Thursday, November 30, 2006
Everything's Black And White according to Kenn Munk
in this third installment of artist interviews, i had a insightful online chat with illustrious customizer, Kenn Munk ~ inclusive of exclusive images not seen anywhere else online yet (dare i say ;p). onwards!TOYSREVIL: can you tell us, who is "Kenn Munk"?KENN MUNK: He's a shy 32 year old Dane, People generally don't believe it when I tell them I'm shy, but I am. I find walking up and talking to
sw customs,
tre interviews,
urban vinyl
of play imaginative's 1.5-inch kongs and mini-figure trends
this new series of 1.5"er Trexi Kongs is scheduled for a 18th Jan 2007 release and "...can be used as a Keychain, Handphone Strap, MP3 Strap or a bag accessory. It comes with a handphone strap (string based), a hook that is attached to a clip, packed in a clear printed polybag with a card." [via/via] which reminded me of a forum topic on VinylAbuse, where the question was: "Mini figures... the
go local,
play imaginative,
diary of a trexi custom 02
with the deadline two days away (by this coming sunday), this is as far as i've gotten into my custom of a 10"er Trexi:yes, i have bought my base-sprays, *whoop-dee-do* ~ im screwed, aren't i? *urgh*
trexi diary
antz geeksigner's mr.sun 10" trexi custom
Antz (Geeksigner) has finished his 10"er Trexi (for something im "involved" in as well :p) and here's a sneak-teaser of Mr. W.K.Sun:dude, the only thing missing is his "golden staff" *LOL* = *looking good*
the fantasticar
my memory of the Fantastic Four's Fantasticar has always been restricted to the flying bath-tub (which unfortunately, goes hand-in-hand with H.E.R.B.I.E. the robot *urgh*):but this new design for the Fantastic Four 2-movie spun it all around on it's head [info via]: "In the movie, the Fantasticar is powered by a proton accelerator, can hover, fly at 500 mph and break into separate flying machines
fantastic four movie,
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
mindbile moments: what type of webmaster are you?
:: WWW ::thru some bizzare occurance and/or suspected online power-play-conspiracies has hastened me to rage unto this entry, so do bare with me please ~ if not, please do move on to the other nifty posts i have here - don't worry, i wouldn't think less of you for it :)what type of webmaster are you? pertaining to the information, news and pictures posted online, in this scenario: TOYS. (*pls
drawing angrydudez 01
:: DRAW / VIDEO / TOYS ::okay, so this is me doodling-on my "creation" (initial concept/developmentstage anyways ;p) angryboxxx (of angrydudez) in a sped-up 2-mins version:and if you reeeaaally have 10-minutes to spare from yourbusy lives, you could watch the original-version here :pand hopefully one fine day, all this will materialize into actual 3D-form, eh? *HAH*("angryboxxx" and "angrydudez"
hi-res spiderman 3 tv-spots and screen grabs
remember the Spiderman 3 TV-Spots i featured a few days back? well, CBR's pointed to a glorious higher-res quicktime-version of it and it still looks incredible, IMHO ~ and of coz, here's some select screen-grabs (photoshopped, 'natch) which may or may not explain the sequence of the movie, which of coz i'd attempt to anyways, innit? (*heh*): Harry Osborn swallows his father's Green
spiderman 3 movie,
the coolest and most dangerous toys of 2006
:: TOYS ::christmas is literally around the corner, so in deciding on your festive purchases, do check these lists out:go oogle and ponder-on about the Top 11 Coolest Toys On the Planet [via] = heck, i want that ATM-Machine! if only it spat out "real" money from out of nowhere tho *LOL* :p then check out the list of the 10 Most Dangerous Toys of 2006 @W.A.T.C.H ("World Against Toys Causing Harm"
of 300% tinpos and unipos series 2
while you may have to wait til December 1st to get these duo Red and White 300% (6-inch tall - shown above) Tinpos from UNKL Brand [via], but you can lay your vinyl-grabbing hands now on their 2"-er Unipo Series 2 now (featured) ~ which also comes with another 300% Unipo (limited to 100 pcs only) [via/via]me? i've yet to get my "missing" Tinpo Trey tho, and this is one collection i'd rather
insurgents wilderness gruppo series 4
Plastic+Plush reports that Rocket World's Insurgents Wilderness Gruppo (IWG Series 4) has recruited 4 more members to their cause!Makutu the Yellow Eyed Penguin, Oishi the Japanese Snow Monkey, Candace the African Elephant and Burnum the Platypus will burst forth with weapons ablazin' in 2007!*neato*
urban vinyl
more operation fragmentation
:: TOYS / CUSTOMS / EVENT ::new teaser images from Operation Fragmentation (featured here):[via/via] and it looks darn intriguing ~ teasers are the bait on the hook, then im da wriggly-fishie grabbing at it LOL ... can't wait to see the rest of the customs tho (unfortunately BRUTE! and TweeQim have bowed out of the show :p) ... meanwhile here's a promo-flyer (for the December 16th - January 21st
operation fragmentation,
atomic and flame blow up dolls
Jamungo has 2 new upcoming Blow Up Dolls/BUD minifig-variants planned: Atomic and Flame [via] and even as unpainted sculpts, these babies are looking gooooood, IMHO :)designed by Ferg and Vanbeater (i wonder if these two are their alteregos? ;p) - both BUDS are debuting as part of their "BUD of the Month Club" (which im assuming tis gonna be about participating customs, but what do i know, eh? *
urban vinyl
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
animated invincible iron man movie
:: ANIMATION / COMICS ::i'd admit, initially i'd not given much thought to the new Iron Man animated movie/dvd from Marvel, chalking-up as yet another (possible) disappointment as the Ultimate Avengers was, but the trailer has made me wanting to see more: for a moment there (in the beginning) i'd thot it was the origin of Doctor Strange in Tibet (*heh*) - anyways, liking the old-skool bulky
1/6 gothic joda comic con special
"Goth in its simplest form, is a subculture. A group of people who feel comfortable within each others company. There is no specific thing that defines what you need to do or be to fit into the goth scene." [via] which conforms not to just the color black, yeh? (*heh* :p)[via] and i would be interested in getting this lil'lady-in-white wedding-gown-ish dress and pearly white tresses (altho i've
merit international,
enterbay bruce lee g.o.d gallery
and while i can't exactly say "tis the next best thing to having the actual figure" ~ i reckon this'll be the closest i'll get to this Arnie Kim figure (*heh*) = an image-packed fulla Bruce-Lee-Game-Of-Death-goodness @ centurysendsavior's gallery [images via]*great shots*
street fighter: the later years part two
in part two: Zangief and Dhalsim goes looking for Bisonand bumps into another "old friend"... [via] not as farnie as the first one, but still it brings backa little retro-joy, dunnit? *heh*._.
street fighter,
asiantoysexpo-watch: 1/6 figures (part two)
:: TOYS / 1/6 / EVENT ::100-images of 1/6th-action figures exhibited during the recent Asian Toys Expo here :)[all images taken by OSW-member, xenoviper]Hollywood-glamor in the form of i/6th-sculpts (by Feng) with my fav being Tyler Durden! (*coolness*). and not to be left out, the celluloid of the East is represented by Anthony Wong and Eric Tsang from the Infernal Affairs trilogy, as well as
boredomsqueezer's dark army diorama
so this is Boredomsqueezer's Dark Army-diorama:as seen during the recent Asian Toys Expo = what do you think? *heh*
asiantoysexpo-watch: 1/6 figures (part one)
over 30+ images of 1/6th-action figures featured during the recently ended Asian Toys Expo here in this forum-thread by OSW-member, CalvinLo :)these Romance of the Three Kingdoms-figures (featured) from Sea International (based on PC-game) is going to rekindle interest into Chinese history/lore (in a fashion *heh*) what with immaculate detailing and basic-kick-ass design ... ima really gonna
3 kingdoms,
customs ate2006,
the coming of jasper stank
the above is a proto-sculpt of the upcoming Jasper Stank vinyl figure from UK's Dan&Dan (Dan Lish & Dan Willett , with Triclops) the goofy+toothy-smile belies his carefree disposition, even if he spends his days tending to Stank Farms (which sits over a toxic radioactive dump-site). the above-Jasper is the "Classic" edition, with a planned Uranium, Pig and Hen editions to come ~ standing at 4.3-
dan dan,
urban vinyl
asiantoysexpo-watch: toy2r's toy images
:: TOYS / EVENT ::i'd better just let the images do the "talking" instead:event and toy-images galore over @ Toy2r's website and forum-thread [all images via]including this the reveal of Joe Ledbetter Pirate Cat Qee = *neato* :p._.
