find themselves on me blog! (how they got here, i'd seriously liketa know) and i'd liketa share them wif y'all here, yeah?..................................................................................Muthu's My SMS Blog = which is essentially a collection of ...
a year into my life and of the rules of engagement
i remember this time last year (14th October 2004) pretty well.i had just finished a 3-week reservist stint (ending on the 13th) and had gone back to camp the very next day (14th) for my FFI Phase One Blood Test. "Fit For Infantry" is a Mandatory Test for any adult males serving PUI the army (in any capacity), to be taken before the age of 35. i had just turned 35 a coupla weeks before. and on
pour sum sugah on me
- as the title says; a little "find" a shortwhile back = HK-styled French Toast in Singapore! WHOO-HOO! (actually not that kickass lor) and y'all know how i feel about french toast, eh? *slurp~slurp* :pmore devious photos here (plus vague directions to the cafe :p) ... tho meanwhile, maybe i'd tempt y'all with this:click on for the "finishing video". heh :)
eh! can lend me this or not ah? i return you very quick one!
there's something that needs to be said about your so-called-frens who borrow stuff from you ... and the responsibility that comes with that loan ~ whatevah that item may be ...there are 3 basic types of "loaners":01. the ones who returns said items in good time and good order. (NO problem here!)02. the ones who returns said items eons later, but in reasonable condition. (fcuked lor)03. the ones
what a great tan you have sir ... you've got the job!
things/stuff peeps ask about/for; when inquiring about my services:01. a showreel (for which im sad to say, i do not have at the mo .... but that will change soon, i hope)02. my CV (downloadable online)03. a portfolio of my works (readily available and updated regularly online on my multiply)04. my rates (no problemo - tho most times based on job requirements)05. ... but a picture of myself? (i
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
been to blog~hades and back
this blog "officially" died on the 10th of October 2005. or to be more precise, as i logged-on, i discovered my template was completely missing. panic ensured. measures were made. hair was torn out. fcuk.and nobody realized it. even when i posted this on the top-banner-area of me blog:quite farnie, this ... tho i attempt at deciphering the reasons (whatever they may be), i realize that it is all
Monday, October 10, 2005
runnin' around in circles with a twisted ankle
a perpetual deja~vu lingering in the subconscious, looping a silent warning alarm scream blam blam blam redlights flash flash flash blinding me luring me seducing me into a sense of normality and eternal comfort as old as the past when tis but an crying infant cradled within thy quivering arms you hold and caress least it crumbles into dust you breathe not a single breatha belated memory?a
Thursday, October 6, 2005
> puffed out
my trusty ashtray now sits beside me, neglected and abandoned.the smell of nicotine has since dissipated from my bedroom.and my lighters had suddenly upped and disappeared from me.the desire and twitch has left me and i can hardly find the tastefor the once familiar solace i had enjoyed and wallowed in ...i have not smoked for the past three weeks. (at least)*beams* okay, okay ... to be totally
Saturday, October 1, 2005
> stuffed
in accordance to my recent/current daily/nightly bouts of feeling thoroughly stuffed (ie: stomach filled unto near-explosion, i kid you not), the same could be said for my overloading pea brain = an obscene gaggle of nouns, pronouns, adjectives (fucked if i knew what they really meant and how to use them BAH) and whatever cleverer descriptions of thought-made-to-words-and-spewed-forth-randomly,
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
> online saviour
... at least for me anyways = finally "found" a free online server to host my videos! go here to view ALL videos please :) thanxxx (~more to cum~)
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
> a cock looking for balance
/ my sis asked me yesterday over bday dinner = "how does it feel to be 36?" ... my answer = "like that lor" ... and i reckon, it is the state of things and situation right now ... tis as if nothing has changed and yet everything has .../ just some of the few important things in a late-thirties-person's life, i reckon: family, health, love and money/career (in that order please, thank yew) ... :
Friday, September 23, 2005
> flutterin'
/ my hearts aflutterin' and it feels good ... and scary ... ... pluck not thy wings, please ... not so soon? ...i wanna float away in bliss
> the not-so-young and restless
the feeling of restlessness is overwhelming, even more so this hot and humid friday afternoon ... and tis been days since i've put thoughts to a semblence of tangibility (online or otherwise) and a rant is the best i could come up with?heh. buggah that.the week in short:dad's out of surgery and is at home recovering. had a heart's valve replaced and a heart bypass. nasty business. heartwrenching
Sunday, September 18, 2005
> uncompleted vignettes (yet again)
as per titled, a coupla uncompleted entries, these past few vaccant blogdays ... and tis something i've been considering; for the direction (or iz that "misdirection"?) of this blog of former woe = why complete the entries, when they've yet to run their entire course? heh ... onwards!... ... ...SPRINGED STEPSwalking the thin hairline between fantasy and reality, i wonder when it be when i fall?
