Tuesday, October 31, 2006
vinyl&co japan teaser video
last i spoke to Jac (of Vinyl&Co) via email was when they were touring Japanand now they have a video-teaser of their travels to show for it [via VA]:Vinyl&Co is Jac and Johan = both French documentary filmmakers and they are traveling around the world to document+film the wacky&wonderful world of designer vinyls and their makers (first featured on my blog here) = *coolness*next stop? London! -
the red hunt
you might have missed the teaser image, or even thought the Red Death Plague-entry made no sense at all (thank the gawds i don't write for a living, no? *heh*) - but please permit me to present my humble submission for the OSW Group Bash: The Red Huntwhat started out as a planned "simple" 2-man bash for shittes'n'giggles, morphed and grew into a 6-man-team, for which i've developed a serious
tre customs,
hiroshi yoshii's handmade toy trio
:: TOYS ::remember the Hiroshi Yoshii toy-making "adventures" i posted a while's back?well, the man is back and he brings with him his completed/finished critters! [info via] namely: Kumacco, Roppon-Guy and Blinksized between 7cm to 8cm tall, these handmade-resin guys are uber-limited to only 20 pieces each (!) and they go on sale from November 3rd - you can pre-order them @ both One-Up and
the red hunt teaser 004
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*welcome to zombie city. kill or be eaten*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
japanese halloween costumes
:: WTF / BWAHAHA ::Cracked.com has a hilarious feature/review of Japanese Halloween Costumes for your consideration and viewing pleasure(s) [via] which borders on naive-creative, totally phallic and downright pron hilarious (as evident as the insert images :p)one man's creative-pride is another man's practical joke, IMHO :p and while i personally have never been (that i remembered) to a
baby treeson
now, a 37-y/o man gushing at an adorable toy-figure is not exactly a pretty sight (in "your" non-toy-admiring-reality perhaps :p) - but in my toy world, it is perfectly justifiable, especially when it comes to Treeson and now, there's "Baby Treeson"? [via/via]*gush* SRP @ near USD$12 and slated to be released around the same time as Firefly and Urban Treeson, this 3-inch lil-bundle of joy comes
crazy label,
urban vinyl
Monday, October 30, 2006
medicom 1/6 ghost rider
this is too awesome for words [via]:Medicom is releasing a 1/6th Ghost Rider figure (via SideShowToys) slated to ship 1st quarter of 2007, to coincide with the launch of the feature film (i suspect) and man-o-man it sure does look good! (including the "plastic-flames" hahahaha) and if only they'd release a 1/6th articulated Old West Ghost Rider? that'll be doubly-schweet, IMHO (and yes, ima
ghostrider movie,
diy wooden tofus, evirob and blythe
:: TOYS / DIY / CRAFT ::step-by-step visual process to making/carving your own WOODEN To-Fu Kubrick and Evirob: (thanks for the headsup, kswh!)[all images via] and there's also an in-depth process of making a Wooden Blythe as well (eerie but strangely attractive - and also becoz i have a Blythe in my toy-collection, dun ask) - and i remember very clearly i sucked bad in wood-shop class, in my
interview with bubi au yeung
check out an online interview with Bubi Au Yeung (creator of Treeson) on Rawbean's blog = *neato*._.
1/1-sized Kamen Rider suits
:: RETRO / WWW ::a little jolt down thy manga-nostalgia-avenue with these1/1-sized (adult) Kamen Rider (customed) suits found on ebay! [all images via]looking to be totally custom-made and fabricated (helmet, costume and all) in Thailand (??), there's the Classic Masked Rider One, Masked Rider V3, Masked Rider Man and even Masked Rider Amazon (and no, im not affiliated with the seller whatsoever
gokitsch's guide to collecting designer vinyls
:: TOYS / WWW ::go read The Guide To Collecting Designer Vinyl by Carl of GoKitsch, filled with buying tips and sagely advice - within a spanking new website design to boot!this hit home: " 4) Space, especially in today’s society, our living (and working!) quarters are shrinking, always remember when you purchase a toy, to take a mental note of where it could be displayed, the bigger the toy, the
the red death plague
Entry dated: RP+30Nobody knew exactly when it was when the Red Death Plague hit. It could've been in the air and atmosphere for months or even years. The seeds of damnation are embedded into the human genome and corrupts from within. You might not know when you'd turn, until the day your taste for human flesh replaces all semblance of humanity, conscience and love (except for the love of fresh
Sunday, October 29, 2006
the red hunt teaser 003
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*welcome to zombie city. kill or be eaten*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
AVFVP :: vol.23
*click on icon-above to view: Tekkon Kinreet japanimation / Freak Brother's Pilot / Fight Club Bollywood-style / Farce of the Penguins / Hot Fuzz / Weird Al / Moby + Debbie Harry / The Killers / Lady Sovereign / Tower 8's Face Off / animated vampires / Sony Bravia's Paint Ad / Bond peddles Heineken / Virtual Lavatory / and a working flamethrower made out of LEGO!:: MOVIE TRAILER ::trailer for
Saturday, October 28, 2006
the red hunt teaser 002
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*welcome to zombie city. kill or be eaten*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
a hazmate a day keeps the toy-druggie away
now this must be the smiliest + happiest-looking red-warning-sign-plush i've ever seen (drug-induced or otherwise)! [images+info via]what started out as a streetart sticker by Bytedust, ended up as a handmade 15cm/6"-tall limited edition luscious red plush calledHazmate (click here to buy online - comes with a free badge + sticker pack) ... and mayhap this be the "cure" for the moody
cathy cowgirl
Ron English teases our collective vinyl-mammaries with this limited edition buxomy-bovine, Cathy Cowgirl and i would totally udderstand any collectors' fixation with her teats and tiny-jeans-shorts:"Cathy Cowgirl is based on a recurring character from the artist’s paintings and billboard appropriations, often associated with his ongoing jabs at the dairy industry’s use of bovine growth hormones."
