Wednesday, November 30, 2005

perth wins

as reported in the straits times LIFE section today: *Perth* (a movie i production designed for) had won the following prizes @ the 11th Lyon Asian Film Festival (2 weeks ago in France): First Public Award for New Asian Cinema. First Press Award for Best Film. Third Public Award for Best Film. Third Junior Jury Award.and i am elated and proud to have been involved in the production, and can

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

the david lynch daily report

watch David Lynch's Daily Report. (changes daily *duh* ;p) - most times on the weather (in L.A.), sometimes irreverent. as sure as i've loved his earlier works (Twin Peaks**, Dune, Blue Velvet), i find myself wordless to describe this ... but then again ya can't really fault a guy who draws The Angriest Dog In The World, innit? *heh*._.

making your own online movies

the technology is here = you can now make your own movies online, via video-game technology. read all about it @ WMMNA, while i try to make sense of it all ... the sheer possibilities of which are quite mindboggling (for the ramifications might be bigger and further reaching than what people expect the harbringer of doom is i), tho the current final result is far from a polished product by which


downloaded this (more sizes here) [via Stereogum] yesterday, spending near 2 hours just; figuring out what's what and an hour photoshopping it (dun ask me why i did it *dun*) ... and i give up all i got was only 38-artistes i is weak i know *sob* ;p(._.") *vision blurring* ("._.) and after checking out Double Viking, the list of "missing artistes" (great deductions most) has gone effin' varied

lizard versus bear

whatssup wif alla these kungfu reptiles and mammals, eh?from Dreamworks comes Kung Fu Panda (2008 release).and from our very own shores; Kung Fu Gecko, from Egg Story Creative Productions.and as i swell with nationalistic pride watch the Kung Fu Gecko movie trailer here.... personally, the music doesn't really do much for me IMHO, and can only hope that this is just the teaser trailer = *but it's

a movie in 2D

the ever trusty superherohype had just posted screenshots of storyboards of the X-Men 3 sneak preview that is available on the soon-to-be-released Fantastic Four DVD! (which is an added bonus for me, 'coz i've yet to see the movie! *urgh* :p)quite "exciting" really, to see "work in progress" (regardless of mediums) of the highly anticipated X-men franchise movie (or any other movie) to come ...

worried about a little papercut?

[via boingboing]free downloadable papercraft playsets from Home Star Runner available, for which i find a purdy cool thing indeed; ie: free :p ... which reminded me of another online portal i used to frequent loads (when i first started): Jaime Zollars' wonderful Paper Forest site (go check it out now); with links galore to various other online papercraft entities, including this featured

Monday, November 28, 2005

the mindgames we indulge in

with the resfest and animation nation festivities behind us/me, i can only but sadly say; i had only partaked of this single anime movie hence, which is of coz; a real bummer. (damn inertia having to work for a livin'!) altho what a ride it was = with mind-boggling frantic-chaos zipping across screen, forgoing all boundaries of visual sense at most times, with a color-barrage to the senses, a

AVFVP :: vol.01

*Assorted Videos For Viewing Pleasure*diggin' thru my bookmarks and cruising the www has provided me with some videos i'd liketa share wif y'all here: music videos:from the folks down at Worms Eye Films (featured in times past online for their Since You've Been Gone video), comes a coupla new music videos they've created for Morningwood and Five O'clock Heroes. am likin' the retro-fun they seem

of pink stormtroopers and the reimaged world of SW

"GAY EMPIRE! This legendary bootleg from the SUCKADELIC sweatshop is rumored to be the first GAY action figure ... Be the first on your block to own this historical piece of shoddy plastic while there is still time.""A mystery man known for his stylish battle suits and inventive gadgetry, the SUCKLORD 75 is motivated by an unnatural lust for Fame, Wealth, and Women."found these lil