Monday, November 27, 2006
more madvillain vinyl images
:: TOYS ::a fleeting glimpse of the "black coat"-variant 8.5"-er tall Madvillain-vinyl figure (featured) [via] am starting to like this figure a wee bit more, don't really know why tho ... maybe tis the mysterious-villain-in-coat+hat-aesthetic? ... *heh*._.
urban vinyl
original fake kaws dissected companion mono
£185 @ Tokyocube [images via/info via]standing 14-inches and limited to 500 worldwide, i reckon i'll be limiting myself to just posting and looking at images of this vinyl-figure online ...tis farnie how fast a person's (*cough-me-cough*) priorities change with the price-points, innit? *gulp*
kaws companion,
urban vinyl
fluffybadbad on pre-order
now, if you wanna make it before/for christmas (or even if tis just an excuse to git da critter *ahem*), then go pre-order OhNoDoom's FluffyBadBad now! becoz the first 50-customers will (possibly) receive their FBB's before the official release launch party @ Rotofungi on the 15th! [via] how cool is that?i'd recommend that even if you can't make it to the party, you could snap pix of FBB
transformer toy prototypes
possible prototype Transformer-movie toys revealed online [via/via]: no, the images you see above are not made-in-china bootleg-toys (*heh*) = they are "apparently" prototypes toys (with no paint-apps) for the upcoming Transformers-movie (scheduled to release 2nd June 2007) = which i personally think reinforces (and reminds us) that tis all "plastic toys" at the end of the day, dunnit? *LOL* the
transformer toys,
transformers movie
boredomsqueezer's trueben
the third 1/6th personality/character slated to come out from Boredomsqueezer's Boredom City-folks (after Miku + Kevin) is "TRUEBEN" [via]"Trueben is a 25 year-old graphic designer, who's looking for a simple life without any complaints. He's not good at expressing himself, and everything to him is "fine" and "never mind" [via]Trueben'll come in 3-versions: Normal, Secret and Dark, with a
crazy label X veggiesomething = house of liu
Crazy Label looks set to roll out a new figure, this time it's with Veggiesomething's House Of Liu - and from this sculpt, it looks like yet another cute winner, IMHO :)[image via] House Of Liu is the creation of James Liu, a designer and a musician based out of Chicago, Illinois (USA). and this is the story of the House Of Liu:the House of Liu is a story of friendship, loyalty, and revenge. The
crazy label,
urban vinyl
Sunday, November 26, 2006
black aro by steph cop
an all-new limited edition (100 pcs X numbered+individually signed) all-Black Aro Open Head from Steph.Cop (featured prior) is available now for USD89.70 @ [via]"ARO is the first one of the 5 Imaginary Friends. He represents the genesis of his world : the DICE is in his head. The arrows upon which ARO builds his strength animate his universe. His message, represented by the all over "
urban vinyl,
first transformer film image revealed: scorponok
:: MOVIES / DESIGN / TRANSFORMERS ::so is this really Scorponok in Decepticon-mode in the Transformers movie? [via](or is it Skorponok? ;p) after months of guess/anticipation/fans-spitting, concept boards and veiled prototype-toys, finally a film image (apparantly still being tweaked) *mecha-schweet*._.
custom figure exhibition 2006 photos
:: TOYS / 1/6 / CUSTOMS ::over-170 images starting here [all images via] of the 2-day CFE2006 / Custom Figure Exhibition 2006 held in Tokyo just (24-25th Nov) [via]featuring exceptional works from the Japanese 1/6th customizing community, in varied genres (*best*!) ~ including works from MGBB / Ray (featured here+here) = *schweet*!and what's a 1/6th custom show without the babes? *heh**
medicom 1/6 the front of armament figures
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::personally, i reckon nobody else does the rockabilly-style/"rude boys" as cool as the Japanese and these Medicom 1/6th personification of manga-characters (from "Just As A Crow", i think :p) The Front of Armament is definitely the coolest i've seen so far, IMHO ;)both Ryuushin Kunou (above) and Kousei Takeda (below) comes with RAH301-bods, additional wrist attachments (3-left/2-
bonecrusher transformer decepticon
:: MOVIE / TRANSFORMERS ::CBR reports of an actual military armoured vehicle having an Decepticon-role in the upcoming Transformers movie, as "Bonecrusher" = and with a name like that, the Autobots' got their work cut out for them! (images previously blogged here and with hi-res versions on CyborgCommando's flickr-set)from a Constructicon-bulldozer to a 23-ton mine-clearing behemoth, Bonecrusher
adfunture's perk boy
Adfunture is set to release a new vinyl-toy named Perk Boy early 2007 [via/via] and what a iconic-retro-chinese-looking boy it is, IMHO = schweet*"The Perk Boy represents reborn purity and is the most iconic character of Perk."[links via/art via]designed by the Chinese Mainland creative duo of You Zao and Wowo ~ collectively known as the design studio PERK (interviews here+here- in mandarin/
jellymonograms and the sweetest propaganda
darnnit i need to know where and how to lay my hands on these from Jellymon! [via]/// CLICK HERE FOR MOREJellymonograms Series One (mentioned here/here/here) were launched during the opening of Jellymon's 1st solo exhibition in China: "The Sweetest Propaganda" show @ Da>Space in Shanghai (on the 24th Nov) = and they look absolutely adorable, IMHO :)do check out the exhibition if you're in
urban vinyl
kubrick shadow stormtrooper and bearbrick jack skellington
and dammit if i can't (afford to) lay my hands on a 1/6 Shadow Stormtrooper, maybe i'd make do with this Kubrick Shadow Stormtrooper instead! and priced @ YEN 1,575 / USD13.60 / SGD21? = *whoo-hoo* ... but alas, seems tis scheduled for a Dec 3rd release during the World Character Convention 23, as a limited opening commemoration edition (limited to 2,006 pcs tho :p) = looks like it'll haveya be
Saturday, November 25, 2006
king of killers
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::when Sabre says to leave him alone, it would do you good to do ashe says. becoz Sabre is also known as the King Of Killers and thelast thing you'll see is the glint of his twin-sabres before your headhits the ground.straight-up styled after Chow Yun Fatt in Peace Hotel - view more/the rest of the images on my multiply album :) :: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
casino royale and other james bond intro sequences
:: DESIGN / VIDEOS / MOVIES ::all the James Bond opening titles/intro you'll ever need (or want) found hereand this the current Casino Royale intro (i could find) with Chris Cornell insisting "You Know My Name" (other James Bond music-videos here :p) and what i "enjoyed" about this current incarnation and one glaring difference compared to other intros past = no half-nekkid ladies slinking around
sniper bunnys by andrew brandou
:: TOYS / PLUSH ::watch out Bugs and bunny-lovers, Andrew Brandou's Sniper Bunny is set to blow you away! (distasteful intro, i know, but sounds catchy, dunnit? *HAH*) [info+images via]produced by Span Of Sunset, the Sniper Bunny is a 12"-tall plush with internal wires in both arms and legs (for posability), also including a postcard and 4 candy-colored AK-47 assault riles! even the packaging is
Friday, November 24, 2006
coolrain's 1/6 snowboard deck + boots
last i saw CoolRain's works were his converse sneaks, and now the dude has whipped-up a new set of insane'o-detailed handmade 1/6 snowboard deck and boots! via]a firm fan of Michael Lau (check out his Gardner-customs and wallpapers here), images of Missy and the Gardenergala-logo adorn the snowboard = check out the rest of the images here = *delish*that said, im still hankering after his other
1/6 sneaks,
toy break episode one
:: VIDEO / TOYS ::the folks down@ October Toys has a netcast+videocast network going called Toy Break, where they talk-on about all thing toys and toys-related! [via]hosted by George and Ayleen Gaspar, the first episode clocks in @ near 42-minutes (hence the long download time, IMHO) and tis informative and packed full of vinyl-goodies, and it's always great to see toys "live", ya know? very
wild wild east
a companion and counterpart to the samurai-gunman, Master Wong (no, not "Fei Hung" :p) has been called a pirate and a robber before by his kinsmen ... but he'd rather be known as "the Robin Hood of the East"! ... his compatriots might question his methods many a times, but they'll never doubt his loyalty ... much ...more images on my multiply album :)these dioramas are getting a tad out of hand @
diy munny toy video-review
:: VIDEO / TOYS / LIFE IN SINGAPORE ::my 2nd Toysrevil-Toy-Video-Review with my 1st DIY Munny!(the 2nd part of the Anarchy In UK-contest prize)[music: intro-sample from DJ Shadow's Six Days (Mos Def remix)main-track: "Antique Toys" by Future Sound of London] *heh*._.
the awakening of plaseebo
"A child was born this furious night amid the most violent storm the eldest in his village could remember. It was the year 2039 BC and the village was near the southern shore on the Island Kyushu in the archipelago known today as Japan." [via] = so goes the omnious beginning of Plaseebo, the japanese dwarf Tsu; the reincarnation of the Pharoh Plaseebo, who will awaken eventually in mummy-form...
urban vinyl
the gorillaz cmyk prize
ya know, for the life of me i couldn't figure out who'd send me anything via UPS... and it boggled me for a day (missed the delivery 1st try) until i received the 2 boxes today:my first prize for the VinylAbuse-organized Anarchy In The UK custom competition, with prizes courtesy of Kid Robot! i had plain forgotten! ~ my humble thanks to VA, KR and the Judges for picking PunkTrex! *happy is me*._.
urban vinyl
the lion heart kizuna by michael lau
while we are waiting for his Off World Creatures, Michael Lau "unleashes" three vinyls figures designed exclusively for Japanese jewelers; Lion Heart. [via/via]each figure comes with their own 1/1-accessories, with a Pendant for the Red, a Bracelet for the Black-figure and a Ring for the White.@17.5cm HT X 16cm Wide, these threesome are slated to debut Dec 2nd @ USD170 perwell, at least the
michael lau,
urban vinyl
shoot or slice? your choice!