urban vinyl
the elmo drug connection
:: WWW ::Elmo held in connection to drug bust (well, sorta :p)"OCTOBER 26-A Colorado drug operation hid large quantities of methamphetamine inside Elmo dolls according to federal investigators ... When investigators opened up the plush doll's skull, they discovered the drug stash inside wrapped in plastic. While Elmo has never previously been linked to narcotics distribution or use, the Sesame
Friday, October 27, 2006
marvel superheroes stamps
DC have, Marvel also want to have: Marvel Super Heroes Postal Stamps!"The 10 stamps on a pane of 20 depict Captain America, Elektra, Iron Man, Silver Surfer, Spider-Man, Spider-Woman, Sub-Mariner, The Incredible Hulk, The Thing and Wolverine. The other 10 stamps depict classic Marvel Comic book covers linked to the super heroes. Information about the artwork shown on each stamp appears on the
shikito strikes back
from plush to vinyl, an oft-overlooked and totally under-rated (and appreciated) humanoid waste-byproduct is set to conquer the world! = Lauda Shikito Salvatorem - all praise Shikito the savior! *MUAHAHAHAHA*Shikito is the character icon for (France's) Superdeux’s new B*Shit s streetwear-line.Shikito is a 4"er rotocast vinyl pile of fun and giggles and is available in both Brown and The Real Bad
urban vinyl
top 20 comic book weapons
:: COMICS / WWW ::go check out CardboardMonocle's exceptional and diverse list of the Top 20 Comic Book Weapons! [image via]"When compiling the top 20 comic book weapons of all time, one must consider the weapon and not the wielder. We chose weapons that define the characters they belong to. Without their weapons, the characters on this list would lose their identities." [via] = *fanboy-coolness*
fourth spiderman villain revealed?
SuperheroHype reports that Bruce Campbell is rumored to play "Quentin Beck" aka Mysterio (abeittedly a brief cameo appearance) in the upcoming Spiderman 3 movie! - Film Ick has the full story. and while it all sounds intriguing, hopefully they'd do something about his costume! altho it'll be cool interesting to see a villain with a full-domed-helmet *L0L* ... i personally would love to see
spiderman 3 movie
Thursday, October 26, 2006
hazegear 2006
*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*view the entire series on my multiply and/or flickr :)
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
mimobot x star wars 2
new in da inbox: and so the second Star Wars Mimobot (first being Darth Vader)is Chewbacca! (available in 1, 2 and 4GB-capacities here)i wonder if the rest of my choices/predictions will be/are accurate? *heh*
sw mimobots1,
to-fu mix 5th anniversary kubricks
Kubrick X Devilrobots X Noriya Takeyama X Mori Chack X Aki Kondo = To-Fu Mix!to commemorate Medicom To-Fu/Kubrick's 5th anniversary, Kubrick and Devilrobots collaborate with the abovementioned artists/designers for a coming December-release = looking minimalistically-cute ~ *nice*
va interviews brickboy
:: INTERVIEW / WWW / TOYS :: VinylAbuse interviews Brickboy(and ima kicking myself for not reacting sooner :p)Brick Boy is Sjors Trimbach and creator of Brickboy (duh) and the recent Badgers :)._.
10 comicbook crossovers one can only hope for
10 Comic Book Crossovers One Can Only Hope For (all images via)[via] would these be something you'd like to see? *heh*
hazegear 026
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore* :: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
transmetropolitan 1/6th kitbash
found via: images of 12" action figures based on Warren Ellis' Transmetropolitan, as done by series co-creator and artist Darick Robertson, for use as (visual) reference! Spider Jerusalem flanked by his "filthy-assistants" - Yelena Rossini(on-image-left) and Channon Yarrow (on-image-right).rudimentary decent kitbashes, i would say :) altho Spider is quite spot-on here:with loadsa liberty taken
transformers 20th anniversary special edition dvd
:: MOVIES / DVD ::come November 7th, SONY BMG Music Entertainment presents Transformer-fans with a 2-Disc TRANSFORMERS: The Movie 20th Anniversary Special Edition DVD-set, which will rawk the respective autobot/decepticon-fanboys' world!what's in the dvd-set:- remastered and color-corrected film.- 16X9 Widescreen presentation (as well as Full-Screen).- "The Autobot Matrix of Knowledge" - which
magneto vs mahathir
:: MOVIES / BWAHAHA :: the future master of magnetism meets the future (ex) prime minister of malaysia? [via] and as confounded as to why i even bothered to actually procure the X3-dvd (in the first place), i too hold my rabid-tongue when it comes to "politics" ... so i couldn't resist posting this:"Plot Outline: A young Magneto seeks revenge on the Nazis who killed his family while befriending
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
invisible woman stops helicopter rooftop crash
the Invisible Woman/Sue Storm stops a helicopter from crashing into her wedding ceremony, as seen from this flickr photoset (images via) of the upcoming Fantastic Four: Rise Of the Silver Surfer movie [via]becoz Jessica Alba looks stunning in a wedding gown stopping a helicopter from crashing ... and that's reason enough. *yep*
fantastic four movie,
hazegear 025
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore* :: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
almost final fluffybadbad
