Friday, December 30, 2005

the top six of 2005

:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE / BLOGS ::tis the last day of the year 2005 and in a few short hours it'll be all but gone and forgotten (or would they really?) and so, instead of rambling on about my own "personal milestones" (and screw them "resolutions", 'coz they just be "excuses-for-stuff ya-didn't-do the-year-before", innit? *heh*) mayhap i'd liketa share this instead: The TOP 6 Most

capsule machines in singapore

:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE / STUFF / PHOTOS ::... i had initially wanted to do a (proper) write-up and feature on Capsule Toy-Dispensers ~ what we/kids call *tikam*-machines (*a Malay-slang for "trying your luck") that has taken ahold of singapore, in every blardy corner! from downtown shopping malls to the neighbourhood heartlands ... but realized i is too darn lazy and have hardly researched deep

lil angels

found and bought this lil baby for my gf, xmas just and found them Sonny Angels (mini-Figure / Animal Series) to be extremely cute leh! *hyuks* ... dug a bit deeper (basically referred to the webbie printed on the box lah :p) and found them here @ Dream6.hardly "vinyl" and seems more "hard clay"-based ... but i know not fully my "materials", so i'll just leave y'all to some pictures of the lil

in the mood for retro

:: RETRO / STUFF :: classic / modern / b-movie-trailers GALORE to be found within the Classic Trailers website, whereby tis a fount of archived-trailers for your personal retro-reviving-viewing pleasure! [via WMMNA]and of coz one of my fav categories is Superheroes! - which features the live-action Flash Gordon movie, the Captain America movie (the motorbike-helmet! *URGH*), the Flash

angel in black and white

:: MOVIES :: Director Luc Besson has a new movie out, titled: Angel.A[found via scoops]With AMELIE star Jamel Debbouze (the grocery-dude; Lucien) in the lead, the film is a French-language black and white comedy about a down-on-his-luck guy who's in trouble with some bad guys and ends up forging a friendship with his guardian angel; played by Rie Rasmussen.[read more via AICN]*babelfish alla them

psylocke revealed

:: MOVIES / COMICS ::Meiling Melancon is Psylocke in X-Men 3 and she's gonna be fighting alongside Magneto. [via Superhero Hype] *cool*this is my version of how she might look ... best bet that she'll be in bondage gear tight-leathers ... *heh* :)._.

Thursday, December 29, 2005

dragon tiger gate

discovered (late, as usual *groan*) the existence of another comic-made-into-movie, this time from the eastern side of the globe ...Dragon Tiger Gate (Long2 Hu4 Men2) is currently in production for the silver screens. based on the long-running comic book (a chronological history, in Mandarin = babelfish it here) and stars Donnie Yen, Nicholas Tse (The Promise) and Shawn Yue (Infernal Affairs,

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


:: MOVIES :: managed to (finally) catch Tigerland on DVD and personally, i think tis the best film about the vietnam war that it ain't really about it.mucho-kudos to (a very surprising) director; Joel Schumacher, who collaborated with cinematographer Matthew Libatique (Pi, and Requiem for a Dream) for a pseudo-docu-feel of the movie, as captured on 16MM film and shot in 28 days ... and the result

da jokes' in da smokes

:: MOVIES :: found this trailer for the movie "Thank You For Smoking" [via AICN] to be simply hilarious! (*wif a permamant-snigger while-watching-the-trailer attached-to-the-corner-of-my-lips hilarious, mind)"Satirical comedy follows the machinations of Big Tobacco's chief spokesman, Nick Naylor, who spins on behalf of cigarettes while trying to remain a role model for his twelve-year-old son."[