Friday, November 25, 2005

it's alive

... if even Warren Ellis "features" it, it must be good, innit? *heh* :p:: view quicktime teaser trailer here / or here ::[oh, i geddit! it's a video game! ... and here i thought they were making a bio-pix of an 80's new wave band, innit?]*heh* DOA : Dead Or Alive is a new movie adaptation of the video game series - as directed by Corey Yuen (Transporter, So Close) ... heck, with a buncha hot

the rising tied to me

riding the afternoon train / headfull of Shinoda burrowinginto my subconscious / runaway thoughts and emotions/ frenzied scribbles = my humble thoughts so far ... *read more HERE after the jump*:: Fort Minor on The Rising Tied ::it ain't about kickin' it. it ain't about da blingbling. it ain't about the 'hoes. it ain't about the gangsta-bruddahs ... it's about "life" and a man that's lived and

those darn rejects

found this while cruising my thru links of links of my usual links (ya know how it goes):Best Rejected Advertising = a website dedicated to showcase "campaigns cancelled by advertising standard authorities on grounds of decency rules and ethics" ~ all of which are fully published in a forthcoming book. [found via *NSFW*] *heh*IMHO; some where creatively created while some were outright

Thursday, November 24, 2005

nanu nano

(*sorry, could never forget the Mork'n'Mindy reference when the nano came out* BLEH)wuz wondering if they would have this >> available here? ... then i realized (*split-second-crashzoom*) that i dun even have an iPod, much less a Nano, much less a shuffler! *dammit* (am still a naive believer of compact discs whirling in a discman :p) and hence no reason to own this "toy" whatsoever, innit? ...

linkin park music videos listing

with all the excitement over Mike Shinoda's new album, i myself was caught in a frenzy of a dearthly silent friday morning needing to be brimfilled with ye good 'ol Linkin Park music videos and hence here i am with a complied list of LP-MVs, as available free on YouTube (*and becoz i have not searched anywhere else on the net slackass that i am - which might of coz change when i find the time to

rising minor

Fort Minor is a solo project set up by Linkin Park EmCee Mike Shinoda, with the new album; The Rising Tied - executive produced by Jay-Z, as well as a shitteload of serious collaborators. *dude ain't mucking about in the value department, innit?* :p*read more HERE after the jump*personally, it's my current *pseudo-linkin-park-fix* = no disrespect to Shinoda, whatsoever dood! (becoz he is too "

aliens amongst us

new from director Neill Blomkamp, who brought us the (by now infamous) citroen (dancing transformer) ad and tetra vaal, concocts a thinly veiled commentary on Apartheid new journey down where aliens live among us (specifically South Africa, as per his previous Tetra Vaal), titled: Alive In Joburg. [via Drawn!]go watch this *81MB* quicktime video HERE = very clever usage of available resources and

Wednesday, November 23, 2005


[more random shots @ my flickr page]a spanking new Apple shop (it sure ain't no "fruit stall" dey!) opened @ orchard cineleisure just = iShop ~ for which i had the "pleasure" of visiting only during closing time ... which is just as well, coz im afraid i'd be spending moolah i dun have on gadgets i desire crave want don't need ... for now *heh*Fashion meets IT ~ as local fashion retailer Club

holy lion city batman!

Batman dropped-by Singapore ("much earlier" than x-mas) yesterday and i managed to snap some "exclusive" pictures ...introducing Bat's new partner-in-training; "Bat-Chick-In-Lycra" ... nifty foot-work for a crime-fighter, no?and then there were more Bat-dancers, bathed in the pink glow of gotham's grime and they danced all night *tra~la~la*perched atop the third storey, Bats readies himself for

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

the disappearing line between 3D + 2D

ever since reading about PES making his shortfilms downloadable unto PSP, i've gone back to where once i raved about - to discover some new content on his website; namely "The Making of" both "Kaboom" and "Roof Sex" (which i think is mofo-effin' brilliant) - as well as a *new* category titled; "Photos".*PES rawks me world* ~ no doubt, no doubt at all.and seeing that im (currently) in the spirit

lego camera

click-on to read about the creation of a homemade 35mm Lego Pinhole Camera here[via Core77]when the line between play-toy and functioning item is blurred = *uber-kewl* :)me? im still struggling with my two-month-old second-hand Holga 120N (with no flash) ... heck, i haven't even bought any film yet! *aiyoh*._.