FluffyBadBad (featured just) gets even closer to completion and (eventually) into our grubby plush-grabbing-hands with these (almost) "final" prototype images (direct from the China-manufacturers) ~ courtesy of Jordan, creator of FluffyBadBad (thanks, dude!)them chompers look set to wreak havoc, innit? (:p) FluffyBadBad is the first toy from OhNo!Doom and is scheduled for a November-release. all
survivor toyland and the naughty adventures of barbie
"sixteen toys. one island. who will survive?" = find out in Survivor Toyland [via] a survival-of-the-plastic photostory, hosted by Max Steel = *bwahahahahaha*and if you're in a "naughty mood"? check out Barbie's Love Dilemma and Barbie In The Big House (*totally R/A and NSFW, including drugs-use and plastic doll nudity*) ;p
medicom bruce lee
scheduled for an April 2007-release, is this 12" Bruce Lee action figure from Medicom!images shown are production prototypes and they sure look *schweet*!altho this ain't exactly an Arnie-Kim-sculpt (absolutely no offense to the original-sculptor, mind) but i reckon plenty of there might be folks who would/might be happy with a less-pricier alternative ... IMHO, of coz.figure comes with two
medicom protect gear keberos red spectacles 20th anniversary
having mixed emotions of utter-joy (of visual recognition) and sheer confusion (i thought Takara's gonna be releasing four more of 'em?), can really mess with a hobbyist's mind, ya know?and with that., after "recovering" (if you can call pickingup your jaw from the floor) from seeing the images here, i snooped around ye old cyberway for some semblence of clarity for the abovementioned new
sideshowtoys' asajj ventress
a sneak-peek teaser image of a new Star Wars figure has made it's way unto the cybertoyweb (including the insert newer/clearer image-right) and she's revealed to be Asajj Ventress!who?"Asajj Ventress is a fictional character from the Star Wars Expanded Universe. She is best known from her many appearances in the Star Wars: Clone Wars animated series, where she fought Anakin Skywalker. Ventress
getoninja's urban style headsculpts
in the midst of primarily military-themed action figure posts, i find this lil gem of a collection: OSW-board member "Getoninja's" self-made "Urban Styled Headsculpts":*more characters and images after the jump*(he calls them "urban cartoon style", but i beg to differ *heh*) straddling bridging the invisible thin-toy-divide between "traditional" 1/6th-action figures with the visual-spirit of "
the diy-gun
ie: the do-in-yourself gun = Kenn Munk intrigues with these subtly-brill imagery [via]:a precursor of exciting things to come? (thanks for the images, Kenn) and mayhap paralleling something i've been "secretly" working-on as well = great minds think alike, i always (shamelessly) say! *muahahaha* please permit me to say this: welcome to the 1/6th-world, buddy! *muahahahaha*
firefly and urban treeson are coming
looks like Treeson's family is about to be introduced to the whole wide world![all images via]- image-left is of the boxes of Treeson-goodies, that are scheduled to grace us before/by christmas (*woo-hoo*)- image-right are of "proposed" (but unconfirmed final) box-designs for both Firefly and Urban Treeson. "who?" you might ask? let Bubi Au Yeung (creator of Treeson) tell you:- Story of Firefly
crazy label,
urban vinyl
battlestar galactica season one aftermath
the only thing i can think of now is: MORE! I Want MO0000RE!and with the price of an all-night/day Battlestar-Galactica Season One single-viewing-marathon completed just (well, prior to some sleep, natch), pounding away within my fragile*ahem*skull and of the buzzsawbuzzin' from the mid-afternoon wake-up liquified caffeine; offering phantom naked-cylons (somehow they must be connected, wot?) and
Monday, October 23, 2006
hazegear 024
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
battlestar galactica season one
disc one into Battlestar Galactica Season One (talk about late google-box-bloomers, eh?) and im pretty much hooked beyond redeemption in a bad way ... (thanks, Andrew! *LOL*)and with this im afraid certain regular personal habitual cycles might suffer, like (1) regular/daily blogging, (2) contact with fellow bipeds beyond-that-which-is-my-room and (3) a serious sleep-deprivation disorder that is
Sunday, October 22, 2006
hazegear 023
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
Saturday, October 21, 2006
hazegear 022
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
Doktor.A & his Spookypop Customs
:: TOYS / CUSTOMS / INTERVIEW ::you've seen his inspired customs constantly featured in me humble blog (see bottom of post for links). you see his work being fawned over at forum boards and online toy-entities, now read about the good Doktor.A in a short interview i've had with him just: TOYSREVIL: how do the concepts of your creations and customs came about? what inspires you?DOKTOR.A: Anything
doktor a,
tre interviews,
urban vinyl
altered states @ rotofungi
now seriously, how could i have ever missed this Altered States custom-event organized by Rotofungi? (all images via) - also see show coverage on VinylPulse :pfeaturing a wide variety of vinyl-forms by well-known customizers, they could be yours here [via] = *coolness*
urban vinyl
the power of the dark crystal
the long-awaited sequel to 1982's Dark Crystal, The Power of the Dark Crystal begins production with these storyboards (including interview) viewable on MTV.com or via AICNand suddenly im reminded of SideShowToy's Jen+Kira Dark Crystal figures a while back, which i didn't really see locally (here in singapore) and im wondering what sort of toys are gonna be released for this new muppet-movie .