Tuesday, December 27, 2005

me blogs runneth over

:: ME BLOGS ::as promised mentioned, here are a coupla (actually three) new blogs i've started! why? becoz i is mad and delirious becoz they be free and easy to start, innit? as for "maintaining it", well, that would need more than just myself in this endeavour ... :p:: BLOG ONE :: REELNATION ::= where i focus on all things local (singaporean) film-related content, be it short films or

dream of black suits and broadswords

:: DREAMS :: the mission and scenario had changed. i was no longer a SWAT officer, instead i was a black-suit-clad private-paranormal investigator, slinging my own broadsword and entering a castle with a monster within, with a climax within an old theatre filled with violet-hued-blood ... a tale too long and labourous to relate here ... but maybe i might adapt it into something else? we shall

dream of flak-vests

:: DREAMS :: most vivid and clearest dream i can remember (for a long while now):was trudging around a shopping centre looking for gawd-knows-what when i stumble into a room filled with folks in police-riot-gear! ... i then walked around the old corridors and musky-rooms, opening various cupboards and old-skool 70's cabinet doors, flipping past stacks of old printed-documents, in search (again)

be not with me

:: MOVIES :: Eric Khoo's Be With Me was deemed "not authentic enough for the members of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences", "because, after timing the print, the Academy decided that it had too much English in it." ~ like seriously, WTF? [read more via kaijushakedown]my initial reactions and subsequent comments hereadded 30.12.2005:wahlaneh! didn't realize this story was reported in

fearless end

:: MOVIES :: "Fearless is the story of Fok Yuen-gap (Huo Yuan-jia), a national hero in China and master arts master at the beginning of the 20th century, who early on experiences the dark, vengeful side of wushu. He eventually rises to embrace its more positive side by taking on some of the world's greatest fighters in a sporting competition that takes place at a time when a distressed China

a xmas food chronology

:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE / FOOD ::whilst "polishing up" my other entries (*but how can ya ever polish a turd?*, some may ask), howz about a X-Mas Food Chronology? yes im reaching but i care not *HAH* /// CLICK TO READ:: XMAS EVE LUNCH ::partaked of the Goodwood Park Hotel's X-mas Lunch Buffet in it's Coffee Lounge, and breaking one of my own work/personal commandments: "always recce the location

Monday, December 26, 2005

kong does kristmas

:: PHOTOS / TOYS ::and lo the xmas season had just left us ... leaving behind a bloated-tummy and a sleepy disposition that nestles within my lulled-mind ... xmas was good and chill. fed ourselves silly-nilly and partaked of dvds galore. and all i have left to share is this? =*Kong Does Kristmas*Disclaimer: dun worry folks, i dun write for a living, so just enjoy them pictures, yah? *

Thursday, December 22, 2005

merry x-mas y'all!

:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE / BLOG ::and i'll be away til after X-mas = loadsa stuff to do and eat, yah? *burp* :pstuff to do when i'm back: i'll talk King Kong, Tigerland and The Promise. a long-overdue piece on Blade. i've loaded-up on a coupla weeks' worth of comics too, so i'll rave-on about them as well. a coupla music albums i'd liketa share, as well as a coupla new blogs i've started (*GROAN*


:: MOVIES :: Memoirs Of A Geisha is apparantly opening this weekend, "worldwide". (but not in singapore yet *ggrrr*) controversy and accusations notwithstanding, it initially irked me (somewhat fierce); when i first heard Zhang Zi Yi and Michelle Yeoh "speak" in Engrish. (didn't get to hear Gong Li speak, so can't comment :p) i couldn't fanthom the decision in using non-Japanese actors, to ACT as


the exquisite detailing and effort of love put into these model train dioramas (above image) by Peter Feigenbaum, is both an inspiration and a sight to behold. i first saw these photos @ Vestal Design and am reminded again of them today; via WMMNA.i've always had an interest and soft-spot for "dioramas" ... the earliest memory being piling/lining up the dining chairs and bamboo-poles (for hanging


the artiste listing for Beck's Guerolito remix-album reads like a wet dream promising excursion into alternative-dancescapes ... altho personnally, there are times past when remixes actually make the original song "better" or "more interesting", which is gravy ... but there are oft times when it's on the opposite end of the spectrum ... the thing about remix albums (or even songs) that "bugs" me