Sunday, September 11, 2005
> 2 days hence
have not been online for the past coupla days ... events and situations i will not bother anyone much with (for now) ... but needless to say, tis been eventful ... with quite a few lines written in my wittle notebook, which are mostly not completed ... so thot might as well purge here and now (and get it over and done with, i suppose) ...... ... ...PAIN EDUCATIONa macabre "family outing" filled
Friday, September 9, 2005
> dazed and blissed
a momentary distraction. a quickfix. a sneaky snack. a mere glimpse to what could have been. and a mere glimpse it will remain; it seems ... the bliss had all but gone astray and what's left is an emptiness fills the void once more ... a dull ache; a familiar feeling. it sucks to be mature about it all. it sucks to be "aware" ... and im not "liked" ... "enough" ... i dun wanna think too much
Thursday, September 8, 2005
> blissed out
been blissing out on indulgence. and the feeling is both warm with a tinge of hesitation and pure plain candysweet. coupled with moments of self-reflection and earnest happiness, i wallow within the embrace of a warm sunshine smile that'll melt at any given moment. i like this feeling.hope given a new pulsing lease of life, the pitterpatter of the heart given into the fluttering of a beautiful
Tuesday, September 6, 2005
> hope
hope can be such a double-edged sword.hope for the best, for the future, for one's well-being. hope things'll turn out alright. hope things will change and develop for the better. hope for your loved one's health (my greatest wish now). positive hope.tho hope might even be a fear. an inevitable possible negative ... for sometimes, there seems a glimmer of hope - but you fear it might mislead you
> hello life
attempts at emptying my mind has gone to hades. been trying to clear all emotional attachments, personal demons, financial burdens and creative blockades, to make way for family commitments ... tis time to relinquish all other roles i've held: friend, lover, boss, whatever ... tis time to be a son to my father ... dad's going into heart surgery next week and im ... scared ...... ... ...hardly a
Sunday, September 4, 2005
> frozen feets
there i was, zipping around with my art department guys, trying to set-up this mock sci-fi-looking bus stop; a humongus one, with an outdoor canopy somewhat resembling a circus tent ... half an hour more before calltime and the camera crew had started to arrive and unload ... the pressure was intense, the pressure was on ... and with the set developing a semblence of form, i dashed off to prep
> a quick meal of the mind
im a snack. a quick just dawned on me, that mayhap i am not fit for private or public consumption as of yet ... me life is slightly (to say the least) off-kilter at the mo and can hardly sustain (much less develop) a personal relationship, nor successfully interact with "the public" ... too many demons haunt my wakingdreams and most of them are self-made mirror demons too ... a twisted
> groovin'
do i haveta really get down and boogie, to show how interesting and "happenin" i am?do i haveta down endless alcohol to show how much of a man i am? fuck alla that shitte."keepin' it real" is an oxymoron of reality and just another excuse to invent another persona for yourself.poppin'n'lockin' with missy elliotsalsa shoulder shimmin' with cuban revolution jazzdigital disco beep-boppin' with
Saturday, September 3, 2005
> the truth of thy hearts?