dark crystal,
major matt manson
found this visual-feature of Mattel's Major Matt Mason spaceman-inspired toy (circa 1966-71) on World Of Kane ~ including a link to fan toy image-archives. *heh*
retro toys
Friday, October 20, 2006
celebrities as star wars characters
Celebrities as Star Wars Character [via](images shown all via) Yoda topped the most-inspired-by list, followed by Darth maul and Jedi ... but my fav is still the Jedi pictured below ... and i meant Scarlett, not Bean, yeh? *heh*
official 300 website
new official movie website for Frank Miller/Zack Snyder's 300 [via]with the teaser trailer, a trio of "ink-to-films" comparisons (insert below) as well as conceptual art and links to the production blog and video journals = *nice*and SuperHeroHype has awesome new photos here*enjoy*
when gardener is born
a video/short film homage to Michael Lau and his vinyl-Gardeners [via]*cool* ... wish i knew more about this video tho ...
michael lau,
urban vinyl,
hazegear 021
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
hazegear 020
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
tamo wallpaper
:: DESIGN ::download yer free (Bape-print inspired) TAMO-wallpaper @ Alfredo Mejia's (creator of Tamo) whose had a new website design-over, btw = *nice*
superman returns 1/6 figure comparisons
Superman 1/6 Comparisons = visual / pictorial comparisons between DC Direct, Hot Toys and Medicom-versions of (the Brandon Routh) Superman (Returns) 1/6th-figure [via]personally, i reckon tis pretty hard to get the fit and form proportions right for a hero that wears his red-undies on the outside, innit? tis either too loose or rides-up too much, never the "perfect-fit", eh? *heh*
Thursday, October 19, 2006
beck's cellphone's dead
Beck's Cellphone's Dead (downloadable in gorgeous quicktime)directed by Michel Gondry. (original lo-fi version wif dancing lil girl)*i like*
music video
building by endre tveitan
:: VIDEO / ART ::Building by (Norwegian video-artist) Endre Tveitan, with audioscape by Lars Lervik [via] claws away at my caffeine-addled-senses @5am on a starless fridaymorning and the screeches are comforting like bloodied-nails on a chalkboard of the subconscious ..."construction and deconstruction of surfaces." (other videos on his youtube channel)._.
soldier story's upcoming chinese military figures
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::from the makers of the femme Medic Of The Eight Route, comes a whole slew of teaser-images, with no accompanying info whatsoever! :ppermit me to attempt to unravel the mystery of these chinese brethren, with (most) images via OSW and with whatever "intel" i've gathered (like what the heck do i know about the military, eh? :p) ~ further information would be appreciated as well :) ~
play imaginative's grabbit
newindainblox: Play Imaginative continues to innovate with their upcoming new Grabbit = a character in Touma's Knuckle-series and will be made available in 2007 (which is scarily only a coupla more months away, innit?) as both a vinyl-toy AND a plush! [via]a preliminary-ad and a prototype shown here - altho im wondering if the vinyl-toy would have movable bunny-ears? *heh* as im sure the
go local,
play imaginative,
urban vinyl
of comic book covers
from vintage to current, from the golden-age to the cyber-age, Cover Browser "showcases over 5000 comic book covers" [link+info via Drawn!] = from alternative and indie-comics to the big two, seems they've expanded quite a few (ongoing expansion, it states) since last night/this morning when i was prepping this post = *schweet*currently they are listed in no particular order (neither genre nor
anarchy in the uk deadline up
and with the deadline up, tis down to the "celebrity judges" to decide who'll be the winner in the VinylAbuse Anarchy In The UK custom-competition, and even tho i do (actually) feel quite out of place (and humbled) amidst the cool customs, what with my two 12"er-entries > that doesn't stop me at all from drooling over "the competition" (*heh*)(names of customizers insert image of respective
va anarchy
watch out for d*falling giant metal balls!
:: ART ::i had thought half-a-pair'a autobot or decepticon's mecha-metal balls had dropped unto a civilian's car during filming [image via Wooster]than i found out tis for D*Face's current exhibition in London[image and more info @ VinylPulse]not exactly a big fan of D*Face (dun dislike him either, mind),just thought these were farnie ... *ahem* :p._.
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
the melancholy of suzumiya haruhi with dancing gundams
:: VIDEO / ANIME ::i initial had wanted say: "wtf is this dude doing with his free-time?" ~ but the reality is, he'd actually gone and done something ... and at 3am+ in the humid morning, it is quite an inspiration to watch: [via] (video-left = original stop-motion sequence / video-right = with anime-comparison)... or maybe i just need some sleep ... *heh*._.
6 most absurd moments from superhero movies
:: MOVIES / COMICS :: The 6 Most Absurd Moments from Superhero Movies [via] = either offends the fanboys or gives you the sniggers, im amazed that they left out the part where Mr.Fantastic didn't just jump all over Jessica Alba the first time he sees her, in The Fantastic Four (genius = zilch-libido?) *hyuks*any other moments from other superhero-flicks they might have missed?._.
hazegear 019
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
anarchy in the uk: jamespunk
my second submission for the VinylAbuse Anarchy In The UK custom-competition: jamespunka re-painted James Dean figure dressed in dapper-mode and ready for work! - SideShowToys jacket over an unknown japanese-brand jeans, with Hot Toys' lace-up combat-boots.off goes the coat and tie at the stroke of five, work's done and time to rawk! - James dressed in a DML-white shirt with cut-off sleeves and
tre customs
anarchy in the uk: punktrex
my first submission for the VinylAbuse Anarchy In The UK custom-competition: punktrexa Ken (Barbie) body-base with a blank Trexi-head (fits decent), topped with black-felt cut-and-folded "spikes" - (self) adhered unto head. union-jack cloth-patch ripped from a Jenny-jacket (dun ask) and double-side-taped on.white, black and red inked directly unto DML bomber-jacket, over a plaid shirt, with a
tre customs
what seems like yet another innocent cuddly plush-toy carries with it a secret twist:poised to bite a chunk out of the toy-market, fledgling new toy player OhNo!Doom's first toy offering is FluffyBadBad and he comes complete with chompers ~ that's right, actually moving metallic-teeth! (non-sharpened, of coz)the FluffyBadBad-images featured here are in varied stages of prototype, with the 5"-er
Tuesday, October 17, 2006
turbo shek figure review
:: TOYS / 1/6 ::Tiger Wong's "friend" has arrived and unfortunately i ain't impressed much ... so i decided to give Turbo Shek a lil 1/6-fashion-makeover toysrevil-style! *LOL*a quick review and images here ~ that'll teach me not to order and pay for something i've never seen before ~ *bleah*._.