thrillkiller figures

:: TOYS :: < the Elseworlds/Thrillkiller figures, which i talked about a while back, is in (local) comicshops today. an early x-mas surprise which im sure will put smiles on fanboys+girls' faces. it sure did mine!sure as i am not ("not anymore") in the habit of picking-up blister-packed figures/toys, one look and i knew i had wanted them! the ThrillKiller/Batman fig was ace, with a right mixture

me blog banners

:: ME BLOG ::due to "popular demand" (actually only one person asked for it lah, right Laynie? :p), here are some banners for y'all, if so ya wanna link to me lah *blush* :p *MORE options available (with code) HERE**heh*._.

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

waka waka waka

:: STUFF :: aawww man, this stupid video cracked me up and bad! @ 2 in the morning gawddammit! [blame it on BoingBoing] ... tis a giant Pac-Man screaming and running away from "waka waka waka"-shouting, Ghost = *aiyoh* + wif a heavy dash of WTF? and a tinge-sprinkling of "haw-haw-kewlness" ... anyways, go play the real-deal here or here ... while i go find something more worthwhile doing at 2+am

from sketch to screen

:: DESIGN ::had just completed a teevee design project for AXN, titled Samsung Sports World, which is slated to go on air @ 830pm (singapore time) tonight! ... i'd liketa share with ya'll here; a short visual chronology from design sketch to screen: the initial design sketch of the (current) proposed set (after a coupla rounds of "developementals" already, mind). my concept was going for more of

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

super collage

:: DESIGN :: and let the teeming visual chaos engulf you and carry you forth to a trippy wonder-journey down your subconscious future-past, a flashback-of-your-life-before-neardeath, a soundscape of hollowed madness echoing silently within the bowels of thy memory-marshlands, a sharp but gentle poke in your mind's eye, a culture-schlock to thy life's tortured-teachings and learned-love-lessons;

last-ing christmas

:: MUSIC :: *egads* = FIFTEEN cover-versions of Wham's Last Christmas? [via Stereogum]i mean, me lurvin' retro (and the 80's) is one thing, but George Michael riding "Reindeer"-Andrew Ridgeley? (image taken from Copy,Right?) *shudder-da-wee-elves* ... tho am sure this song'll go down well with the local karaoke crowd come X-mas parties this coming weekend, innit? ... heck, i know i would give it

ghost rider revealed

[via Superhero Hype]images of ol' blazing-skull-head ("Ghost Rider" to you fanboys out there) are shown online at the official website / click on "the rider revealed" / to see a 10-second clip of GR in action! ... as much as i had feared Nic Cage's (dude's lookin' tad older here, innit?) and the director's involvement with this flick - with the spiked-shoulders, trademark burning-skull and a

fraggle rock-on

:: MOVIES / TEEVEE :: a Fraggle Rock FILM in development? *GASP* heck, i might be 3month's late but tis still news to me! *HAH* "Dance your cares away, Worry's for another day. Let the music play, Down at Fraggle Rock." ... and i usedta lurve them Doozers! ... i wonder who else's gonna make a "comeback"? Alf? ... and of coz there's The Smurfs lah ... *heh*linkies:> fraggle rock @ IMDB +

furry groovy horned hat

:: MUSIC / VIDEOS :: my new favourite music video of the week (and tis still a wednesday, innit?); Jamiroquai's first animated (Don't) Give Hate A Chance = lovin' the furry hat wif horns (looks like Beaker from da Muppets, dun it? wish someone'll make that into a toy, innit? :p) and the lil critter's grooves! *heh* [via]this uber-fun video was directed by Alex & Martin, who are French