1pm. the rain is defeaning. the view outside my window is bathed in a sparse milky white, tints of greeh hues speckle the landscape and the skies are in a dull whitegrey, an empty aged canvas waiting to be painted-on.the warm leftover carlsberg sits by my tableside; a welcomed mind-dulling reprieve the night before, now a dull liquid, bubbles afloat and drifting aimlessly ... and my thoughs
> just another sunday like no other
a peculiar sunday. a sunday haunted by the sundays prior, a phantom veil embracing all and sundry ... and the strange comfortness of the feeling is filtered by the restlessness of memory ... a sunday ago:wakingup with less than six hours of sleep, we were rushing about town sourcing and buying props, a zombie (at least for me) on feets, trudging about with a seeming purpose but for the hastily
> pained
i thought i was smarter. i thought i was stronger. but in the end, i was left foolishly wanting ... a blissful fridaynite/saturday turned exquisite pain; heart gripped tight while pounding to an erratic beat ... her eyes still glistening in the dark, her warmth envelopes me, her embrace melts me, her passion overwhelms me and her voice, her familiar and soothing voice; pierces deeper into my
Thursday, September 1, 2005
> blog privacy
i read with great interest and disdain with the issue of blog privacy, an issue floating amidst the www the recent past and present ... and held back my comments ... until now ...the issue is of a blogger, whose entry was tomorrowed and the bruwahaha that ensued. the question of whether tomorrow had the right to link her entry, or anyones', of her asking the entry to be deleted and of blog
> lies
if there's one thing in this whole gawdforsaken world we live in that gets me tits on fire; that i can't abide by: is being lied to. it comes in a close second, after: being accused of saying / doing something i did not. no, i cannot abide by either.and tho tis a scenario that i myself have regretably partaked of times past (no, i have never said i was a holy innocent in alla these - and that
plug me in baby
i so fucking want these for my *cough*upcomingbirthdayin-september*cough* ... and i've been starring at them for a better part of an hour now dammit! ... i knew i wuz deprived of toys and the like, but c'mon! this is a bit too much, innit?like i give a flyin'shitte :pbuy me these. pwease?and i dun fuckin' care if i sound needy or pathetic ... HAH!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
> rekindling a lost love
i got me comics today (wednesday). had an hour in-between shoot and rushed like a madman on a mission breezed on down to funan centre for a dose of me addiction.i've been "off-comics" for close to four months now. now, that sucks; it truly does. and the absolute joy of actually being in a comicshop again, much less flipping thru my bounty proved quite a bit much for my feebleheart to bear ... but
> open arms
/ i can't read "signs" anymore. i can't open my mouth and be charming anymore (NOT that i ever was ever, innit? muahahahaha *PUI*) i can't even discern what is real or my imagination-on-overdrive anymore (even tho tis been said in my face point blank not to "overthink" things) ... wahlaneh! = i feel like a teenage fool again leh, nahbey! *PUI*dun wanna play no games. dun wanna run around no
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
> hangover tuesday
t'was a wet and cold morning, followed by the sweltering heat in the afternoon and a mildly humid evening. no, this ain't a freeekin' weather report for fuck'sake, but to reiterate the conditions in which my health mind was bombarded with, on this lovely tuesday ...t'was a day of severe migraines headaches, obviously brought about by a horrendous hangover from the insidious escapade the night
Monday, August 29, 2005
> of alcohol and maintenance
i've not had liquor for quite a while now. and the whole thing (for me anyways) about liquor; is more often associated with the company of peeps and of the locales in which we partake of the sinful beverage.hanging out with frens at a public hawker centre or kopi tiam with cheap(er) beer and hawker-fare appeals to the "more relaxed" side of me, and i actually enjoy it. while hanging out at pubs
> red faces
a long and exceptionally casual shoot day. did quite a bit of shopping (where else but IKEA? HAH) and lottsa laughter in studio. had a good late dinner with peeps down at changi village and got my "first" taste of beer (again, after a gawddamned long time) and walked thru the hawker centre with a reddened face ... must have looked like "Zhong1 Kui2" (*famed ghost catcher in chinese folklore)
Sunday, August 28, 2005
> educate me
one down. one more to go.and in less than a week, all would disappear in a puff (i hope) and would be but "memories" of past ... the pain, the strain, the sleep-forever-lost ... and the eternal question that will forever bug my subconscious: "why the fuck do i constantly do it?"as much as i do enjoy my work, tis also a constant bugbear; for have i not any other "options" available to me? tho i
Friday, August 26, 2005
> screw with my wetdream?