dalek spacebots qees series one
:: TOYS :: new Spacebot Qees series one by Dalek [via] with a targeted November-release date ... and looking pretty nifty too! ... now imagine them as a buncha 8"-ers ... *cool*._.currently Dalek has an exhibition @ the Galerie Magda Danysz, Paris - from 21st October to 26th November. Dalek says: "All I want is for people to stop being ignorant. I am saddened more than I am tired of the extent
hazegear 018
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore* :: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
endor rebel commandos
i've never expected SideShowToys to release these buncha guys:a three-figure Endor Rebel Commandos set, featuring Endor Rebel Infantry (also available individually) and the Endor Rebel Commando Sergeant and Nik Sant - Endor Rebel Commando Pathfinder (available only as a Endor Strike Force Bundle-of-3 figures)kudos for releasing "lesser-known" figures amongst the Star Wars-lore and am sure
mace windu scores
a fun photo-story review of SideShowToy's Mace Windu figure on OSW:done by boardmember; "Titan". (*some plastic near-nudity*) *heh*added 21.10.06::Titan" = Hylton Mayne (writer and illustrator specializing in science fiction fantasy) and his toy-review is also now featured SideShowToy's website :)
enterbay bruce lee
more Arnie Kim Bruce Lee-pictures via OSW:the yellow-shoes are making my ever 1/6-kicks-loving-brain go crazy! *bites fist* and the metal-plated-serial-numbering is weirding me out a tad (but somehow "classy" lah :p)more via figures.com = *kewl*
Monday, October 16, 2006
living the one-sixth world : 1/6 hair
now, i don't claim to be an uber-experienced customizer (but am a pretty decent kitbasher *bleah*) and so it was with a untested-notion, laced with a tinge of hesitation that i started on adding "hair" to a figure im currently bashing:base-figure is of a Michael-Lau-headsculpt (done yonks back for ThreeZero) i needed the figure to have "long-ish" hair (to match a comicbook character)inspired by
living 1/6
60 inch classic bear qee form
60-inches of all-black or white, your choice [via/via] for a measely USD$3K per pop :)can you imagine the size of a 60"er-Qee? remember when Jeremyville customized his in 25 hours? = time to upsize alla youse toy-customizers! *hyuks*
michael lau interviewed on bkrw
Michael Lau interviewed on Black Rainbow Extraordinaire Magazine [via] during his recent Nike Launch. (past posts: here / here / here / here and/or here :p)including some cool images [all above via] of Lau and his toys = *nice*
michael lau,
urban vinyl
kaws mobile
:: DESIGN / PAPERCRAFT :: and so the KAWS MOBILE is on Original-Fake [via] and so it measures near one metre in length/stretched ... and so i found the images/info on a reverse-order/timeline ~ which is quite farnie if i imagined it hard enuff *bleah* :pa hit-up on nostalgia laced with "now"-urbanism, IMO... and i shudder at a sudden thought of bootleggers mass-photocopying this and making
hazegear 017
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore* :: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
tired kitty
:: VIDEO / CUTE ::isn't this the gosh-darn-cutest thing you've seen? *aaaawwwww*for more doses of "cuteness", also check out Cute Overload (if you dare) ... altho this video reminds of the many times when i doze off in-front of the computer (and no i ain't sayin' im "cute" :p) *bleah*._.
gorillaz white version + cmyk packaging
images of the Gorillaz WHITE version (mentioned here) found on pixie-blog:available November (16th) ~ *schweet*and meanwhile, the CMYK-edition has surface via Ebay [info via]: better images when i get them, sorry :p ~ *heh*
urban vinyl
Sunday, October 15, 2006
nike cosplay rangers
:: VIDEO / TVC ::and speaking of Power Rangers ... [via]here's some tips to become a Power Ranger (sans Nike-shoes lah)*bwahahaha*._.
bandai museum
t'was with great interest and joy when i'd just discovered the existence of a Bandai Museum, with images of my childhood favs, captured in this flickr-set [images via]with promises of a Gundam Museum and Character Museum - with classics like Ultraman, Masked (Kamen) Rider, Godzilla, Mazinger-Z, Power Ranges and even a life-sized-Gundam, all housed within a 9-storey building! *woot*and then the
retro toys,
hazegear 016
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run michael run
looking at all these promo images leading to the Michael Lau X Nike launch just reminds me of the (local army) compulsory 2.4-kilometre-runs; which i deplored to my utmost consciousness (and obviously have a hard time to pass each time dammit)above image is of the upcoming "Michael Lau meets Steve Pre-Fontaine" Nike Catalog ~ available from 16th October @ Nike Central flagship store in HongKong.