Monday, December 19, 2005

coldplay does madonna

:: MUSIC ::Coldplay does Madonna's Hung Up. [a shitea$$ lo-fi version, via madonnalicious] ... altho everything sounds like coldplay eventually now, dun it? *heh* ... the world is at an end tis indeed an age of "collaborations" and "homages", as Madonna takes over the world again genres cross ... it's either that or parodies like these [via fadedyouth] *shuuder* muahahahah :p ... and to round-out

nippon teevee madness

:: TEEVEE / VIDEOS :: now, who could pass-up on shrieking japanese girls crazy japanese teevee game shows? [via boingboing]> watch ball grabber for fetish of running after and grabbing at japanese girlies Bob Sapp playing a game of "catch" with the girls.> watch meat head for fetish of shrieking japanese girls when they see a reptile crazy stunts like putting a slab of meat on their heads (!)

trexis @ kinokuniya

:: TOYS ::exclusive to local (singapore) kinokuniya stores; 4 Trexis in different colours, released in alternative weeks. here's the front and back designs ... also undoubtably watch for it on ebay, in the days to come ... :pi've gotten the hot-pink one and it actually looks purdy good = *nice* :) ... altho it does remind me of the days of "multiple comic covers" (where ya hadda buy, like 6

Sunday, December 18, 2005

the death of my new jeans

:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE ::CHRONOLOGY:saturday 17.12.052030hrs ~ bought my new "snug-fit" black jeans at Zara (great world city branch) for SGD$59.90 (after discount). *cool*sunday 18.12.051430hrs ~ sent my jeans for length alterations at Peninsula Hotel Shopping Center, Basement. (1/2-hour service @ $3 only!)-1900-2300hrs ~ wore new "snug-fit" black jeans for wedding dinner.-monday 19.12.052345-

Friday, December 16, 2005

wonder mod

:: RETRO :: and from my current "favouritest" retro-blog; World Of Kane, comes a collection of comic-book covers of the '60s ~ where Wonder Woman ditches her superhero-threads and golden-lasso for karate and MOD duds! go check it out here :) *uber groovy, baby!*sorry, i couldn't help but utter the cliche ... and i couldn't help but find Nautipuss extremely sexy hilarious ... *heh*well, just hope

edit this

:: MOVIES / TRAILERS :: i would like to have said that i "loved" the new V-For-Vendetta trailer [via AICN], but sadly, i am not convinced enough, yet ... not even enough to wanna grab screenshots altho the red-dominos toppling looked like a pretty cool premise, i can only but say that mayhap in me tiny mind the trailer does help warrant some interest in the upcoming movie (maybe just not to me),


:: STUFF / TOYS :: < would you pony-up USD$300 for this spacegun?heck, i ain't here to bustup anyone's biznez, but *aiyoh* ~ i am speechless ... and anyways, most toys out there now are made-in-china anyways, innit? and they have taken over the world, they have ... *heh*._.

cuttin' cheese

:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE ::18:34PMi dunno about you, but i think tis an effin' crime to fart in a taxi-cab. especially if you've just got on ... and the smell engulfs you like nanoscopic-locusts (good tag for a movie, eh? *copyrighting alla this shitte* and molests your nostrils until it bleeds out of your eyes ... and you bear with it coz it's mofo hot ouside and ya want to feel/enjoy the cool air


:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE ::some might ask/say that the army training that all us singaporean boys (haveta go thru), trains us to be tolerant of the heat, or at least be able to "take it", to which i say; "TOTAL BOLLOCKS!". it just makes us abhor/hate/detest it even more. but that's just me.with the current 31-degrees-odd filling the humid day-air these past december days, it actually has become is a

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

punk pix

:: RETRO :: [via WMMNA]while i claim not to have been a punk, nor have i indulged in said lifestyle nor taste, but i haveta say that after seeing thru Andy Rosen's London Punks collection of photographs on Flickr ~ brought back loads of 80's memories tho! ( and of coz i am afterall an 80's child *heh*) ... with the likes of Heaven 17, David Sylvian of Japan, Simon LeBon of Duran Duran, Midge Ure