a sleep-reprieve molested by an early morning phonecall from a wanker so vile, it takes ALL of me to hold it all in and not bring bad karma upon myself by not cussing his entire family tree with the black plague and specifically for him, the inability to have an erection ever and not produce any heirs and that he'd be raped by brutish and diseased foreign men down a dark, dank and wet alley and
> say my name biatch
it always gets me both gleefully pridefull joy extremely perturbed and rubbin' me raw in me tits; when i find out that peeps use my name for their own gain. more specifically; they add my name on/to their credits / key personnel list = for project pitches - most times without telling me!? and not even knowing about the existence of these projects = duh? like, WTF, seriously?!now, i ain't goin'
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
> fucked
the only thing keeping me awake now and pumpin'? KRAFTWERK's Minimum - Maximum "Live" 2-CD Set = they muthafucking RAWK! good shitte lah :p /
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
> dynamite
am letting Jamiroquai's Dynamite "blast" me ta lalaland tonight and as i begin my dailyprocedures to lay my weary head down on my defluffled pillow (possibly with a bit'o shoulder-shimmy action, i suspect) - i am both excited and dreading the shoot to come in a scant few hours ... be that as it may, im sure to have JK groovin' in me ear when the time comes ... i hope ... and if you're at the
> bothered
tonight marks the quickest time i've completed scanning+reading thru my daily blog reads. coming in under the radar in under 30minutes flat. (or maybe tis not many peeps blog as long yesterday?) and altho i told myself (again), to just log-on to check for tomorrow's shoot schedule (yes, it begins), then log-off and go shower and sleep.i shouldn't have bothered, should i?*sigh*... had actually
Monday, August 22, 2005
> snippets of my monday past
i keep telling myself: log off.go do your you can get more you have energy to work the next day, becoz you'll need it.and of coz i have failed yet again. and a third entry for the night is churned out of the gloomycookiecutterfactory and i ramble on for the sake of rambling on, most likely becoz i long for the days and nights when i could ramble on and not worry much about the
> tolerate thee
have just realized my tolerance level had gone up ... being able to take anyone's shitte had always been a no-brainer for me = i just fuck that person up. simple. done deal. no questions needed. no answers given. simple = i "imagine if i was in their shoes" ... i worry about others' "sensitivities" ... i hold my tongue (longer than i normally do) in case i invite any unneccessary
> i work therefore i whine
/ okay, shower, work and sleep. not neccessary in that order, thank yew fer readin'.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
> work-hangover
is there such a thing as a work-hangover? ... coz i sure was feeling it when i dragged me decaying-ass up woke-up on an ungawdly sunday morning (anytime before 12noon is ungawdly and sinful on a sunday) ... like a train-wreck and a tsunami that had hit me head at the exact same instant, vision muddled and brains functioning at minumum-capacity, me subconscious still tussling with me consciousness
Saturday, August 20, 2005
> i try and i've tried
i've been trying my darnest to keep my temper in check ...i've been keeping myself calm and collected, in the face of unpredictability and inevitability ...i've been silently culling my inner demons both consciously and subconsciously ...i've been finding constant surprises in myself, for my patience in matters that would've blown a gasket in me; times past ...i've been trying to find the humour
Friday, August 19, 2005
> scribs
instead of sleeping (not that i haven't tried, dammit), i found this on my dreamgirl's blog :p... my saturday's gonna be so fcuked ...