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::this bash was partially inspired by the SixGun Samurai comic (the concept i dig, but don't read the comicbook sorry) and is part of my (version of) an on-going Magnificent Seven-styled bash :) more images on my multiply album :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
more new spiderman 3 video clips
Sam, Tobey, Kirsten, Thomas and Topher talks, while Venom walks [via]: *cool- Spiderman 3 Pre-Trailer (with Venom) (w/hidden link to deleted trailer)- Official Spiderman 3 Trailer- Spiderman 3 Teaser Trailer- all Spiderman 3 on toysrevil (search function)
spiderman 3 movie,
Thursday, November 23, 2006
:: ART / DESIGN ::how cool is it when REACH (graf artist from Taiwan) invites 1,000 artists and designers to participate in customizing a blank "FU" sticker? REACH+ is what you'll get! = *coolness*._.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
top 10 lamest movie villains
:: MOVIES / BWAHAHA / LISTS lists the Top 10 Lamest Movie Villains of all time [via]and @ 6-effin-a.m. on an insomniac-thursdaymorning, tis friggin' hilarious, innit? *ahem*._.
femme k.rider
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::femme bash inspired by Kamen Rider :)*Rider-Chop!*more images on my multiply :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
rider kick!
:: RETRO :: what is The Rider Kick?Ah9 waxes nostalgia with all-things Kamen Riders here :)i'd readily admit i used to call them "Mah2 Yee3 Wang2" = (literal-translation from mandarin) "Ant-King" ~ becoz they looked like giant ants with bug-eyes what! LOL ... aaahhh but for the ignorance of prepubescent childhood ... altho i've always wondered why there weren't any Female-Riders, innit? *heh*._.
new tamo customs from crazy label X st/art
Crazy Label X HK's ST/ART Collective = Tamo Customs Album on flickr = *yumz*[images via]
crazy label,
urban vinyl
the toy detective chronicles: the off world creatures mystery
:: TOY-DETECTIVE ::and while we're all waiting with baited breathe til the 16th of December for the reveal of Michael Lau's intriguing new Off World Creatures, i'd let the Toysrevil-Toy-Detective (© 2006) stick his vinyl-sniffing nose into guessing who the characters are gonna be!the new online promo-flyer (i've cut out the base text):circled-in-red = been seeing a lot of this "mark" on the
michael lau,
toy detective,
urban vinyl,
2 new spiderman 3 movie posters
a coupla new Spiderman 3 movie posters unveiled @ SuperheroHype, with one being the Regular Colored Spiderman Black (Venom) and Red uniforms and a Green-Tinged/Hued version (presumably to symbolize the menace of the new Green Goblin):personally not as powerful as say the simple iconic Spiderman-logo (lenticular) poster released earlier, but that's just me :pthe movie synopsis so far:"Peter Parker
spiderman 3 movie
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
the murdoc auditions 03
bash inspired by Murdoc of Gorillaz :)*whaddaya mean "wrong hat"?*you are encouraged to send in your own "Murdoc Audition" picturesas well, just PM me @ :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
dekoboko boys by devilrobots X furi furi by playstix
i have seen the Dekoboko-Boys in person (or at least the final production samples?) and they looked good. no joke.liked the box tho, if i can remember, tis joined together and flapped open = *yumz*coming out Feb/March 2007 [via] ~ tis gonna be a busy beginning of a new toy-year in 2007, innit? *heh*
dekoboko boys,
play imaginative,
urban vinyl
play imaginative's adult grabbit
so now i geddit: the Baby Grabbit (pictured-left here) is gonna be in PLUSH, while the Adult Grabbit (poster + revised sculpt pictured here) will be the VINYL-toy![via] with articulated ears, no less! this figure's gonna be quite happening when it comes out, no? ~ *we'll see* ~
go local,
play imaginative,
urban vinyl
kaws dissected mono
seen on like dat? (colored versions here)and seen on KAWS' blog [via]:how like dat?
kaws companion,
urban vinyl
kidrobot X madvillain vinyl
Stone Throw Records' Madvillain gains vinyl-life in collaboration with KidRobot in their upcoming vinyl figure debuting January 2007 (4th) [via/via/via]featuring everyone's fav (Thing-sized Dr.Doom-villain with a Gladiator-facemask); MF Doom (last seen in the 2004 "All Caps" music video / posted here) this vinyl-baddie will come in two colorways (regular green and mayhap black? ie: image of
mf doom,
urban vinyl
clutter X actionman 40/40 special edition
:: TOYS / 1/6 / PRINT :: the fine folks @ BlogClops (bloghome of of UK's Triclops) have word of the Clutter / Actionman 40/40 official companion magazine, filled with detailed close-up images of the 40 Actionman customs, as well as interviews with customizers galore, including the "elusive" Michael Lau = *nice*now, i only haveta wait til much later than June/July 2007 (slated shipping date),
punktrex on urbanretrolifestyle
my humble thanks to Tahir for even considering my PunkTrex to be amongst UrbanRetroLifestyle's October Custom Vinyl Toys Showcase ~ amidst the luminaries i cower in veiled shame hahahahaalso do check out Part One of the Showcase/feature = *schweet* :)
tre customs,
a glimpse into the possibilities: mazinger-z vs transformers
:: DESIGN / RETRO :: what Michael Bay said in this video, stuck with me the day - "i'd only wanna make the Transformers movie as realistic as possible" (paraphrased) - and then i thought = dude, tis giant transforming robots crashing down the city streets fighting other giant transforming robots ! how realistic can it get? - and no, im not a MB-hater, but to rationalise that while depriving
levis' time 1/6 action figure
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::VinylAbuse [info+images via] has posted more info and images about the Levi's Time 1/6-promotional action figure i posted a while back (here) the figure was designed by HongKong's IND (Danny Chan X Ultraman) and available in two variants = White and Brown Hair, with each boxed set including the figure with clothing accessories, a limited edition Levi's Time watch (model LTB1310),
get small san francisco
one of the more quirkier toys sets in a while is this Get Small San Francisco-series from Upperplayground, Fifty24SF and Ningyoushi [info+images via]a series of 3"-er mini-figures designed by SanFran artists = (left-to-right) there's the masked Billy Bronze by Sam Flores, Bunnyskull by Jeremy Fish, the Siamese Twin (including third leg!) by David Choe and Ortho by Coro - ordinary mutate folks
urban vinyl
harry potter and the order of the phoenix full teaser trailer
inexplicably, magic enters the muggle-world in this hi-res full teaser-trailer of Harry Potter and The Order Of The Phownix [via] with the 10-second teaser featured only just scant 2 days ago and by-gawd it looks excitingly intriguing, dammit ... just haveta wait til July 2007, innit? *urgh*and how about Harry in German?and of coz, here are some select screen-grabs (to add to the ones posted here
Monday, November 20, 2006
transformer higher-res short featurette
:: VIDEO / TRANSFORMERS ::still not getting your Transformers-movie quick-fixes? well, i can only help ease the pain a tad (or rather "blow breaths unto thy wound) with this hi-res quicktime version [via] of the short featurette featured here prior and these screen grabs: *heh*._.
toys2r's rolitoboy pity instinctive mono
:: TOYS :: < this is the Pity Instinctive (Mono) version of the 5"-er Rolitoboy Pity figure (mentioned here) by Mori Chack X Rolito and is limited to 144 pcs, short-packed 2 to 7 (7 color : 2 Mono) @ 9 pcs per carton and has running numbers 001-144/144 [via/via]heck, i like this better than the colored one, IMO :pand oh yeah, there's "additional bonus parts" included in this mono-version - as for
the murdoc auditions 02
bash inspired by Murdoc of Gorillaz :)*oh no. i should've brought a cap, shouldn't i? sigh*:: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
factory tour of DID
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::a collection of 30-over images of a behind-the-scenes (personal) tour of the DID factory in China here ~ as taken in November 2006 and posted by OSW-member, coreblocksystem (thanks for the image-use, Jorge!)tantilizing images include a 1/6 Kettenkrad and production lines for Action Man's 40th anniversary Nostalgic Collection packs = *yumz*._.