a new series of Mimobots have just been released, called the goSeries.(designed by Yahid Rodriguez)[via Coolhunting]Galaxor, Vera, Tab2 and Jolibear (clockwise from top-left) will be available in capacities ranging from 256MB to 2GB and with only 500 of each mimobot produced, this'll probably go fast (especially during the december / holiday season), so go online and order yours im still

dream a lil online dream

a month ago, today yesterday: My blog is worth $5,645.40.How much is your blog worth? not that it matters much at all, tis just that i wish this virtual-moolah could somehow be turned into "online-purchase-points" for toys, comics and stuff, innit? *heh* :p*muahahahahahahaha* = *dream-on fat boye*._.

super ken and reporter barbie

fresh-off Superhero Hype, comes the announcement of Superman Returns - Barbie Dolls?"Now there's a Lois Lane "Barbie" doll due to be released in December, and she'll be joined by a Superman "Ken" doll. Both come in packaging featuring the "Superman Returns" artwork, including a picture of Brandon Routh as Superman. Both dolls also come with a "Superman Returns" poster inside. Note: Images shown

desolation is bliss

just put down issue #4 of Desolation Jones and i haveta say; this da good shitte, dooood! not least ima suckingup hard for defacing his Edison serial priorfrom the warped genius mind of Warren Ellis springs Desolation a nutty-shell:An officially-dead British secret agent goes underground in LA, a ghost community of ex-spooks, old-skool-ultra violence and drugs, Hilter's home-made-porn

crank it up

view the 8-minute video of the US$100 Laptop [via Andy Cavin / via]which i thought was simply-brilliant = self-sustaining without external influence ... and not to doubt the sincerity (NOT at ALL) of the notion of providing a laptop for those who need it the most, in the name of education and all, of coz ... just hope there won't be too much of www-censorship-issue in time to comes, coz

when comics and movies get it on

THE FOUNTAIN, a new 176 page oversized graphic novel from filmmaker Darren Aronofsky (the director of Ο€and requiem for a dream) and acclaimed painter/artist Kent Williams (Blood: A Tale, Destiny: A Chronicle of Deaths Foretold) is slated to release in november. It is adapted from Aronofsky's original screenplay for the movie, and tis a "story so grand", one medium couldn’t contain it. Aronofsky

Monday, November 21, 2005

an age of retro revival

the one thing that struck me the most while watching Disney's Sky High, was not of the various rip-off of superhero comicbook characters super-powered teens and the expected-disney-safe-celluloid-ride, but rather the retro-sounding soundtrack ... and after a little sleuthing 'round google, turns out that the ENTIRE soundtrack were covers of 80's songs! no wonder most of them sounded familiar ...

10-inches of play-goodness

not content with the success of 3-inch Trexis new 10-inch Trexi figures to hit Dec'05/Jan'06![info found via Ningyoushi and Vinyl Pulse](and yes i am slow gawddammit *urgh*)participating artists include:darren gan (co-founder of Trexi + creative director of Play Imaginative)david horvathnyc lasejoe ledbettertokidoki*cool line-up* IMHO :) ... read about what them there 10-inchers are all about ("

i need some fine wine and you, you're just hung up

cheesy blog-entry-title notwithstanding coupla new CDs fillin' up me roomspace past few days; The Cardigan's Super Extra Gravity and Madonna's Confessions On A Dance Floor. (am not paid for these amazon-links, just so ya know ... should i be? *heh*)am liking The Cardigans' new album loads. crisp pop/rock tunes with delayed-angst filtering out = a rockier and "edgier" (i hate that term, but it

sin awaits thee

lo and behold, comicbook-inspiration has taken new heights with the opening of this Sin City-themed BAR in Japan;[via Crazyjapan, via Riding Sun, via Ain't-It-Cool-News]*i wonder what Frank Miller himself thinks of this?*complete with character-inspired-cocktails/drinks and theme-rooms (can only imagine Miho's Room filled with weapons and such :p) and of coz; "Showdancers" ... *ahem* of coz, if

and in the vinyl corner

see the evolution of a designer vinyl figure, in this case; Muttpop's Tequila figure, via Vinyl Pulse's "Tequila Revealed" 21-part feature! ~ *in-depth and exceptional* :)"Jerry Frissen and Gobi, the co-creators of Tequila, first envisioned creating a living and breathing character. They knew they wanted to create a charismatic personality that both paid homage and brought new life to Lucha