> a plea for peace
im so muthafcuking tired; i can't sleep. my mind is racing non-stop til a muddied blur, thoughts spinning incoherently in tandem with the physical situation that's spiralling out of control as fast as ya can say: fcukme ... and the pain and anguish ain't exquisite anymore ... and i can't afford even to wallow anymuchmore (okay, juz a tad here lah nahbey) for there are tasks to be done and not
Thursday, August 18, 2005
> and in today's news
CAD versus NKFpart two of the trilogy is currently under production. just seen on the telly; the Commercial Affairs Department (CAD) had been called in to investigate the recent NKF Saga ... more fodder for the kaypoh concerned masses. the excitement never ends ... as i knew it wouldn't. i ain't smart, mind you ... not even close ... tho maybe in the end, i would've been foolish to have even
> my first recruitment / human classified ad
itz down to the frickkin' wire now ... the shitte's gonna whack/hantum/hoot the miserable fan hard pretty damn frickkin' soon, and then some! i desperately need help now.looking for the following personnel:[1] Props Master[2] Props / Art Assistantsfor an upcoming corporate video job. two in fact. back-to-frickkin'-back. *pengz *Location:Shoot is based in Singapore, so ya haveta be already based
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
> i think i thought i kamcheong spider
blissfully oblivious to the cyberworld around me ever since logging off at 230pm to go to "work" the wednesday prior, i reached home and logged on at 530am on a thursday morning; to do a double quadruple-take when Ah9 told me i kana tomorrowed ? ? ?i chuak until lao teh-kor* ! (translated: *i was so shocked, i had an excessive evacuation of watery feces into my underwear*)mouth agape, mind
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
> descend into darkness
/ am so pek cek i cant sleep. fuck./ stubbborness and foolishness makes strange bedfellows, which is further complicated by the oldest; stupidity and the incestous lonesome threesome makes for some (unseen) explosive/implosive results indeed ... and here i am spewing nothing again. and as i attempt to log off and go friggin work, i say to thee detractors (if any) = ya dun like what ya read
> skin deep
there's this hokkien (chinese dialect) expression: "pek cek" (*frustrated*) and this too: "mang zang" (*irritable*) and they're oft used in the same breath, or one reacting after the other ... and sure as fcuk as i've been trying to surpress these two muthafcukers ever since the morn, i think they have finally bore thru my stubbornskull ... and im suddenly calmed in the face of it all ... which
Monday, August 15, 2005
> benglish
now this is muthafcukin' killin' me! bwahahahahaha and tis whatz been keepin' me from getting another round of dreaming of Linda well-deserved sleep ... how does the dude do it?i was laffing at Rambotan's so hard, until i realized he was bengified and then i totally "died" reading Scarlett Ting's (which i lurk on mondo loads read very often as well) ... and i'd never be able to read her blog the
> gasping for AIR
now, i dunno Linda Chia personnally and i have never met her in person. the most i "know" about/of her is via her blog; AIR which i lurk on read often ... but last night? = "she was my girlfriend".(but then again, it could be just someone that resembles her a lot lor ... hhhmmm *bleh* ;p)"on-and-off-dream-girlfriend"; actually (:p) ... and there we were running around a giant shopping mall (where
> perth the movie
530am and im still sitting in front of my trusty Mac (which weren't so trusty in the morning+afternoon when i couldn't log on *ggrr*) and basically whoring plugging Perth The Movie; which i had watched again this monday evening (first time being last year's film fest, with the fiasco that was the electrical-outage which screwedup the screening for like, 4-5 times? BAH) ... and even now, i find it
Sunday, August 14, 2005
> me teeth and me
and now i have finally found a toothpaste that doesn't make me puke (every single fucking morning) when i brush my mangled teeth: Darlie's Tea Care! and i like it so much i could drink it! (and of coz i dun literally drink toothpaste ya morons ... and of coz im off me rockers and youse kiddies shouldn't drink toothpaste, yeh?)i wonder what that morning-puking condition might be tho ... sure as
> another weekend in a lifetime of weekends
and yet another week and weekend had passed. a surprising long and laborous (as compared to the week prior mayhap) week of "work", accumulating in a non-descript weekend. becoz basically: nothing happened. hardly out of the ordinary really; these past six months ... and tho im tired of this "new" routine, t'was nothing compared to the many weekends years the years past ...i remember weekends were
Friday, August 12, 2005
> instant gratification awaits?