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

beneath the veil

:: PHOTOS / BLOGS ::reworkingreusedrandomimages @ my multiply >*all images either drawn by or photographed by myself, unless otherwise stated*= basically rehashed images from this here blog lah :p*heh*._.

wooden nano tofu box

:: STUFF ::a TO-FU iPod Nano Wooden Case for your consideration. is this a legit devilrobots' product? am not really sure about the tagline "Happy Accident in 7Days" tho ... doesn't exactly bring forth "positive-premeditated-vibes", does it? *heh*i can hear the muffled-clasping of the wooden-casing already ~ *nifty item, i reckon*._.

masked hero wear

:: FASHION :: < MASKED-hooded sweatshirts available online now. [via coolhunter][first seen on coolhunting, then coolhunter here+here]why refer to these hoodies as "terrorist clothing", when plainly they function in a more obvious, "positive" and "constructive" way?they are just downright near perfect for you Urban SuperHeroes!that's right! be the 'Man-Spider', or the 'Security-Guard-Guy', or

Monday, December 12, 2005

more newuniverse news

:: COMICS :: more news of the newuniverse @ comicbookresources, with heap-fulla newkewl cover-art and story synopsis. go read ... also read about the brief history of the old/new universe @ newsarama.*Comics Are Your Friends* :)added 31.12.2005:dun ask me why, but i managed to dig-up some effin' old (and highly embarassing!) doodles of some New-U characters i drew yonks ago ... and scanned them (

miami vice online

:: MOVIES :: talked about them before and now they are online. with a trailer, no less [via AICN] = that's a slight pain-in-da-ass to navigate and gain access to. *"registration" to view a trailer is bogus* but of coz i conceed becoz i is a movie-trailer-whore *BAH*a sketchy-trailer fueled by LinkinPark/Jay-Z's NUMB, with quick edits and evasive shadows, totally very-Michael Mann

viking rawk'n'roll robo smash

:: VIDEO / ANIMATION :::this video: made and invigorated my day somewhat :)[via warrenellis]titled: War Photographer ~ this rawk'n'roll viking musical adventure comes filled with killer guitar-riffs (literally), giant robo action and tricked-out decimation marching bands ~ with music/trickedouttunes from Jason Forrest and (flash!) video designed+done by Joel Trussell (excellent, excellent designs


:: STUFF :: Paramount Pictures ACQUIRES Dreamworks SKG for $1.6Billion. [via Buzzscope / WSJ+Defamer]not exactly shaking in my inner-boots way down here in singalalaland, for sure ... but what of the ramifications? if any? coz in the end, tis nothing but a "business", innit? (mofo-high-profit too, mind) ... even tho tis a business of dollars and cents "entertainment" .. and what a powerhouse "

mission improbable

:: MOVIES :: > for alla youse Tom Cruise lovers-fans: the M:I:3 / aka Mission Impossible 3 teaser trailer is out. complete with a new teaser poster [via AICN] = which surprisingly does not feature a Tom Cruise/Ethan Hunt profile! but of coz this is just the teaser lah! *nyuknyuknyuk*now, i dun hate Tom Cruise in the least (his religion and marriage hoo-ha notwithstanding) - at least he comes out

movie weekend wrap-up

:: MOVIES ::*Disclaimer: Movies watched during the weekend last, with spoilers galore = so be warned!* :p: PERHAPS LOVE :tagline:"Budgeted with almost US$10 million, Perhaps Love is set in modern-day Beijing and Shanghai of the 1930s, starring Zhou Xun (Baober in Lover, Suzhou River), Takeshi Kaneshiro (House of Flying Daggers, Returner) and Jacky Cheung (Jiang Hu, Golden Chicken 2). Director

of newuniverses and re-imagined heroes

:: COMICS :: the one (and only) "thing" about the New Universe (circa 1986), which i liked was that they were "supposed" to happen in "real time" ... which most meant a "month" had passed in-bewteen each issue ... sorta like a "reality-tv-ish-premise", except that it's on a printed comic ... and of coz i was one of those suckahs bought almost every first issues of each comic and mayhap even