michael lau,
ml x nike,
urban vinyl
phuek X tetsujin 28 gigantor = maximus 77
what happens when you commission PhuEk! to custom a 12"-er Tetsujin 28 Gigantor?dubbed Maximus 77, this is truly a "heavy-metal" toy-custom!a cleaner+leaner style without his signature red-trims (i know the "secret material" but will never tell *hyuks* :p) makes for a dashing duo-tone mecha, IMHO :)bigger and more images @PhuEk's blog = *schweetness*
hot toys ed-209 product images
for those of you that are still considering getting this companion to your Hot Toy Robocop, do check out these images on this OSW-thread :)[images via] now that's a huge bugger, innit? altho this looks like the battle-damaged version, but im not sure (:p) anybody else has a playability-review of this 14"-tall plastic-mecha?
new qees updates 002 (october)
new upcoming Qee-shapes continue in the form of candy silhouette-teases [via/via]pig+pussycat shapes? are we but an oink and a meow away from the big reveal, eh? *hyuk-hyk* :pi've always liked "behind-the-scenes" of the making of toys and these sneak-peek Qee-making factory-photos are pretty interesting.and i'll be holding my breath for the day when someone actually makes a "video" of the
Saturday, October 14, 2006
AVFVP :: vol.22
*click on icon-above to view: David Fincher talks Zodiac / Apocalypto / Pan's Labyrinth / Deathnote / Animatrix's Kid's Story / City Paradise / The Owl / Madonna's Jump / DJ Shadow / Lyekka vs Nelly Furtado / Justin Timberlake / The Go! Team / Madvillain / Absolut-Crap / selling gasoline in 1969 / Bernie+Ert / and the adventures of Turkish Superman!:: MOVIE TRAILER ::director David Fincher talks
chubby star wars
this mystery image (insert-right) on Hot Toy's website intrigued me enough to track down this post [via]:"HK's Hot Toys Company is going to release a brand new Star Wars collectible - The Chubby Star Wars series. A series of Star Wars toys with the concept of the Russian nesting doll ... Each of the Star Wars nesting doll consists of 3 different sizes of doll, with each doll representing the
chubby star wars,
hot toys,
hazegear 015
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
kaws' bones
:: DESIGN / PAPERCRAFT ::a coupla intriguing images found on KAWS' blog:just in time for Halloween too, innit?and if "he" be made of cardboard/paper, then could "he" be catergorizedunder "paper-craft"? *heh*._.
arnie kim's bruce lee in game of death
wouldja plonk down USD$350 for Arnie Kim's Game of Death Bruce Lee figure? [via]scheduled for a 20th October-release, this limited edition (550 pics) figure-set comes complete with fully-articulated figure (duh) with excellent Arnie Kim-headsculpt, iconic jump suit, interchangeable eyes, 7 hands for posing, nunchaku (with case), green (jade?) bamboo stick, handmade-shoes (*slurp*) and a deluxe
itokin park's robo
introducing Itokin Park's first full-vinyl figure = ROBO!in collaboration with One-Up, Park's created a 4.5"-tall vinyl figure based on his resin-Robo, made in Japan and scheduled for release in Dec 2006 [via] - personally, i reckon this proto-grey looks good enough already! (IMHO) ~ waiting to see the final colorway ~ *neato*
itokin park,
planetary ending
read from Warren Ellis' workblog:"SEPTEMBER 26:Scott Dunbier says all the pages for PLANETARY #26 are in. That means the story is now over — we’re doing an “aftermath” issue at a later date, but now, to all intents and purposes, PLANETARY is complete.""Planetary is an American comic book series created by Warren Ellis (writer) and John Cassaday (artist), published by the Wildstorm imprint of DC
warren ellis
cupco's norse by norsewest
if ever you guys are in Portland, do check out CUPCO's NORSE BY NORSEWEST show at the MOSHI MOSHI Gallery - 811 East Burnside Portland, Oregon, from the 6th til 30th October 2006 - curated by Bwana Spoons: included too are glorious artwork (image-left) and these dudes (image-right) done for the SF Super7 show: (thanks for the headsup, Luke!) *coolness*
mimobot X star wars
new in da inbox: Mimoco does Star Wars!Darth Vader is the first Mimobot out of the Imperial-stargate, with three other "secret" SW-character-bots yet to be revealed. below is my own interpretation of what those characters could be like (apologies for the dodgy Yoda-looking-like-bride-of-frankenstein tho :p)*muahahaha*
transformers junked?
visual evidence via:Optimus' headsculpt, for chroma-screen reference, i assume :)Bumblebee either before or after transformation, i know not coz i've yet to read the script (:p) .. altho it seems they start-off from the junkyard and re-assemble themselves? more Bumblebee @-left and Megatron @-right = talk about an image-drought, innit? *heh*
transformers movie
Friday, October 13, 2006
hot toy's top gun aviators
Iceman and Maverick? and all i hear is Danger Zone in my brainbox ... *shudder*Hot Toy's new Aviator-set: F/A-18 Hornet and F-14 Tomcat possesses an uncanny reference to the film; Top Gun - and while Val Kilmer's a near-dead-on likeness, Tom Cruise's "Maverick" looks too generic, IMHO. (ie: Kilmer would be less likely to sue)i've no particular lurve for pilot-action-figures, so i reckon i'll be
war machine and a possible iron man's girlfriend
and so Terence Howard (who seriously needs new headshots) is cast as Jim Rhodes in the Iron Man movie (why do we need another mecha-man? ie: War Machine?) and i find my thruster-boots not quivering a single spitting-sputter ... but mention Famke Janssen?and even tho tis just a rumor, i sullied my shorts smile a big chesire grin i do *hyuks* :p
iron man,
iron man movie,
300 movie posters
you've seen the trailer and the comic-to-screen-comparisons ~ now witness the movie posters: [via/via] 300 coming our way 2007.