blame it all on P ... and suddenly an old dawg's gots sum new tricks inna bag (sorta) ... tho it was a muthafcukin'+bloodpressure-raisin' downloading fiasco-event of the night lah ... but itz all good ... for now *bleh* :p
> the art of stoning
or the art of defocusing your mind.or the art of detaching yourself from your real does one stone?ya get into a personal comfort zone (most times without realizing it), be it sitting down for a cigarette or standing at a bus stop or in the middle of a boring-ass-seminar, or just about anywhere where your attention is not needed by others (or even if it did but ya couldn’t give a rat’
> my name is joe and i drive a taxi
i was told last night point-blank (via phone); that: i am "full of it".and of coz that's all that was said. no reason why. no examples given. and that im just "that" and that would be end of it.and of coz that wouldn't be the end of it. not if i can help it ...but it'll haveta be, for now anyways ... *bleh*and of coz she hadda constantly get my name wrong lah ... nahbey ... heh :pthat, and that i
Thursday, August 11, 2005
> conflicted
i know, i know ... "work" needn't actually be that tiring (and it muthafcukin' WAS the whole of fcukin' thursday) IF i had enough sleep the night prior ... but nnnoooo, i hadda crash at 4am and wakeup at 9am ... and as sure as i haveta be up by 8am friday morning, im still widefcukinawake at 245am spewing yet another round of personalbile for gawd knows why ...... oh yah, becoz i wanted to share
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
> trapped
just finished Kill Bill on dvd, in a failed attempt to divert my gnawing frustration that's seems to be boiling beneath my phantomskinsurface, stemming from a worksituation that "developed" earlier in the evening ... and tis just that i couldn't pinpoint it, nor put a bloodiedfinger on it ... until a particular scene from Kill Bill struck me like a sledgehammer coming in at Mach4 ... and tis not
Tuesday, August 9, 2005
> alas i have failed once more and sinned
(okay, bad pun for the post title ... like i care? muahahahaha ;p)and here i am; puffing away with a vengence, at 420am in the blardy morning, pulling my hairs out over a coupla "typed quotations" for a new gig ~ which i wish i never have to do any again (but alas i know it to be a pure survival neccessity) and just haveta grudgingly accept the paperwork that goes along with these sorta affairs (
> i heart my country
the temptation to wax lyrical about the nation's birthday today; is basically non-existent. for when i dig thru my mindbile and rummage thru the wastes within, i find myself wanting; when it comes to superfluous words to describe my joy of the nation's 40th.for sure i heart my country. no doubt.tho to be totally fair, it hadn't always been the smoothest of relationships (and believe me i've been
> patience, my ass
Impatience always seem to get the better of me, regardless of whatever situation i might be involved in, directly or indirectly ... and itz all due to a result of "judgement", whereby you/one "judge" whether the situation requires the appropriate response and time-reactions, hence the emergence of "impatience" ... am i losing anybody here?i know i am lost already ...the dude behind the counter is
Sunday, August 7, 2005
> another lost sunday
and so sunday came and went pretty quickly (same for saturday too i reckon) and the weekend is officially over. so much for stating the obvious, innit? but then again, "obvious" to some, might just be "totally invisible" to many ... especially for folks who've just poppedby from Mr.Brown's onesingaporeminute-link (for which i have officially stopped counting how many) and who've just grazed thru
Saturday, August 6, 2005
> weekend silly pix
ya know itz the weekend when i start ta post silly pictures ...meanwhile check out this hilarious spoof video (quicktimeonly please) - had me in stitches ... til i realized it's all quitetrue, innit? ... hhhmmm ... ;p
> go get a life, why doncha?
im confused. i dunno how to "read signs" anymore.reading between the lines is such a chore, really ... and so is pickingup hints and gawd knows im either too fcukin' slow for the uptake, or i over-react and/or overthink into an (seemingly) innocent situation ... and now i suddenly find myself left dangling in the wind ... like a balloon with the air left out ... and i swing about manically
Friday, August 5, 2005
> negate thee
my negativity has taken a life of it's own ... or maybe rather, negativity has taken over me (tho this is not new news) ... and i have pushed yet another person away from me ... and somehow what she said was true; tis not the matter of (for example) how "broke" i am physically, but how rich i am if i choose to be, and when the mind thinks that, thy mind would be "free"? "free-er"? ... sounding
> pumpin' pressures