Thursday, December 8, 2005

punkrawk antoinette

:: MOVIES :: from Sophia Coppola (Lost In Translation) comes a new(age) period-biopic = Marie-Antoinette. see the movie trailer :here: [via AICN]"Based on Antonia Fraser's biography of Marie Antoinette, a naïve 14-year-old Austrian and queen of France. At a young age, she was arranged to marry Louis XVI and was very unprepared for the woes of politics. She continued to be ridiculed by France and

subtitles gone wrong

:: STUFF / MOVIES :: < i didn't know Hobbits spoke Singlish?"what food u got?" = i coulda sworn someone from my army-reservist unit asked me that yonks ago, nestled within the darkened harsh-jungles of some-forgotten grassland, somewhere lah ... ;paltho the second caption had me laughing like a twit-wif-a-fit when i read it! and of coz, t'would warrant a R21-rating in sunny singalalaland, heck,


:: STUFF :: Terrorist Has No Idea What To Do With All This Plutonium >[via neilgaiman]laughed myself sillynilly while reading this, then i realized it ain't that farnie after all ... for if only that were the truth and mayhap the world would be ... aaw heck lah ... that's why i'd rather ignorantly blissout on go on about toys, comics, movies and stuff ... *heh* :pheck, this is also for alla youse

Wednesday, December 7, 2005


:: TOYS ::> possible new Qee shape for '06 [via Vinyl Pulse]*enough of the nozzle-heads already!**IMHO, of coz*._.

supersize upsized

:: MOVIES / ART :: finally watched Morgan Spurlock's Supersize Me just (so sue me im slow *BAH* :p) and all i could think of was gobbling down a Big Mac and mayhap an Apple Pie, washed down wif a bigcuppa Sprite ... WTF was i thinking?and a hohum-documentary/movie it turned out to be (IMHO), tho entertaining as it was it deterred me not much (perhaps i was too hungry then, to be deterred!) ...

2 more X-Men images found

:: MOVIES :: i can always trust Superhero Hype to comeup wif da good shitte and they have, with 2 found hidden X-Men images amidst the website = Colossus and Mystique! and all i could do was click around the site before like a frenzied maniac hoping for a secret to be revealed *BAH* ... *fanboys rawk!*i've always been pretty much a fan of Colossus, since my first X-Men-comic way back when ... and

Tuesday, December 6, 2005

indie films

:: MOVIES ::The 50 Greatest Independent Films < go see what's on the list! [via]me? with less than half of the 50 flicks remembered watching somehow watched and at least half from the Top Ten = *i am ashamed* *sob*

sounds of abstinence

:: MUSIC :: Available NOW = 43 Top Web Hits from across the blogosphere! including the hits:~ "Meme, Myself and I"~ "I Shouldn't Really Say This About My Employer, But..."~ "Another Day, Another Sandwich Filling"~ "Nobody Likes A Show-Off (Wish I'd Been Published Too)"~ "All My Friends Have Blogs Now"~ "I Only Really Come To Life When Flirting In The Comments"~ "You Don't Really Know Me (You


:: STUFF / COMICS ::*sorry, i couldn't resist* ... *heh*._.

Monday, December 5, 2005

more X3 images

: MOVIE / COMICS :new images featured in the X3 site, in addition to the ones i've featured prior, for which i'd chat "briefly" about here:: The Juggernaut / Jean Grey / Magneto :the chest details' looking mighty fine; where Juggernaut's uniform is concerned = nice and chunky :) ... altho the helmet and criss-cross-leather-binding-ish look smacks me S&M-sideways, i'll quibble not, for now ...Jean