michael lau's 3300
looks like somethings brewing down @ Michael Gallery come 16th and 17th of December, and from these teaser images [info+image via] fans can only await with baited-vinyl-breathe for possible new Michael Lau vinyl toys, including the (long awaited and speculated) Futura and Womax figures, as well as brand new concepts: Off World Creatures (*Michael Lau after dark - in search of something weird*) =
michael lau,
urban vinyl
vote for vinyl collectables 10 finalists
:: TOYS / DESIGN / CUSTOMS / CONTEST ::remember the Vinyl Collectables vinyl-design competition i mentioned in October? well, 10 finalists have been chosen [via] and YOU decide the top 3 placings by voting online herevoting ends before the end of this month tho, so hurry and go click! *heh*._.
the murdoc auditions 01
a series (of 3) bashes inspired by the Y-front-wearing Murdoc of Gorillaz :)*you know i'm the right dude for da job, right? heh*:: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
Sunday, November 19, 2006
jailbreak toys' genius collection figures
:: TOYS / VIDEO REVIEW ::a while back (a coupla months back actually :p) i received a care-package courtesy of JailBreak Toys containing their first ever toy; Lord Crumwell's Oddfellows / the Genius Collection ~ and as appreciation, i'd wanted to do a small review about them. and of coz the idea grew beyond initial plans and month/s later, with a borrowed digi-cam, a junked
toysrevil video,
tre reviews,
harry potter and the order of the phoenix 10-seconds trailer
:: MOVIE ::heck, i unashamedly admit i follow the Harry Potter-movies (not the book tho, never read :p) and surprisingly enjoyed them (especially) ~ and personally, i think they're a thinly-disguised "children fare", where instead there are loads of darkness and death (dead children?) and morbid magic, in perfect celluloid-synthesis with the gorgeous gothic film-designs and mood ~ and i am so
the wizard's workshop
new version 25th Nov: this is what happens when you let toys overtake your 1/1-life:(older version here)the diorama that started it all:more images (including behind-the-scenes) here ~ *heh*
my video,
Saturday, November 18, 2006
the wizard granger
the story of the Wizard Granger toypixday-bash: it started innocently enough, with wanting to bash an adult Hermione Granger-inspired femme (if im lusting gushing after Emma Watson, then that might be pervy a tad "wrong" innit?) and came up with these: but it wasn't enough. something was "missing". she seemed just"floating" about with nary a space to call her own. so i did these:i hope she's
1/6 femme,
asiantoysexpo-watch: korean 1/6 customizers
:: TOYS / 1/6 / EVENT ::on this blog i've featured uber-1/6-customizers like Arnie Kim, Kojun and Vancei and now let's add three more Korean-names (whose gonna be featured in the ATE 2006) to that list [via]:Kim Sang Hyun, aka Gorae aka CX-Style = whose immaculate and life-like headsculpts are exceptional, with a quiet stillness that embodies it with realism, IMHO - as evident from these sculpts
amateur by lasse gjertsen
:: MUSIC VIDEO ::*this is brill* [via](download audio here) aaahhh the power of edit = *schweet*._.
dora the explorer
:: TOYS / BWAHAHA ::"Aquapets are silly interactive pets that love to play with you. Watch them dance. Hear them chirp. Theyll even play a song. Aquapets react to you and their buoyant buddies so let the floating fun begin" an innocent 2.5"-er children's toy?or an alleged adult sex toy? [via]~ you decide ~ *ahem*._.
asiantoysexpo-watch: expo floor plan
:: EVENT ::"courtesy" of the Qeester forum, here's the layout plan for the Asia Toys Expo for a smoother toy-hunting navigation! (ya gotta plan your purchase-route, no? kekeke)dammit i wish i could be there :(._.
asiantoysexpo-watch: toy2r
:: TOYS / EVENT ::Toy2R has vinyl-overload waiting for y'all @ the Asia Toys Expo, with a list of 2.5"-ers to 16"-ers galore @ booth B07-B08 - autograph-hounds to note: VIP/Guest artist is MCA/Evil Design (USA) - featuring his 8"-er Elder Apes in Grey, White, Brown, Black Bears and a 6"-er Evil Ape White DIY version (limited to 50 pcs).see the rest of the listed vinyls here, (including prices)
Friday, November 17, 2006
dj inferno
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::Disc Jockey By NightMercenary By Daymore images on my multiply :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
calling design submission for touma's mephist fiesta
:: TOYS / DESIGN ::looking like tis the banner period for design submissions, with another new competition for designing your own versions of Touma's Mephist Fiesta vinyl figures! [via]details:01. design all 3 characters or any one or two from The Mephist Fiesta set02. selected designs will be produced.03. Judges will be Mr.Touma and Mr.Yuki from Tomart and Darren Gan from Play Imaginative.04.
asiantoysexpo-watch: stevenhouse vinyls
:: TOYS ::debuting at the Asian Toys Expo are StevenHouse's Evil Soldier versions of their popular Snorty & Friends series, with a limited edition (of 60 sets) of the evil-bird figure = *nice*original Snorty & Friends :)and while going thru their web i discover other delicious vinyls, like superhero-SnortyMen and Carbots, Boyers, the Insecters and (my personal fav) The Smoker (ahahahaha) or
asiantoysexpo-watch: toy soldier's u.s. platoon leader
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::while not exactly a big fan of military-1/6th-figures, this Toy Soldier limited edition (of 500-sets) Bruce Willis/Tears Of The Sun Lt. Waters' action figure looks pretty darn good = at the very least the Feng's Studio headsculpt, innit? [via]and especially when i've just watched the TOTS-dvd, this figure is spot-on, IMHO - and had actually thought about attempting a kitbash of my
1/6 asajj ventress revealed
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::finally SideShowToys' Asajj Ventress sees a full mono-chormatic visual reveal [via]:the Regular/Standard version is with the iris- and pupil-less version from the Clone Wars animated series ...... while the Exclusive version with iris and facial-mod (scars or tattoo, im not sure :p) - which includes two interchangable portraitsnot too bad looking, i haveta say (except for the
asiantoysexpo-watch: crazy label's tamo and treeson
[image via] watch out for Crazy Label's Tamos and (hopefully) Treesons @ B21 - also featuring a "Live Painting" with customized-toys by the members of the ST/ART Collective*neato*._.
crazy label,
asian toys expo 2006
the 1st ever Asian Toys Expo is upon us, lasting only two days, from 25th to 26th November in HongKong = oh how i wish i could be there! *gggrrrr* (anyone wanna pay me to go cover it? *muahahahaha* dream-on, i know, i know :p)the exhibitor list is looking pretty promising and i'll try in the coming weeks to feature as much AsianToysExpo-news when i find them :)recognizing quite a few 1/
more sideshowtoys' 1/6 darth maul
:: TOYS / 1/6 / STAR WARS ::itching for some more SideShowToy's 1/6th Darth Maul? here are some pre-production sample images to taunt thee [via]drool-on while i contend with my Hasbro-versions ... seriously considering getting this, *hhhhmmmmm* ._.
casino royale
:: MOVIE REVIEW ::have you ever felt the exquisite discomfort of needing to pee very badly in the middle of watching a movie (onwards), but couldn't tear yourself away, even tho you're bladder's like a yangtze-river-flood waiting to burst forth, crushing the damn-dam, becoz the movie was just too exciting and filled with non-stop surprises?well, i suffered and suffered gladly, and i have Casino
spiky baby series 4
Shin Tanaka's Spiky Baby Series 4 is out now [via]artists in this series include epic, nagua, Arte Vettoriale, Macmeier,, REACH, ONESIDEZERO, TIMROBOT, COM RAID = *nice*(above) what i've gotten so far :) = go download the free templates before it expires!
shin tanaka,
toy2r's rolitoboy pity
:: TOYS ::Mori Chack x Rolito = 5"-er Rolitoboy Pity [via] = looking pretty charming+cute, innit? (let's hope the brain doesn't eat the rest of the body, innit? *HAH*)limited to 504 pcs @ SRP of HK$280, each Rolitoboy Pity figure comes with 2 birdies - and each case assortment comes packed with a short-packed 5" Rolitoboy Pity Instinctive version figure (the dreaded "chase figure"! :p) *heh*._.