/ something funny (IMHO) happened in the polyclinic just: while looking at the jump from the blood pressure gauge, i suddenly saw/imagined my blog hit counter was imbedded unto the machine! scary shitte tho ... and as my blood pressure climbed, so did the number of hits to my blog ... wot a mindfcuk, eh? and all becoz Mr.Brown linked me again ... tho a "parallel-and-yet-not-situation" sorta hits
Thursday, August 4, 2005
> i know him well, if at all
something boggled (for lack of a better word at 430am) me today ... and becoz im still mildly awake hence i wanna get this offa my chubby-chest too)was at a location recce in the early morn (thursday), having a puff while waiting for the rest of the team to arrive ... whereby the production coordinator (who arrived first) mentioned about a "new addition" to the team; who had mentioned that he had
> onesingaporeminute
this is what happens when yer mind is too splintered and yer need a distraction ... blame it on Mr.Brown and herein lies what living in singapore means to me, or rather what it takes to "survive" in singapore ... (and yes of coz i hadda cheat and photoshop 'em) ... heh :padded 5/8/05 ~ 3pm:check out the rest of the onesingaporeminute flickr tags here ... (gosh! seems im the only slackass who just
> dimmed survival
715pm. head buzzing from nicotine-overdose and 2 coffees in a day (which ain't exactly much, i know). feets sore from a minor location recce, not to mention an early-ass-morning wake-up. heart pounding exceptionally fast, probably becoz of the news of the postponement of my shoot (at least one of them) ... and here i sit in my room with the fast-diminishing daylight peering in from the window, as
Wednesday, August 3, 2005
> missing wednesday
twelve midnight; at the stroke of a new thursday - here i sit, finally lucid and awake (or as close as i've been in the past 24hours) and having a mild attack of desperateness and helplessness, shaken'n'stirred with a glimmer of nonchalance, that belies my filtered state of consciousness ... or maybe it's becoz i've yet to have my dinner ... or even lunch, for that matter ...t'was as if wednesday
Tuesday, August 2, 2005
> a thin veil between memory and intent
... had wanted to dedicate this entry with what had happened with my studio shoot; over the weekend past ... but strangely enough, there was this strong sense of deja-vu hanging over the air ... a wall-of-mistied-clouds barring my vision of the setting sun ... t'was as if i already had ranted-on about this a while back and that the content would basically be exactly the same, whatever it was/will
Monday, August 1, 2005
> my thanks to the armed forces
i really wanna thank the Singapore Armed Forces (SAF) for mobilizing me on sunday and thoroughly wasting my time.i wanna thank the SAF for making me miss my studio shoot for the entire afternoon. and hence not be in control of my product and letting it spiral toward mediocrity. and if this had been a paid shoot, my ass would've tore itself a newer and larger one.i wanna thank the SAF for making
Friday, July 29, 2005
> "excuse me sir/madam? where are you going, please?"
415am. tons of things left to do for the shoot. 4 hours before i awake to carry on with the grind and leave my sanctuary, to "face the world"; to show what im made of ... and im so fcukin' tired im sure im gonna disappoint everyone, including myself. fcuk >:@"positivity" does not do well in my dictionary, nor in my Top-5-Personality-Traits-Chart."disappointment" ranks pretty much high up there. "
Thursday, July 28, 2005
> home
and no, i have not showered yet. becoz depeche mode's home has been in my mind the whole of thursday, after watching their music videos on dvd the night prior ...and i love depeche mode so ... but that's another entry for another time ...HOMEfrom their album; ULTRAHere is a song from the wrong side of townWhere I'm bound to the ground by the loneliest soundAnd it pounds from within and is
> breathless
/ my only friend for the day: ye chair i bought from Ikea (as a prop), who accompanied me while i waited for my photographer to come ... slumped on it like a oiled-rag outside at the smoking area, puffing smokeclouds carelessly, cigarette dangling from numbed-fingers and me ready to snore at any given moment ... much to the delight of peeps whom eyed me with glee and surprise ... am always glad
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
> shoot
435am. i am fcuked. eyes wide opened / mind is mush / adrenaline's pumping / rigor mortis settling in. depeche mode videos screeching away beside me. depeche mode still rawks hard. anton corbijn rawks fcukinghard. . i can only wish to rawk as hard as him; if but for a miniscule fraction. i feel my eyes being gorged out / mind hammered by a feather mallet / passion shivering. and all i can do are
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
> 12,000