parallel art worlds in one

cruising thru the various online portals had gotten me doing a second (and sometimes third) -take on what is currently being "offered" now mentioned via StrangeCo., Chris Reccardi and Lynne Naylor presents Galaxie: art from outer space (cool stuff!) ... which reminded me of ye old cartoons of 50's Mr Magoo et al; featured on Cartoon Modern [via BoingBoing]which might have influenced some of

when toys 'go bad'

check out the "10 Worst Toys" List of 2005 [found via BoingBoing]a hard-truth that "toys ain't just for adults anymore", which does sound a tad ridiculous, becoz traditionally, toys were meant for kids, weren't they? altho with the current "toy collectible scene" (as opposed to the "toy playing scene"), that mantra sorta gets lost along the way, dun it? which begs another question: "what toys do

Friday, November 18, 2005

my aquaman

not content to just let sleeping fishies lie, i hadda do this:my proposed version of the aquaman concept + suit/get-up:the top and pants would be something similar to a wetsuit, but with more muted colors, ala extreme sports / wakeboarding / diving-sorta get-up (no "golden scales" yet - not until he receives his "atlantean heritage"). the boy/man would be rippin' (of coz) and probably

oh man what did i miss again?

Rolitoland was in Singapore?aaawww-mien ~ this bites! = missed the whole darn thing ... and i reckon there's gonna be a whole lot more of that happening, as much as i have been anticipating alla these, it helps not when i have a new job / design gig to sort out meself ... dammit about it and view more photos from Vinyl Pulse ... *okay, i go sulk now*._.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

nine zero zero plus

as of this entry, there have been near 900+hits registered on this here blog for the past 36hours (or so lah - i didnt actually go and count it all innit? :p). the highest i have even seen on this humble blog of mine (in the recent past, it hovers between 20-30 hits per). all thanks to these babies featured via ~ mondo-thanks, coolhunter-folks! :)and a warm welcome for all ye new

a yuletide bat in singapore

the Batman comes to singapore. 'nuff said.oh man, when i first saw this on the banners outside of Raffles City Shopping Centre last night, i couldn't believe my poor fanboy-eyes! and tracked it down i did this morning and am sharing this horror this stale nugget with y'all here:[ log unto the website to see it in it's entirety ]now, i know tis all but an attempt to drum-up publicity using the

super teaser

the new Superman Returns Teaser Trailer is out!via Superhero Hype ~ where there's an excellent and comprehensive list of trailer-viewing options! *superherohype = rawks!**and i admit, with no shame whatsoever; that i watched the full screen trailer with a shiver down my spine (in a good way) and with tears welling up in my eyes ~ fcukemesideways i can't wait to watch this on the big screen

the art of eric so

"My name is Eric So! I've lived , studied and worked in Hong Kong for 3X years. My first painting exhibition was in 1996 and i started making figures in 1998. Back then I used to collect toys and action figures, and I used to think that some figures I owned could've been made much better, so I start to re-paint and re-touch them. Eventually, I started making my own!"read more about him here (

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

what da hell

Beck's Hell Yes music video is finally online now. [headsup via Stereogum].all i can say is, i stopped watching halfway thru ... maybe ima tad tired. maybe ima getting jaded in my old age ... or maybe i really think it sucked dieselballs think he could've done much better than alla the hype.but i still like robots, i do. maybe just not dancing ones anymore.go watch these instead:Girl ***

aye am duh laawr!

okay, i'll just be a pertulant child and throw a hissyfit just be unfair and say: "nothing ever happens in singapore" ... becoz all ima seeing are kickass exhibitions like this one going to go on in London![via StrangeCo. / via Rift Trooper]Zarjaz! = an exhibition celebrating characters from 2000AD (the British weekly comic) ~ featuring artists like: Bounty Hunter, James Jarvis, Pete Fowler,

my chemical action figures

*just released*i like My Chemical Romance loads, in fact i personally think they're one of the better pop/goth/punkrock-bands (fcuked if i knew how to "define" their music innit? BAH) out there now ... but action figures? ... more articulation details here :p*quite a good likeness, innit? of the toy, i mean. heh*now, i ain't knocking this product much, i even think tis quite the "kick" to see

i like local toys

"Believing strongly in virtual existence and constantly working towards building a creative world, ‘FunkBuilder’ is a portal made creative by the creative builders around the world."funkbuilders is a local (singapore) online collective and community-hub for designers and artists, with loads of kewl pix+designs, interviews and with an emphasis on collaborations ... and i am at my wits' end trying