"a better tomorrow" worldwide design contest
what is the "A Better Tomorrow" Worldwide Design Contest?01. no, not the John Woo movie (sorry, couldn't resist :p)02. tis a custom contest where you depict your own personal definition of happiness creatively / what your vision of "A Better Tomorrow" looks like, on a Trexi-figure.03. top 15 designs will be chosen by online voting public to join the 10 other internationally renowned character
design contest,
go local,
trexi abt,
urban vinyl
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::bash inspired by the Marvel Comics' character; The Punisher :)more images on my multiply:: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
animated kiwi!
:: ANIMATION ::""Kiwi!" is an animation about a Kiwi - a type of bird that cannot fly, who spends its whole life working towards achieving his dream." [via] = most charming and motivational piece of animation i've seen in a bit. KIWI! was created by Dony Permedi for his Master's Thesis Animation [via]*nice*._.
superman 2: the richard donner cut
:: MOVIE / DVD ::curiosity compelled me to pick this DVD up and in a nutshell, what i liked most about the new Superman 2: The Richard Donner Cut was that Lois Lane actually figured out Clark Kent was Superman! (highlight to read spoiler: by doodling over Superman's image in the newspaper, adding on a pair of Clark's glasses, a hat and a coat! brill!)with loads "new"/unseen and unsed footage
ghost rider 2nd international trailer
new/second Ghost Rider International Trailer [via] = with some unseen-before footage, more GR, more Hellcycle, more Blackheart, more Mephisto, and slightly more Mendes (which is always a good thing :p)some select screen grabs for y'all (click on image to view larger): first international trailer here.*coolness*
comics movie,
ghostrider movie,
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::sometimes we've just gotta be able to take a break from all our public duties and masks, and smell the coffee or taste the flavor of the burger ... or just talk about nothing at all ... :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
lego bands
:: TOYS / WTF ::are you able to name the following music-groups/bands?and these are the easier ones lego-fied bands @ the brickshelf gallery [via] *heh*._.
doktor a's mina
:: TOYS / CUSTOM ::yet another hauntingly pretty Doktor A customized-Fatima titled "Mina" (first one being Automatic Girl) = a certain Wilhelmina Murray holding unto a letter from her newly-wed husband Jonathan Harker chronicalling the invitation of a certain Transylvanian-Count ...more images can be viewed on the VinylAbuse forum = *cool*._.
dear earthling's surreal customs
:: TOYS / CUSTOMS ::looking at images of Dear Earthling's customs are liken to floating thru a mono-chromatic lucid-nightmare, all the while irresistible deep-d&b fills the air, heavy with morbid anticipation, coercing a smile on your face and your clickity-vinyl-heart pulsates with ambered life ...Dear Earthling is a graphic artist, electronic music producer, toy customizer, DJ, a graffiti
the 10 worst bond girls vs the best
:: MOVIES ::Entertainment Weekly brings us The Ten Worst Bond Girls versus The Ten Best [via]so what was your choice? *heh*._.
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::this is dedicated to all those who leech information from other sites without crediting the link sources. you know who you are, don't look away ... >;p:: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
the simpsons movie trailer
:: MOVIE TRAILER ::"in a time where computer animation brings us worlds of unsurpassed beauty, one films dares to be ugly ... = The Simpsons Movie [via] high-res quicktime-version here = *bwahahahaha*._.
new spiderman image and 1/6 action figure query
:: MOVIES / SPIDERMAN ::a new "clearer"-image of Spiderman in black-venom-suit, in action from the battling-Sandman tunnel-scene from the trailer [via/via]: sorry, couldn't resist with the logo (go pilfer the image yourself lah) - better than the jedi-robed sneak-image from last time, no? (below-left) *heh*i wonder how the black-suit will translate into a 1/6th-figure? tis gonna be a kick-a$$ one
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
sideshowtoys 1/6 aragon reviewed and repainted headsculpts
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::still on the LOTR-track:SideShowToys' Aragon The Strider reviewed@MWCToys (for which i do not possess) and also check out the DID-Version (again i dun have) and the Toybiz-version (which unfortunately curse the toygawds, i do possess) and here are a select trio of headsculpt repaints, done by OSW-members: (left-to-right respectively) Swerl / xenoviper / hunky_artist*heh*._.
sideshowtoys 1/6 faramir
:: TOYS / 1/6 :: the third LOTR-character to receive the 12-inch-treatment from SideShowToys (after Aragon + Legolas) is Faramir (who?) - with new-fangled advertising-gimmick = the teaser image! (ala Asajj Ventress)personally i was hoping (and have been since Lord Of The Rings 1/6th-figures were introduced) for a proper-articulated Gimli, so we could all have our Three Hunters of the Fellowship
chetrooper bust
im not much for busts (except selected iconic ones i like) but this CheTrooper from UrbanMedium is irresistible! [via] LOLbringing to 3-dimensional life from sticker/prints comes CheTrooper (last seen on video here) blending both sci-fi-fantasy and historical/political-icons, the 6"-er tall bust is limited to 400 pcs worldwide, hand painted, signed, numbered, in a full color window box and is
comics and me
"from CMYK-Superheroes to the black'n'white alternative comics era. from chinese/mandarin martial arts practisioners, to funny animal books. from the painted style of realism, to the heavy inked linework of hyper-realism. from the inhuman psyche of mystical folk of fantasy and lore, to the grime and gritty heroes that peppered the dark alleys of the world = my tastes and collecting habits went
life in singapore
Monday, November 13, 2006
james bond opening title music videos
:: MOVIES / MUSIC VIDEOS ::"The Bond films are known for their theme songs heard during the title credits, sung by well-known popular singers (which have included Shirley Bassey, Tina Turner, Paul McCartney and Wings, Tom Jones, Carly Simon, Madonna, and Duran Duran, among many others.)" = every Bond-film title credit sequence/music video here @ CityOfFilm [via]besides, the graphics have become
dc direct 13" catwoman
:: TOYS / 1/6-ish ::as much as folks online have issues with her tawdry-Barbie-like-smile (much less the big-body-build), i think tis pretty charmingly cheeky comicbook-smile for DC Directs new (and first ever) femme 1/6th action figure: Catwoman!personally, i've given-up complaining over the 13"-er tall scale compared to the standard market 12"-ers and somehow accept them for what they are (
mimobot x star wars 4 R2D2
... it makes perfect sense and logic now ... it was actually a no-brainer, come to think of it ... and tis a sad day indeed for a self-proclaimed SW-fan when i hadn't even actually considered R2D2 (or even C-3PO for that matter) as the fourth mystery-Mimobot SW-character! heck, they never even crossed my mind![via] i think i'll retire my so-called SW-lurving ways now ... i am not worthy ... *
sw mimobots1,
marvel psp 3age asunarosya figures
how adorable are these?produced by Asunarosya, these mini-Marvels are superheroes depicted as 3-year olds (3age?) with the Silver Surfer, Thor, Spiderman, Hulk and Captain America in Series One.and Series Two has: Daredevil, Ghost Rider, The Thing, Wolverine and Iron Man.found these babies here and here [images via] Ghost Rider is a must-have for me tho :pfirst seen online here and have been
marvel babies
gardener meets nike @ hongkong flagship 29092006 hardcover
just when ya thought ya could take a Michael-Lau-breather, a new ML X NIKE photo-book is announced [via]:the "Gardener meets Nike @ HongKong flagship 29092006" (a retrospective: 106 gardener in nike apparel collection) = is essentially ML (personally hand-posed) signature 1/6th characters figures, dressed in Nike-gear/wear - all 106 of 'em!this 23.5 X 35 cm hardcover runs for about HKD$299 / USD
michael lau,
ml x nike,
boredomsqueezer's dark army
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::Boredomsqeezer's next project (after their Walking Paradise 1/6-fashion show) is intriguingly titled: Dark Army. [info+images via CrazyToyz]looks like a "crossover military-theme" might be the new trend in 2007, innit? (better get my sh*tte together and work faster then, innit? *HAH*)tentatively scheduled for the upcoming Asian Toy Expo, it remains to be seen if the troops could
ken keirns' munny custom
sweetest munny i've seen in a bit, IMHO:a Ken Keirn-custom done for his upcoming solo show @ the Rotofugi Gallery in May 2007 [info+image via]- you'd might recognize his previous works, with his signature gorgeous artwork and mystery femme peering down into your vinyl-soul muahahaha :)i'll be keeping a close-eye on him in 2007, innit? and mayhap you should too = *cool*
my wife is a gangster 3
:: MOVIE TRAILER / BABE ::and while i enjoyed the first Korean movie (the sequel was a ho-hummer) - this is here only becoz it's Shu Qi ... [via] ... and i think that's reason enuff for me (read here for movie info) *heh*._.