as i clicked unto my hit-counter, the number that flashed across the screen shocked me into silence - overnight, as i slept; 12,000 new hits had been recordered on my blog ... WAHLANEH!and then i woke up ...i hate surreal moments like that ... that state of mid-consciousness; a walking limbo between the dream world and the harsh "real world" ... laid in my bed for but a few moments, staring at
> i went to sungei road today and all i got was a toilet
heh.tis been a while since i pounded the dusty tarmac-ed lanes of Thieves' Street, better known to locals here as Sungei Road (Flea Market); an old familiar haunt of mine; for both work and pleasure ...* Insert Disclaimer = If you DON'T wanna read my longassed-story of Sungei Road And Me, ya can just cruise-on down to Basic Tips On How To Survive Sungei Road near the middle of this entry, fair
Monday, July 25, 2005
> being broke
many a times, i've heard from and/or read about various folks exclaiming about; "being broke" lah, cannot afford this and that lah yaddayaddayadda ... and most times it gets to me quite a bit; for it doesn't really seem that they are "broke" per se ... or maybe tis the many differing levels of "being broke" that i should aquaint myself with?The 3 Basic Levels Of "Being Broke"Level One:that the
Sunday, July 24, 2005
mr.gaiman and me
took me a hella time to get this "show" up and running, ever since i'd left it hanging last time round ... but it's done (for now) and there's even a quicktime video of him i made too (yes, i is such a geek *blergh*) ... tho there's actually still quite a bit i wanna go on about him, but i guess it'll stay within me, for now ... so view and read, if ya want ... tho t'would've been great if i knew
Saturday, July 23, 2005
> search links
taking a break from the "real world", here are the weirdout search topics that linked to me this week:from google: ezyvideomuscle relaxant lotionippt rt cancellationangryblogfantastic4's gamesandraliciousstills upgrading schemefrom technocrati:singapore navyxaxuesiarongkenny SPGgawd! i dunno what's happenin' on goggle, but they sure got their angles covered everywhere,
> crushed breadcrumbs
an obscure sunday noon awaited me as i leapedup from another round of dreams, so clear and yet so featherfaint; it hangs from the tip of my tongue and the corner of my mind ... the images taunting me so, moving in and out of focus and i've forgotten it so ... dammit ... and hence set the stage for yet another sunday in this life of mine ...realized not a lot of blogs are written on the weekends
> dance with me?
you know, tis gratifying to see your hit counter clocking in the numbers (tho i've not had that unique experience before ever, so hence can only "imagine" ;p), but with each hit, dunyou wonder WHO are these folks that pop by your site?(A) like-minded individuals, like my yourself? (you wish)(B) real-world friends (who are updated about your life)(C) fellow bloggers and cyber friends (most
Friday, July 22, 2005
> friday nite pix
new pix uploaded fer free looks: of mundaneness / roof / spin... words to come later ... and seeing as im @ home on a friday night, tis gonna be a looooong-ass-post ... heh :)
Thursday, July 21, 2005
have a smurfy day today
say it ain't so! and with a trilogy, no less! dang! ... and the world might turn out to be a smurfier-place after all! ... where hopefully the closest to a "terrorist", would only be the dreaded Gargamel ... and every one will be smurfing the net .... aaahhhh ... :pheck! i ain't knockin' it, yah? i think it is a smurfy-idea indeed ... tho i gotta go dredge dig up me old smurf-toys (IF i had any
> more than meets the eye
surfing thru the web lookin' fer some semblence of fun amidst (its THAT word again!) the blog-hacking-hoohas wif evil-troll-bloggers and the new London Bombings (we are ALL goin' ta shitte, we are! just you wait!), decided to track down transformer videos after scanning thru Andrew's entry, to have a looksee at how "far" it has made it's way til the now Dreamworks/Steven Spielberg's new project (
> overslept dreams i wish i could hack
do you believe in such a thing as "over-sleeping"?a lot of times peeps (me included, mind) think that we could "pay-back" lost sleep ... sleep deprived from us due to a variety of reasons and we vow to sleep "the whole day" to pay-back the hours lost prior ... and we rake in the hours unfettered? ... admittedly, at the initial juncture of my current jobless unemployed status quo, i had told
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
> snack of the gods
tis been a while since i've held a popcorn box, much less chewing-on and swallowing popcorn ... it has been a long while ... and it tasted muthafcukin~GOOD!even if it was a bit salty ... tho i like mine mixed: salted at the top and sweet at the bottom ... better still with melted butter > aaawwww man ... one fine day, i'll make my way back to Lido ... one day i paid for the popcorn, while
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