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

v for very-long-wait

a new one-sheet poster is out! see it in it's full glory on Ain't-It-Cool-News, via the official movie website, via Superhero Hype.and dammit it looks retro-communistic-cool (or "very post WWI but pre WWII German expressionistic" as mentioned) sorta like them russian propaganda posters eh?... am "appreciating" the promo for this so far, with a wide-spanning-web-campaign of launching another

of blazing skulls and redeeming penance

i've always loved liked the comic's Ghost Rider. there's something about a blazing skull ridin' down the highway on a hellcycle burning tarmac, heart and head filled with revenge ... with his "penance stare"; appeals to us guys (dun it?) ... no, not Meatloaf with a bat out'a hell, thank yew berry much :p*thatz one cool mofo image, innit?*... and the only reason why i didn't ask for help with

hustlin' a horse

just found: Kung-Fu Hustle was named Best Picture and Stephen Chow as Best Director in the recent 42nd Golden Horse Awards! *kewl*not that it had impacted me in my adult-life or anything like that, but i haveta say enjoyed it immensely then, and this win put a smile on my weary-deadline-trampled-face :)Kung Fu Hustle also won in the following catergories:Best Visual Effects (rightly so, i reckon)

Monday, November 14, 2005

fanboy seeks help

*a plea for information*i am looking for both visuals and new information for the following upcoming flicks:The Fast and the Furious: Tokyo Drift:which so far only yielded this article where i found the info from and zero production photos. *urgh*til then i just haveta make do with Initial D (which i finally caught on resold-vcd = t'was "entertaining") and "make-do" with knockoffs other movies

what the hell?

just when i'm done whining about the toys that i want, out pops this?aaaww-mien! can lemme catch my breath first, can?*KAOZ**secretly-smiling-happily-while-rubbing-both-hands-together-evil-ly*._.

here fishy fishy

*Poised To Take A Leap Unto The Small Screens* (sorry, couldn't resist lah ... read all about it @ Superhero Hype)somehow trying to imagine Aquaman made live-action (on either big or small screens) is a bit of a stretch is intriguing ... the tights being the tricky-bit as well, innit? and if underwater too long, wouldn't it make the viewer a tad groggy? if not soggy-minded .. (lame, i know :p) ..

im gonna go psycho

and of course instead of doing my work and meeting my dreaded dateline pop-ed by my fav webbie just, to find THIS?*felt a tingle down my spine so exquiste i lurve it*Dan Brereton's (one of me muthaeffin'-all-time fav illustrators!) The Psycho might just make it to the big screen! WHOO-HOO! (image used without permission yes i am a bad blogman - go here to see the original kickass art :p)less the

a double~A retro flashback

as i've mentioned before, i consider myself a "a true music-child of the 80's" and a coupla things happened today that reminded me of that, and hence this entry the afternoon; while working on designing for a new gig, i had the ABC's "Absolutely ABC DVD" (a birthday pressie for meself, bought at Mustafa, no less! :p) = on repeat play; on me miserable 14" teevee in me room (*working from

Sunday, November 13, 2005

shake that robot booty

now, i like robots. (preferrably Transformers :p) - tho the concept of "artificial intelligence" boggles me not as much as the possibilities (if not "fact") of them "interacting", or in this instance; being used ~ with human beings, specifically in pop-culture.hence; Transformers. heh :pwhile utilizing actual robots for a music video is not too much of a stretch by far, it would seem interesting

wrap 'em up buttercup

when next you're planning to wrap-up a new pressie, how about some designer wrapping paper? read all about it via Cool Hunter here. the folks down at Magda Danysz Gallery (even) got diverse artists such as Gary Baseman, dalek and Shepard Fairey (of ObeyGiant) in to provide designs ~ good enuff even for your house' walls!IMHO, of coz :paltho i doubt if i ever afford enuff to wrap an object (

hell yeah!