30 days of night videolog
:: MOVIE / COMICS :: "This is the story of an isolated Alaskan town that is plunged into darkness for a month each year when the sun sinks below the horizon. As the last rays of light fade, the town is attacked by a bloodthirsty gang of vampires bent on an uninterrupted orgy of destruction. Only the small town's husband-and-wife Sheriff team stand between the survivors and certain destruction." [
hazegear 014
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kaws animated video
:: VIDEO / ANIMATION :: done by the folks @ MoGraphixx for KAWSONE [via] *cool*._.
do-it-yourself transformer suits
so alla youse Michael-Bay/Transformers-movie haters: quit bitching about the film and radical re-designs and go make your own transforming-Transformer-costumes, eh? [via](first found on boingboing but had forgotten to post :p) *heh*
dj shadow screen test
:: VIDEO / CONTEST ::"To celebrate the release of his ... new album "The Outsider" DJ Shadow & Island Records are inviting fans and aspiring creatives to submit videos for his next single "This Time"... It's not necessarily about who can create the slickest, most professional work. It's really more about the execution of simple ideas, however bizarre, dark, funny, ingenious or off the wall. The
Thursday, October 12, 2006
300 comic to screen comparison
visual comparison of trailer images to the actual comic page-art of Frank Miller's 300 on Solace in Cinema [via]similar to the Sin City comparisons by FilmRot [via] ~ dammit, time to dig out my 300-comicbook for another reading, innit? *heh*
hazegear 013
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grind house
:: MOVIES ::the trailer and the movie poster(s) [via] of Grind House alone is enough to get my B-Movie-blood boiling and frothing over with desire to watch this movie N000O000W!!!!"Two full length feature horror movies written by Quentin Tarantino (Death Proof) & Robert Rodriguez (Planet Terror) put together as a two film features. Including fake movie trailers in between both movies." [via]if i
trexi plus series 2 full form
the Trexi PLUS series 2 i featured just, finally sees full form [via]am really liking Joe Ledbetter's tho :)so have you guys submitted your own Trexi-designs yet? 3 more days to go, innit?i figured im screwed for time, so it'll be my loss, innit? *dammit* :(good looking set tho, doncha think? *heh*
play imaginative,
trexi plus,
urban vinyl
duck fever show
:: TOYS / CUSTOM / EVENT ::and while i doubt the Duck Fever show (held via Mercado) will ever go by way of the Singapore's version [via] (ie: ducks floating away on the open river *yikes*), i reckon it'll be truly awesome to see them all together, what with the works/creations of 110 illustration+character artists, including Kei Sawada (insert image-right), Jeremyville, Jim Woodring, Mad
:: MOVIES / SHORTS / GO LOCAL ::Sinema.sg is "started by Originasian Pictures to give a greater voice to all Singapore filmmakers to showcase and Singapore film lovers to have an opportunity to get unbiased reviews, in-depth interviews with filmmakers of yesterday and tomorrow as well as features and DIY budget-filmmaking tips!"currently featured are little-seen/known (???) trailers to Wee
maz's plushes
found this commissioned "Killer The Boxer"-plush offa the VinylAbuse forum which led me to boardmember Maz78's website [all images via]; to find a glorious collection of self-made happy and cheeky plushes galore that put a smile on my thursday-face :)also check out UrbanRetroLifestyle's (who commissioned the plush) feature on Maz ~ now i seriously wouldn't mind having a couple (or more) in my
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
thomas han's pusher
i personally am amazed at how Thomas Han's drawings can be so faithfully translated unto vinyl toys (even if they be protos) [via]kudos to Munky King for producing PUSHER, as debut during the recent SDCC [info via]and i find myself eager to see how this toy develops (and eventually released in 2007) = *coolness*
urban vinyl
fantastic four flickr
and while i admit i was (a tad) disappointed with the big-screen version of The Fantastic Four (except for Jessica Alba, who can never do no wrong :p), i'll be keeping my eye out for the sequel (currently being shot): Fantastic Four: The Rise of The Silver Surfer and this flickr shall be my guiding-light [via]am liking the "behind-the-scenes" coverage of the Baxter Buidling rooftop-set (images
comics movie,
fantastic four movie
hazegear 012
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hazegear 011
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
robo babe
:: ROBOT ::for 400,000 yen / USD$3,500 (for 5 days), you'd have the opportunity to enjoy the company of an Actroid DER2 feminine guide robot [via]: produced by Kokoro (a Sanrio Group company) the DER2 is an upgraded version of the Actroid DER ~ and regardless of what "she's" actually used for, im sure some of you folks out there have "other options" going-on in your twisty minds, innit? *heh* :
top 40 music moments in film
:: VIDEOS / MOVIES ::The Top 40 music moments in film history - according to bullz-eye [via] ~ for which i'll feature a few of my personal favs:the excellent jaw-dropping opening title sequence for David Fincher's Se7en, directed by Kyle Cooper = which forever changed my visual perspective and made my life the grime'n'gritty glory-muck which it is today *grins**more videos after the jump*
ultimate 1/6th ghost rider and hellcycle
my wish has come true: Ghost Rider Ultimate 12-Inch Action Figure & Cycle Set(prototype image shown above) [via] personally, the bike is a done deal, no question ~ while all i need is the "head" of the Ghost Rider figure to complete my kitbash-figure (as im sure is the intention of loadsa other collectors :p)*rubbing hands in glee MUAHAHAHA*
ghostrider movie,
miniature fast food
proof that gasaphons are taking over the world one image is of a plastic gasaphon-burger meal set, while the other is an edible creation:[via] go check out how the Miniature Fast Food set was made = *neato*
Tuesday, October 10, 2006
google buys youtube
:: WWW ::google buys youtube for USD$1.65 billion.co-founders of youtube, Chad and Steve are elated: [via]and meanwhile, im still waiting to beable to upgrade to blogger-beta :(._.