of 1/6 exclusive brown aliens and alien warriors
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::oh no. there's a Brown-version of the 1/6th AVP-Alien figure! [via] this 16"-tall monster is a SideShowToys-exclusive with a limited 350 pcs (imported to USA) run @ USD$130 scheduled for the 1st quarter of 2007 = how many versions are they gonna churn out? (Japanese exclusive here) *yikes*well, there's always the Aliens 3-version (on all-fours), innit? (which this reminds me of,
mad clownies' snips
an intriguing figure caught my undivided attention on Wheaty Wheat Studios' webbie [all images via]: MAD's Snips!Snips is part of his Clownies-series and tis a 14"-er tall plush with vinyl head and feets = and dammit i lurve crazed-clowns! *muahahahahaha*more information and release dates as soon as i get 'em! ~ stay tuned ~
cleabus the radish farmer
:: TOYS ::the first figure out of Christopher Lee's Urbanites series/stables is Cleabus The Radish Farmer [info+images via]costing between USD14 to USD20, Cleabus is available in both Standard Edition (limited to 800 pcs) and the Octane3 exclusive Sepia-tone/Vintage Edition (limited to 300 pcs - available here), this 3"-er hard-vinyl figure is set to harvest your holidays this coming December,
Sunday, November 12, 2006
spiderman 3 pre-trailer with venom revealed
you've seen the new Spiderman 3 trailer just, now witness the "pre-trailer" (ie: incomplete CG effects, green screen etc) [via] and pay close attention at the end, when the evil alien--symbiote leaves/is cast away from Peter Parker's body (with church bell sequence no less! comicbook-readers will know why :p) and inhabits Eddie Brock's body to produce Venom!added 16.10.06: watch it fast before
spiderman 3 movie,
fluffybadbad is coming
Fluffy is coming and no one can stop him! [image via]say hi to Jordan (creator of FBB) y'all! ... and just in time for christmas, innit? *chomp*- my proposed fluffybadbad displaybox design- almost final fluffybadbad- introducing fluffybadbad
1/6 brothersworker color smart
the thing about Brothersworker-figures that appeal to me so, are the detailed tools the figures possess (props also to Hot Toys, i reckon). i mean, the headsculpts and body-tattoos are brill, as are the "history" and backstory to alla them (always lurve it when there's a story and concept that comes along with a toy) but tis them tools that get to me every single time i look at them online or
hot toys
1/6 levis' promotional action figure
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::new (promotional) 1/6th Levi's action figure from Hot Toys [via]:the only information i could deduce from this link and the Levi's HK website of this figure is that mayhap tis a 1/6th Jay Chou? (he's the current poster-boy for Levi's HK)a limited edition of 500 box-sets @ HK$1,780 / USD230 = *yikes*i might be totally off-base with the info here ... but anyways tis always cool to
doktor a's copperpod
:: TOYS / CUSTOMS ::can you hear the tiny copper-gears churning along defiantly against rust and wonderous decay?Doktor A's customized 6"-er Lmac Zombie astounds with it's veiled simplicity, IMHO.more images on the VinylAbuse forum = *coolness*._.
toy2r's 36 inchers
:: TOYS ::darnnit them toys aren't gonna get any smaller nor cheaper, are they? [via] but if they come as nice as these?(above) GDub (Phase 3) Bear and Joe Ledbetter's Toxic Swamp Bear (below) = i wonder how heavy they weigh? :pToy2R's 36"-ers are made by Fabric Cast, handpainted and made-to-order (within 60 days), with an accompanying certificate @ a SRP of USD$1,500 per (with a shipping charge
cy girls trailer
:: VIDEO ::found: an old CY-Girls' video-trailer done by Konami for their videogame [via]:i <3 cygirls *heh*._.
free vertigo comics first issues
:: COMICS ::download first issues of "classic" Vertigo comics here :)including classics like: Ennis' PreacherElli's TransmetropolitanGaimen's Sandman (mentioned here)Delano's HellblazerMoore's Swamp Thingand current gems like:Wood's DMZWillingham's FablesVaughan's Y The Last Manand if ya like what you see/read? go buy the entire tradepaperbacks, go :)._.
hot toy's 1/6 exclusive grid alien
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::there's no doubt as to the lure of the Aliens-franchise and of the quality of Hot Toy's Alien-figures (i have seen them and have drooled) and the collection is further buffed-up with the news of the BlisterJapan exclusive 1/6th Grid Alien figure.okay, technically this figure is from the AVP-franchise (*urgh*), with an onset-scar sustained in battle with Predators. and from the
hot toy's 1/6 terminator endoskeleton
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::Hot Toys sure are pumping them movie masterpieces out, with a retro-favourite (and long awaited) 1/6th Terminator Endoskeleton:a perfect (and long awaited) addition to your (and my long-desired) Hot Toy's Terminator-movie duo of the battle-damaged T800 and Kyle Reesewith a trio of weapons (looking a tad boring tho, IMO) and practical light-up eyes! - and if this mecha is diecast,
hot toy's 1/6 clark kent
hot on the heels of Hot Toy's successful Superman Returns figure, comes Clark Kent!dressed in a dapper-grey suit and a brown coat, the re-sculpted Brandon Routh-Clark Kent 1/6th figure rips open his top-shirt to reveal his signature super-suit with an embossed-crest! a moulded-on suit, no less - so no hidden capes there, sorry Superman-lovers :plimited to 1,000-pcs, Clark Kent is slated to ship
hot toys,
ht superman,
superman t
vote for toysrevil
:: WWW ::vote for toysrevil @ MyPlasticHeart (centre-bottom of page) [via]- for the fun of it, of coz kekekeke ;psurprised and humbnled to be amongst the online luminaries tho :)._.
bruce lee headsculpts in 1/6
as promised, here are some of the existing Bruce Lee headsculpts available (or rather "that i own as this point in time" :p):first up is a Medicom-sculpt by Eric So, for the Fashion Show Series 1 :a decent sculpt (altho at that time, it was da bomb! *heh*) from the front, but the side-view shows a head-deformity where only an extreme-fan might luvre, 'nuff said.i honestly do not remember and know
ericso 1/6,
vinyl smash!
and so my custom is done ... ...NOT! *heh*:: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
urban vinyl
Saturday, November 11, 2006
diary of a trexi custom 01
and while i readily admit that i may not possess either the talent, skill nor experience to customize a 10" Trexi, i'd still try my best to complete my first Trexi-custom :pbut i'd like to think of it as starting out with a "blank slate" and mayhap it might be about how to look at a custom, rather than just the technique itself? (*disclaimer-city*)with the deadline in 3 weeks from now, i will
trexi diary
of perth polaroids, new dvd and behind the scenes video
:: MOVIES / DVD / VIDEO ::these (conti/continuity) polaroids are what's "left" of the feature film Perth, as a record of what we/i did and for what will/is to be featured (or at least that's the current plan) in the "art direction scrapbook"-section of the extra features in the new DVD-release of the movie under Tartan Films (The biggest distributor for Asian films in the US and UK) and as im
Friday, November 10, 2006
bash inspired by Speed Racer :)toysrevil's version: *racer by day, robber by night* = more images on my multiply :)/// CLICKETH FOR MORE*Racer by Day - Robber By Night!**stick'em up!*bashbreakdown:- BBI WW2 japanese pilot-Nude with 101st Airborne-Gloves- generic Blue Tee from G.I.Joe (logos on front and back of tee are stickers-on ;p)- White Long-sleeved tee from Elite Brigade- White Pants
c is for cookie and c is also for cholesterol
:: BWAHAHA / RETRO ::Cookie Monster tells all about his eating disorder [via]i guess that's what happens when you become a movie star too fast ... you'll fall down even faster ... remember the good old days?*ccooookkkiiieeee*._.
leather vs lycra
:: MOVIES / COMICS / DESIGN ::gone were the days of yore when our heroes fought crime in form-fitting spandex and lycra - to be replaced by silver screen costumed heroes beating down on the depraved baddies in the latest leathers and latex = must the spandex set don leathers to be rad'n'bad? VS what do you think? *heh*
Thursday, November 9, 2006
new spiderman 3 trailer
exclusive new trailer on iFilm [via] *breathtakingly awesome*screen grabs@CBR / previous teaser trailer / Spiderman 3 movie
spiderman 3 movie,
shadowman toy review
my first-ever published toy-review in Playtimes Vol:2 Issue#8 (thanks to Zaki and all@PlayImaginative!) ~ hopefully of more things to come? *heh* "I've always collected "nudes" ever since i started this hobby. And by that I mean "12-inch-action-figures-sans-clothing-and-accessories", which makes for great kitbash fodder options, IMHO."*read the rest of the review and more images after the jump*
toy review,
tre reviews
transformers short featurette
:: MOVIES / VIDEO / TRANSFORMERS ::a short 3+minutes teaser+featurette for the upcomingTransformers movie - from the 20th Anniversary DVDof the classic 1986-movie [via]with some action scenes of the Autobot-cars and live-actorsrunning around in disarray ~ *heh*._.