found out about the new Hellboy Animated online blog from me ever trusty Superhero Hype which spawned a coupla great links ~ firstly to Sean "Cheeks" Galloway's Deviant Gallery (great designs and art dude!) = who is designing characters for the two straight to DVD animated movies (but screened on Cartoon Networks first = singapore got or not eh? *sigh*) which have since been licensed out to

Saturday, November 12, 2005

change change change

notice anything different to this blog?(gawd, i sound like i've gone and had a hairjob done and am askin' me loverlover to scope check me out, innit?)*MUAHAHAHAHA-Ahem**bye bye angry blogmasthead*the old/new masthead (image above) is gone and so's the change in the name/title of this here blog; which finally makes easier sense, doesn't it? ... heh ... and it doesn't mean im any less angry or have

Friday, November 11, 2005

to live on in a sanitized realm

and in the end, t'was a basturdized offspring of Option [A]; that became Option [D] ... and hence; the status quo has mutated morphed into yet another aspect of my own delusional cyberbile online persona entity (a more "sanitized" one) ... tho that might not always be the case, but i endeavour to at least "try" ... and in time the pleasantries and second/third-hand news will fill this blogsphere

Thursday, November 10, 2005

tis not meant to be

... spent over an hour typing up some emo self-reflective shitte instead of sleeping a new entry, to find it gone; when i "published" it ~ with nary a fcukin'whimper (okay to be fair, there still was a-third left of the original after attempting "recovery post" knnbccb) ... and i reckon tis not meant to be ... maybe i should just keep to the new "introductory to new thingies"-style (as of recent

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

now most of this is free, so itz all good

> click here for the entire lowdown of the festival

i can't keep up with alla this

no i can't ...[via splogger]4 days of madness from 24th to 27th November. *nahbey*> click here to read about the whole shebang <*i really can't take too much of this lor*"._.

caught in a dilema of epic personal online proportions

there never is any true blog-privacy, is there?in this day and cyberage, just plonk-in a keyword (ie: "toysrevil") on google or yahoo; and alla your identity, body and soul would be laid bare for all and sundry ... anyone can have an access to your life, at any given moment and locale. heck! ya can even GPS yourselves, innit?it's only just a matter of "needing wanting to search for" or

trump versus vader

[via Egotastic]ima laughing til me face turn blue i tell youse! check out these outstanding promo/parodies: [quicktime required] >what do stormtroopers know about "style"?< >Vader sells the Deathstar< >blame it on a Sith Lord?< >no one can understand a word you say

and yet another filmfest to screw wif my mundane life but i like

and here i went lamenting on waxing lyrical about film festivals, when yet another one springs forth; (The Second) Animation Nation 2005! (17-23 Nov)nahbey = like that how to die? (*digs into pockets and fishes out lint, grabs a nearby razorblade and slashes open eyelids and scream out in ecstasy, 'natch) BAH.*wistful-sigh* and with a superb selection of films, which includes Wallace and Gromit:

Monday, November 7, 2005

the sandman striketh

marvel comic's flint marko / sandman, i mean ... as opposed to dc comics' morpheus/daniel/sandmanjust seen on Superhero Hype: and yes i am late wif my "news" again as usual BAH Sandman is revealed as the new villain in Spiderman 3. kewl-ish. altho i still can't shake off the image of him humpin' Sandra Oh in the motel room seems i'd always remember him from Sideways tho ... but that's just me ...

a palm-sized gratification for my generation

been fcuking dying to replace my fcukedupmotorola p.o.s. thinking of getting a new mobile phone. i think i deserve a new one (not that i could really afford one lah ~ but i can dream, can't i? nahbey), after going thru my current fcuked-in-da-ass-mobile. but nothing has gotten much of my attention, until now ... first time i saw this? POW! ~ i knew i wanted this! ~ the yummy metallic-orange

Sunday, November 6, 2005

a festival ends and another begins yet again

well, the french film festival had just ended and t'was truly great fun (for most flicks anyways :p)(updated 8.11.2005)my personal french fest wrap-up*read more after the jump*the tits and ass sombre mood and mystery that was L'annulaire ... the emotional decay of Son Frere ... the macabre madness that was Bernie ... the excellent emotional journey of Le Grand Voyage (*highly recommended) and the