X3 teaser launched and deduced

: MOVIE / COMICS :the NEW X-Men 3 Announcement Teaser Trailer is out. don't wait. = go check out both the regular and high-definition versions :: here ::based on the trailer: the color palette seems more intense now = cool. with a heightened (TVC) sense of "realism/hyper-realism" - which i insist a movie of this calibre and magnitutde requires and needs, IMHO ... and from what i see so far? it

one way ticket to hell

: MUSIC : t'was with fond memories of The Darkness' previous album when i pickedup the current new release, the weekend just ... and personally, i was a tad disappointed. seems the glam-edge had left somewhat, leaving behind a veiled residue of poser-pop-glam ... hard words, i suppose, but what came out of my speakers moved me not one iota, as much as the previous album did - and moved me it did!

ultimate animated

:: ANIMATION / COMICS ::The Ultimates Animated DVD:screenshots of the dvd viewed :here: and/or :here: [via Superhero Hype] seems to follow quite closely to Bryan Hitch's artwork (and Paul Neary of coz) on the first volume, which is of coz quite a blast and highly appreciative for us fanboys (IMHO) ... altho there's something to be said about the "translation" from comic-to-animated format, which

thing smash hulk

:: TOYS / LIFE IN SINGAPORE ::for singapore toy-collectors: Fantastic Four 12" roto-figures going for SGD$9.90 per piece @ Suntec City Tower 3/4 Atrium (outside Carrefore) Ground Level. everyone's there, except Sue Storm, which has her in "invisible mode" only. pickedup Ben and Johnny ... deliberated getting Victor Von Doom (for a possible kitbash laters) but alas, my wallet weakened ... *heh*._.

from PCscreens to comicracks to silver screen to toyshelves

:: MOVIES / COMICS ::withess an "evolution" of a concept/property:from computer game to comicbook adaptation to feature film; Bloodrayne personifies represents the current trend in concept properties (for lack of a better term becoz i is ignorant) and of how an "evolution" of said property survives and triumphs (or fails) in the consumer culture of the 'not-so-new-anymore' millennium and fer

Sunday, December 4, 2005

(some) x-men3 images revealed

:: MOVIES COMICS ::images of X-Men 3 characters revealed *here*, as reported by Superhero Hype!personally, Angel's wings look like a halloween-appendage (or maybe the image of Gabriel's wings still lingers deliciously in my mind?) and maybe tis too early to say about Storm's hair-do ... tis as if she's seen a demon-spirit and the trauma had caused her hair to turn ash ... (too much Constantine /

comics mode monday

Stephen King + Jae Lee + Marvel Comics = Dark Tower.mayhap for a novel-reading-philistine (ie: hardly evah!) like myself, King's movie adaptations are more familiar to me, so i can hardly work-up a drool ~ which doesn't say i dun much care (*disclaimer-city* in-case the comic's a hit and King suddenly rawks my world*! *MUAHAHAHAH* :p) ... BUT, i've always been a huge fan of Jae Lee and from the

Saturday, December 3, 2005

kitty kicks a$$

:: STUFF / POP / ANIMATION ::from animator Saiman Chow comes *Hello Kitty vs Video Game Robot*! [via BoingBoing]sorta reminds me a tad of a commercial i did for McDonald's a whiles back ... wish i had the footage/video to show for it tho ... oh how Hello Kitty has "evolved" into today's pop culture icon! :p*heh*._.

what's for x-mas dinner, mummy?

:: TOYS ::Frank Kozik's Smoked Labbit Ala Chef Motorbot ;p [via Vinyl Pulse]*YUUUMMMS* ~ *dun mind if i had seconds?._.

just in time for x-mas

:: STUFF :: [thanx Sydney!]something to consider getting for the "kids" this year ...*heh*._.