toy saves children
an upcoming initiative (Dec 12-24th@gallery LeLe) to help raise funds for Save The Children Japan features the Deko-Boko Boys (designed by Devilrobots + produced by Furi Furi Company) being customized by a host of "celebrity artists" [via VinylAbuse]"Artist from all over the world play with (or you can say customize) toys that were gathered up from variety of sources. We will try try to spread
dekoboko boys,
toy saves children
medicom bruce lee body and head images
the RAH-bodyform of the upcoming Medicom Bruce Lee revealed [via]what a mashed-up body, eh? heck, as long as tis beneath the clothes and allow for some kick-a$$ posing, tis all good, innit?there's been a bit of "dialogue" going on about the "realism" of the headsculpt (mostly about the "pouty-hair" hahahaha), as compared to Arnie Kim's Bruce ... will endeavour to post some other images of past
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
2-toned gorillaz
:: TOYS ::so here's the 2-Tone version of Kidrobot's Gorillaz vinyl-figures [via](*eerrr ... shouldn't this be called the "CMYK"-version instead? ;p) somehow i like this colorway (limited to 1,000 pax) , primarily becoz it reminds me of those old skool classic single-colored plastic fighting soldiers of my childhood (mostly green in color tho ;p) and Murdoc is hilarious in all-black with
urban vinyl
mimobot x star wars 3 stormtrooper
new in da inbox: and so the third Star Wars Mimobot is a Stormtrooper (and so i'vegotten 2 out of 3 designs ;p) and im wondering if the last one will really be Yoda? ;ppre-order the Stormtrooper here - *heh*
sw mimobots1,
operation: fragmentation
:: TOYS / CUSTOMS / SHOW ::what is Operation: Fragmentation?"The show brings together twenty-four outstanding individuals with broad experience in artistic styles and mediums to customize Jamungo's 9-inch Nade platform toy in conjunction with an authentic military surplus item." [more here](above-right is a teaser-image of the customs involved = *yummy*) participating artists include: Doktor A (
operation fragmentation,
my batgirl meme 03
:: DRAW / COMICS / WWW ::3rd drawing done/submitted for the online Batgirl meme (mentioned here):pencil-sketch base with photoshopped colors :)2nd entry / 1st entry / *heh*._.
be@rbrick world cup video
:: VIDEO / TOYS ::oldie but goodie:... haven't bought a bearbrick in a while tho :p *heh*._.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
project neptoon blank white versions
:: TOYS / DIY ::fancy customizing your own Project Neptoon figures (designed by Sam Fout)?well, now you can, coz Playstix's releasing the Blank White Versions = limited to 150-sets worldwide and available end Nov 2006 *nice*._.
wondering/planning what ima gonna do next with my first 10"-er Trexi ...another surprise before the end of the year? (*i hope*):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
urban vinyl
kozik's sho-po plop
:: TOYS ::first you have plushes, then vinyl and now? Sho-po Plop the smoking poo by Kozik [via]yes, sh*tte is taking over the world! *HAH*
kidrobot toy,
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::bash inspired by the vampire-hunters of Nightwatch :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
transforming transformer videoclip leaked
:: VIDEO / TRANSFORMERS ::transforming transformer videoclip leaked online ...... NOT! *MUAHAHAHAHAHA-ahem*._.
tony stark talks and iron man redesigns
[above two-images-right via]Robert Downey Jr. talks a little about being Iron Man (when who he really wants to be is Sgt. Rock ;p) on SuperheroHype and im really trying to build-up momentum and interest for this comicbook-adapted-movie, while acknowledging the fact that it will be the Iron Man Armour (more than anything else) that will make or break this movie for me (at this point in time
the moofia mini figures
introducing THE MOOFIA, a companion mini figure series forMozzarella, from Simone Legno and tokidoki! produced by StrangeCo. these 8 new 3"ers tall diary-flavoured characters will come blind-boxed+mystery packaging.*gushingly cute!*
urban vinyl
bumblebee and optimus prime concept artboards
:: MOVIES / DESIGN / WWW / TRANSFORMERS ::since principle photography has stopped on the Transformers live-action movie, there's been a dire-drop in Transformer-news and sneak-images (not counting protoform toy leaks *urgh*) so the only thing we could look forward to are either more Transformer-designs and/or animated Autobots/Decepticons, innit? :)check out for the concept board for
venom, goblin and the sandman revealed
:: DESIGN / MOVIES / COMICS ::production drawings/renderings of three key Spiderman 3 villains revealed online [via] and promptly removed thereafter ... but thanks to the talkback-folks, here they are:Venom's looking real maniacal nice-like (as nice as a homicidal maniac can be, innit?) with his veins poppin' and shitte ... while we have Harry Osborn in an extreme-sports get-up, with Goblin-green
my proposed fluffybadbad display box design
okay, this is just me muckin' about and poking my nose around with a "proposed" display-box design (that's been swirling about in my fetid-mind that i hadda exorcise) for FluffyBadBad, seeing that the final production plush is up and ready, innit? [via]the outside of the box shows a strong-box holding the fluffy-critter, more grafitti should be added and box maybe a bit more grimey. there's a
1/6 customed ninja figures
:: TOYS / 1/6 / CUSTOMS / GO LOCAL ::ninja warriors, stealth ninjas and more ninjas! = all in customed handmade goodness:@ My Ninja Figure [all images via] from local customizer "HunterPig" (aka "Troopers1971"? aka "Ironcrosshunter"? :p) *breath-taking coolness*._.
Monday, November 6, 2006
doktor a's sir hillary pine-coffin
presenting Doktor A's "Sir Hillary Pine-Coffin Acting Rear Admiral of the 117th Semi Mechanised"a hardy Teddy Troop/er turned ol' sea-dog, Dok.A steps up with yet another customed-goodness to induce your collective oooOOooohhhs and aaAAAaaahhhs right they should, IMHO :)(thanks for the images, Dok!) bigger and glorious images can be found here :)*awesome*
doktor a,
vinyl meltdown anarchy in the uk results
the final results of the Vinyl Abuse Vinyl Meltdown - Anarchy in the UK customcompetition are in:*im in shock* - my thanks to all @ VA and to all the judges ... congrats to bothTito Perez and Robotsoda and a humble cheers to my fellow participants :)altho now im wondering whether tis James or Trex who got the vote?t'was PunkTrex who got the vote [via] *am still in shock - my first time*
gallecolle nekonoko cat carp figures from toys2r
: TOYS ::Wonderwall teams up with Toys2R on a GalleColle project, with a pair of 7" Nekonoko Cat Carp Yellow (500 pics) and Blue Stripes-version / figures (@SRP: HK$250/pc) [via]fascinated with the scrawlings, i googled to find only this piece of coherent info: "Nekonoko is a Kitten in Japanese" ... *help?*._.
hot toy's chubby star wars series one revealed
the first assortment/series of the Hot Toys Chubby Star Wars (mentioned here) nesting dolls has been revealed: Darth Vader (+Anakin SkywalkerX2), Obi-Wan Kenobi, C-3PO, Sith, General Grievous, and Wookiees - and are slated for a December 2006 release [via]" Each one is conceptualized from a russian nesting doll, opening up twice to reveal 2 more figures within its parent casing" [via] = and shows
chubby star wars,
hot toys,
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::bash inspired by Cupco's Bomber Wolves :):: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
cupco's suicide bomber wolves
:: TOYS / PLUSH ::we'll huff and we'll puff and blow your house down! ...eerrr... with dynamite of coz!Cupco's Brown and Grey Wolf Bombers-plush stand at 80cm (32 inches) tall and are armed to their fangly teeth with plush-TNT and are set to blow your collective plush-minds away at the MF Toys Show this coming 11th Nov ... nice wolfie ... nice ginormous wolfie ... *neato*._.