Friday, November 4, 2005

little it might be but a giant it may become

i could choke on this uber-cuteness and die wif a smirk on me hairy-face, i could ... ;poh but for the power of shock-and-awe subliminal-advertising ... a "seemingly innocent image" of a dancing chicken on the big-screens (FYI: the sequence is currently being shown during movie trailers and used as a "public service reminder" to "switch off handphones") and the next thing i know? = me girl's

i tell myself to just stick with 12-inches but alas i want more now

*gourge that mind out of da gutter yer pervs!* hehima talking about my collection of 12-inch toys action figures! or rather, what we term "1:6th scaled figures" ... tho it hasn't always been the case ... for before 12-inches, i was playing with 6-inchers; alla the MIP (Mint-In-Pack) and blistercarded goodness that had swamped the toyshelves of eons ago (of coz they still do lah). from Batman to

Thursday, November 3, 2005

them vinyls are getttin' ta me but good

last raved about in september (and no, nobody bought me squat) and seen last sunday just @ China Square Central; in Ng's Collection (and NO, i am not affliated wif him whatsoever, except as a customer) ...Isadore and Fairybit have arrived![image ripped off via Rotofungi ~ apologies guys :p]going for a shelf-price of SGD$143, wif a 512MB capacity = looks like tis out of my price-range now, innit?

unkl unkl buy me these toys can please?

... ima feeling these babies from the UNKL Brand seriously real-intensely actually ... tho i've yet to see them in singapore (am afraid to as well, coz it sure bust me gut and wallet to get them, innit? ~dammit-to-vinyl-hades~)i first saw these SUGs in Play Times magazine (great mag btw! *nudge~nudge* ;p) and developed a renewed wanton desire for vinyl fell in lurve with 'em immediately ... tho

the vastly diminishing line between toys and art

"decorative arts", more like ... and in this endeavour, them there Neth Creatures' looking purdy goode, no? t'would be great to have them displayed on my film-sets, but as a toy? again, great for display purposes only, innit? ... but then again, most urban vinyls that're being churned out nowsadays recently ARE only good for display, innit? .... NOT that im complaining, mind :)check out their

blessed the moon and galaxy

vinyl-faith via Argentina; all 9-inches worth of plastic lurve = Astronaut Jesus!(from AdFunture, designed by DOMA)well, at least it seems more respectful somber than the Buddy Christ Dashboard Statue, innit? ... but i is a freelance-buddhist and a full-time-toy collector; so i wouldn't know diddly-squat about that, innit? heh. (and please save the religious rants - this here's a toy and that's

remember when mama said: "ah boy ah! dun play with shitte!"?

well, times sure has changed! muahahahaha ... and now? = you can even cuddle it! check out the main webbie HERE fer sum Swedish-plushpoop-lurve :)[via strangeco.]

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

i *heart* monsterism

basically ALL toys lah aiyoh! :p but for today, tis Pete Powler's Monsterism that has me all googly-eyed and sweaty-palmed ... and i covert thee toys, not just coz i have not a single item from them (that i remember anyways :p) and i want them AAAAALLLLLLLLLLLL! ... and becoz they be serious cool. check out the cool flash-animated-movie of the monsterism world (*click on the

state of flux*

the Aeon Flux website has been relaunched, wif a spiffy new movie trailer = mondo "better" (if not snazzier) than the one i saw in july, with plenty of flash and bang, and of coz; Charlize Theron *swoon* ... and i've gotta say: "it looks goooooode" :)now, i lurve a good brainless "less cerebral" hollywood flick as the next (no, i really do! *lurve them purdy pictures*) and i pander this naught

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

getting old

cuppa hot milo by the wayside. an empty plate wif crumbles where once was a peanut butter sandwich, i logged unto the cyberways and ... dug my nose ...yes, you've read it right, i dug my nose, but deep ... and out came a single white nostril hair. just one. and i stopped there and then. i marvelled at the singular whitness of it all and it hit me: damn, im getting old, to have white nostril hair!
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