Friday, December 2, 2005

spiked jonze

:: STUFF / VIDEO ::watch *the new TVC for GAP* = *BWAHAHAHAHAAHAHHAHAHA*[via boingboing]hey, X-mas is just around the corner and this might be giving shoppers and sales-staff some ideas, innit? *nyuknyuk* ... aiyah, Spike Jonze is a nutter lah! but in a good-nuttylicious-way! *ahahahahaha* :p ... tho ima kicking myself for not pickingup his DVD when i had the chance *gggrrrrr* ... and so i shall

pierce thy fragile vinyl desires

aren't these prickly-creatures freekin' adorable? *aiyoh* ima gushing like a wee toddler needing his vinyl-fix *twitch-twitch* = from tokidoki; the brainchildcreation of Simone Legno comes The Cactus Friends! (in conjunction with StrangeCo, 'natch) ... i can already see; Sandy (5.5" tall), Bastardino (3" short) and Sabochan (6" high); nestled snuggly under me x-mas tree ... if i had a x-mas tree

mash it up

:: MUSIC :: < this shitte really is pretty good; i haveta admit ... and altho Queen's more "my era" *cough-cough* and hence the appreciation is thusly skewered - but it dun matter, dunnit? this ain't no hasty product of hotwired-tunes ~ tis done proper-ish and good (IMHO) and dun matter if its a mashup or remix or whatevah = i enjoyed myself thoroughly! ~ *Bohemian Wanksta*? ~ *BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA* =

new tribesmen

:: TOYS :: "Meet Maphi, Phorix, Snaphina and Saphii. This family of 4 come as members of the the Molvox Tribe that roam the deserts and scrublands of Monsterism Island."new 8-inches of vinyl-goodness from Pete Fowler and available @ Playbeast. [via StrangeCo]i love it when they have a back-story to them, not just "merely" toys, but seemingly *vinyl-depictions* of creatures living amongst us! (or

AVFVP :: vol.02

*Assorted Videos For Viewing Pleasure* MOVIEview the teaser trailer for M.Night Shyamalan's new bedtime story; Lady In The Water (starring Paul Giamatti) ~ the "love story" of a human and a narf ...or would that be "narfs"?..................................................................................................................... MOVIEJohnny Depp looking ever the right dapper dishevelled

Thursday, December 1, 2005

the darkness to come

:: MOVIES / COMICS :: when i first read that the Pang Brothers were gonna helm the big-screen adaptation of the Top Cow Production's The Darkness, i did a double-take. (not least becoz for a split-second i thought they were gonna do a bio-pic of the band ;p) - moreso becoz of how i felt that they've "arrived@" / "broken into" hollywoodland, quite a way from the 1999's Bangkok Dangerous ~ and i

an axe to grind

:: COMICS :: i've never been truly a big-fan of Thor ... altho i did enjoy his "existence", if only for a "short" run when Walter Simonson helmed the comic and when John Romita Jr drew it ... other than that, were but smatterings of random purchases here+there ... and t'was no big surprise when i managed to missed out on the "Death" Of Thor event ... do gods *truly* die?...and now i read with

miami vice velly nice

:: MOVIES / RETRO ::as i wuz rummaging cruising down the retro-highway, i came across this report [via monkeypeaches] = whereby my "pathetic-lack-of-current-news-coverage-apologies" gave in to *shock* of the news of an updated MOVIE-version of Miami Vice! *GASP*and hoping that Gong Li's role as Isabella ain't gonna be just another "token oriental" role; "cuban/chinese"-inclusive,

i *heart* Cylons

i've always thought that Cylons were real kickass moforobos, in their chrome, sleek-black outfits, and even the "skirt" (!) and the (Knight Rider/KITT-ish) red-moving eye-lights! heck, i like them slightly even more than Stormtroopers...*slightly* ;pokay, and maybe also i *heart* Colonial Vipers. Colonial Vipers *RAWKS!* = *both new and old skool* ... heck, i remembered vaguely building one out


:: TEEVEE :: an orphaned boy grown up / entering into priesthood / but struggling with feelings for girl / another man vies for her affections / girl is torn / man is torn / girl gets terminal illness / ya know the dramamama-drill ;pLove Letter = a korean telly-series (screening nightly on the phoenix cable-channel) that's been keeping my family glued to the googlebox near every night, with
My Zimbio
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