Sunday, November 5, 2006
:: MY TOYPIX + KITBASH FOR DA DAY ::bash inspired by sneakafiendz :p:: myflickrset 2 / 1 ::
introducing azazel da sneakafiendz
:: TOYS / GO LOCAL ::here's a sneak peek @ the protoype of a Sneakafiendz (goat head) demon lord from Sneakahood [via]you can never go wrong with demons and sneakerz! *muahahahaha*Who are the Sneakafiendz? [all info via]The Sneakafiendz are several beings from the outer planes, some of who are based on mythological and legendary creatures. They are all sneakerheads who have forgone collecting
comic book urban legends revealed
:: WWW / COMICS ::the following statements are truth or false?- Frank Miller coined the term “The Dark Knight”.- Joker was originally killed off in his SECOND appearance.- Aquaman was not from Atlantis for his first eighteen years of existence.- Batman and Superman began to team-up because of inflation.- The first Marvel/DC crossover was The Wizard of Oz.- The Hulk is green because of poor color
Saturday, November 4, 2006
of batman's son and fan-films
:: COMICS / SHORT FILMS ::as baffled as i am about my missing Batman Begins-dvd, nothing could beat the introduction and existence of Batman's biological-son. "Daimen"???!!! (from Batman#655-657 onwards). now, i could (sorta) understand the temptation of spreading his bat-seeds with Talia Al Ghul, but an 8 year-old-son?and he's starting to be a real killer-pain (literally) in-da-a$$, IMHO ...
my batgirl meme 02
:: DRAW / COMICS / WWW ::second drawing completed for the online Batgirl meme 2006(mentioned here):thought of going with a bit of a urban mecha-theme with thisone ... pencil-sketch base with photoshopped colors. *heh*._.
medicom's 1/6 bandaged rei ayanami
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::ya know, this might be a first time i've (ever) seen a bandaged 12"-action figure being released:Medicom (w/ SideShowToys) presents a Bandaged Rei Ayanami (from Evangelion) in her plug-suit ... and i haveta say, tis pretty decent detailing, but enough to bring a tissue to your toy-eye for the obviously writhing-in-silent-pain Rei? = lemme know if you decide to get her, eh? *heh*'
g1 soundwave toy reissue
:: TOYS / RETRO / TRANSFORMERS ::it'll be hard-pressed to name my favourite Autobot, but when it comes down to Decepticons, Soundwave will always be my fav! (G1, no less)why? becoz he could transform into a cassette-player/boombox and in the midst of 80's breakdance fever teendom, that was pretty darn kewl *L0L*and Hasbro is re-issuing a commemorative edition G1 Soundwave, exclusive to Toys'R'Us
official wanted movie synopsis
the official movie sypnosis of the live-action comicbook adaptation of WANTED (mentioned here)"Wanted" tells the story of one invisible drone's transformation into a dark avenger. In 2008, the world will be introduced to a superhero for a new millennium: Wesley Gibson ... After the murder of a father he never knew, Wes discovers powers beyond his dreams. He becomes the latest recruit in the
comics movie,
wanted comic,
wanted movie
1/6 sith witch wip
:: TOYS ::shown here is an exclusive first-look at a 1/6th-scale (12" / 30cm tall) work-in-progress (WIP) resin-cast of a Sith Witch figure, amazingly sculpted by Jin.(thanks for the exclusive, Automaton!)01. the figure shown above is yet to be painted and feathered, in accordance to the conceptual-design (shown image-left). 02. the plan is to produce no more than 50 pcs of the finished figure,
huck gee's 10" trexi warrior and 3" ninjas
:: TOYS ::coming in mid-Nov is Huck Gee's 10"-er Trexi "warrior" (limited: 200pcs) and his companion "ninja" 3"-er (limited: 300pcs) - in a super-glossy (surface) finish (compared to it's initial product photos tho, IMO) [via]:but what i really like is this uber-cute second color variant 3"-er Red Ninja Trexi - limited to 300 pcs, blister-packed and sold seperately:*cool*._.
Friday, November 3, 2006
the red hunt teaser 007
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*welcome to zombie city. kill or be eaten*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
speed go go go
the rumor is now truth, the Speed Racer live-action movie (adaptation) is a go go GO! [via][original Mach5-image via]"The Wachowski brothers (The Matrix Trilogy) are writing and will direct the movie, which will be produced by Joel Silver. Based on the classic 1960s series created by anime pioneer Tatsuo Yoshida ... the big-screen "Speed" will follow the adventures of the young race car driver
speedracer movie
stikfas does evangelion + devilrobots
:: TOYS / GO LOCAL ::actually read about this in the business-section of our local newspaper and tracked down the Stikfas website for this lil' nugget of info:"...STIKFAS™ would produce a series of Action Figure Kits based on the Evangelion series. The whole plan is to release them during the anniversary year of Evangelion ... This series of Stiks are set for release in Summer 2007, when Gainax
1/6 hot toys robocop with flight pack
before the end of the year, Hot Toys is scheduled to release the "exclusive" version of (their previously-released) Robocop 1/6th-figure that comes complete with "Flight Pack" (making my wish come true again) which utilized/as seen in the movie Robocop 3 - and man, i haveta say the mecha-design of the pack looks pretty darn decent!altho i'd rather just have the flight-pack and nothing else,
my batgirl meme 01
:: DRAW / COMICS / WWW ::first drawing done/submitted for the online Batgirl meme(mentioned here):pencil-sketch base with photoshopped colors. *heh*._.
Thursday, November 2, 2006
byebye halo and hello street fighter
and so they dropped postponed HALO [via] and picked-up Street Fighter [via]... and so goes the trend of videogame-adaptation from current to retro goes? STREET FIGHTER: "Pic will focus on the game's most popular female fighter, Chun Li, but the exact storyline is being kept under wraps." [via] = so they actually thought Elektra did good, eh? (*snicker*) ... now, Chun Li's hot (as hot as an
the red hunt teaser 006
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*welcome to zombie city. kill or be eaten*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
return of the knuckle bear by touma @ mixi-bang!
:: TOYS / EVENT ::come November 4th, if you're down @ Pasadena, USA - it'll be prudent for you Touma-lovers to pop by mixi-bang! for The Return of the Knuckle Bear-event, where Touma will be signing and with mixi-bang! exclusives galore, including:exclusive GID Bone Knuckle Bear (image above-right and bottom-right) - edition of 100-pcs = looking darn schweet, IMHO :)Clear Blue Skuttle Alpha (
osw halloween group bashes
:: TOYS / 1/6 / KITBASH / CUSTOMS ::and so the deadline has passed (and i too have finished my own bashes, to a degree :p) and these are the collective bashes of some fine folks down@ OneSixthWarriors forumboard:(pls note: copyright of images remains with the respective owners/members)CalvinLo's 1/6th Halloween Party is inhabited by the vilest of villains-galore, and is a halloween-sight to
starry kanser the hermit crab
who is Kanser? or in this case, "Starry"? [via/via]01. is a 6"-tall vinyl hermit crab complete with a removable shell.02. is designed by Keith Poon of ToyQube.03. is limited to 120 numbered pieces.04. is da most adorablest vinyl-hermit crab i've ever seen, IMHO.05. go buy him here, go :p
urban vinyl
new qees updates 003 (november)
:: TOYS ::Kei Sawada's Cucumouse is qee-fied as an 8"-er, with a 2.5"-er Kei Artist as part of the Artist Qee Collection [via]:and there'll be an additional two colorways, Red (Dec 2006) and Mono (2007)*coolness*and from Japan comes Akira Yamaguchi with his 8"-er mechabot-Qee, together with a 2.5"-er Qee Akira MonQ, limited to 400 come this december [via]:an additional colorway (100 pieces)
1/6 blackhole / shadow stormtrooper has listed a 1/6th RAH "Shadow Stormtrooper" by Medicom [via] and unfortunately for my wallet and toy-greedy-disposition = it looks mighty good from here!(or maybe tis becoz i like 'em "black" :p) "Shadow Stormtrooper. Borne from an obscure reference in an old 1979 Star Wars comic strip, these dark agents of the Empire, also known as Blackhole Troopers"first gushed-over as a bust, and
:: LIFE IN SINGAPORE :: tis the end of the semester (at least for me) and after two months of p/t "lecturing", here are some points to remember for next year:01. to (try to) be more "positive" in my delivery and of the media industry in general (i said "try")02. time for less talk/theory and more "hands-on"/practical activities. 03. forget about asking for feedback becoz there never will be,
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
the red hunt teaser 005
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*welcome to zombie city. kill or be eaten*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
joe ledbetter's teeter and ringo-bear
a double-vinyl-whammy from Joe Ledbetter this week:knockout-news-one:Teeter (released by Kidrobot) can literally balance on just an arm or a leg, is 6-inches tall and is limited to just 400-pieces @ near USD50-per online @ Kidrobot from November 9th onwards. [info+image via]knockout-news-two:Ringo Bear (produced by Wheaty Wheat Studios) is slated for a 2007-release with 5 color variants - in
urban vinyl,
mindbile moments: similarity breeds contempt
:: WWW ::a comment left by an anonymous reader (here) led me to Banksy's streetart, specifically of this image (shown insert-right)the comment was: "looks like it might be banksy inspired:" - followed by the link. (insert image-left is mine)a few thoughts flashed thru my mind (in sequence, no less ;p):01. anger - at a (possible) insinuation from an absolute stranger that i had copied another's
the batgirl meme sequel
:: DRAW / COMICS ::looks like the Batgirl meme is back! [via] and yet again with a wide variety of styles, mediums, treatments and intepretations :)this online drawing-meme was first started (and featured here) @ the beginning of 2006 and looks like it's gonna go well into 2007 ... and ima gonna go rustle up some doodles (and post it here) in a bid to "get more involved in the online community" (
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