hazegear 010
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Monday, October 9, 2006
hazegear 009
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review of deluxe 13" batman
check out a review of the DC Direct Deluxe 13" Batman @ MWCToys (images via) - am diggin' the "classic" look and the pleather-cape tho!mine is patiently waiting for me @ ye old comicbookshoppe ~ *rubs hands in glee*
warren ellis on thunderbolts
:: COMICS :: seeing the last panel-art of Marvel's Civil War #4 and reading about the new creative team of Thunderbolts [info via] gave me the shivers ~ enough for me to blog about it!Warren Ellis and Mike Deodato Jr brings Venom, Moonstone, Bullseye, Songbird, Radioactive Man, Swordsman, Penance and Norman Osborne/The Green Goblin in to track down Captain America's underground resistance group.
the ultimate vinyl toy competition
:: TOYS / CONTEST / CUSTOMS ::and from out of the blue, VinylCollectibles is out to make your vinyl-toy-designing wishes come true: design an urban vinyl toy (not more than: 10cmX10cmX10cm in size) and have a chance of being USD$1K richer (top prize), as well as having the top three designs produced in limited edition! and in true "American Idol"-style, YOU get to vote for the winning design! *
Sunday, October 8, 2006
anarchy in the uk deadline extension
thankgawd the VA/Anarchy In The UK custom-competition deadline has been extended til 18th October (i've only just bought me markers, innit? :p) check out the current customs posted so far [via]:*coolness*... just hope wif a pending new gig looming, i'd be able to work on me entry ... *we'll see*
va anarchy
new qees updates 001 (october)
somebody show what these "new qee" figures are about or ima gonna freakout at them big-booble-heads and quick! the first one is a non-descript dome-head (air bubble?), while the second one has a "Dalek"-sig at bottom-right. new SD-Qees? (Super-Deformed) *hhhhmmmm*now this is what i'd call an "exclusive":90 pcs, each handmade/painted (with number marked on foot) OOAK 8"-er Qees customized by
michael lau's ny fat and tattoo seven years edition colorways
generous images of Michael Lau's NY FAT (6 colors + 1 plain) and Tattoo (also 6 colorways + 1 plain) Seven Years Edition @ DPMHI [all images shown here via]colorway-overkill as only HK can afford :pto be fair, the colors are vibrant and in-line with the crylon-colors and are attractive when placed together, altho individually they might come off looking like a bootleg or knock-off from a
michael lau,
urban vinyl
medicom spawn images
SPAWN Medicom's Real Action Heroes figure = 18,900YEN / USD$159 = *gulp* am quite surprised that im "enjoying" this more "comic/animated" burntSPAWN headsculpt more than i should *HAH*but lookie this gorgeous figure, innit? now, if only the cape had it's own animatronic-gears to make it move (*hyuks*) ... go plifer your own images from blister.jp instead of using mine with no credit given - *HAH*
hazegear 008
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AVFVP :: vol.21
*click on icon-above to view: cutting the Ghost Rider-trailer / School for Scoundrels / Legion of Superheroes / Battle of the Album Covers / float / fast film / the Human Camera / Madonna / Peter, Bjorn + John / MCR / Scissor Sisters / The Killers / Top-10 Weird Al-videos / rabbit-lurve / what if george lucas did lords of the rings / breakdancing Yoda / G.I.Joe the Epic Saga / and Indian
Saturday, October 7, 2006
kaws dissected companion image overload
if looking at toy-pictures is the only way ima gonna get with KAWS' Dissected Companion? then by da vinyl-gawds ima gonna have loads of it! [via] [via] and that's the end of that ... time to move-on to other vinyls obssessions... *heh*
kaws companion,
urban vinyl
doktor a's automatic girl
Doktor A works his magic on Sam Flores's Fatima and The Automatic Girl is gorgeous!more images via VinylAbuse-forumam quite speechless, so i'll just let the pix speak for themselves ... *swoon*
doktor a,
urban vinyl
touma + joe ledbetter = trexi plus series 2
hot on the heels of the Trexi Plus Series One, comesseries 2 with Touma and Joe Ledbetter! [via]suggested retail price@ USD$6.95 per figure and are sold in blind assortments.*schweet*added 10.10.06:here are a coupla pre-production sample photos:looking to be very promising, what with the new different heads and all :)*gettin' schweeter'n'schweeter, eh?*
play imaginative,
trexi plus,
urban vinyl
world outside my window part twelve
image-left@1130am / and image-right@1730hrs/530pm. an island engulfed by a perpetual cloud of death despair, a snowfall of poisoned particles floating before you ... the local haze situation had just got unhealthy and i've the pounding headaches and shitty-mood to prove it ... and what else could i do but to be trapped stay indoors and bash-up some haze-protectgear-fashions: *heh*
world outside my window
seamour sheep and marty mole from crazy label
coming out from CrazyLabel's vinyl-stables (after Treeson and Tamo) isSeamour Sheep (and fren, Marty Mole) ~prototype images shown below~based on Metin Seven's online-comic, this "exclusive" vinyl figure is slated for the first half of 2007 [via] ~online-comic panel-art on-left, 3D-rendering on-right~would be pretty cool if the vinyl-toy's eyes actually moved side-to-side tho, IMHO. *heh*
crazy label,
urban vinyl
Friday, October 6, 2006
tokidoki plushes
Tokidoki-plushes, courtesy of StrangeCo is coming your way November,with both Mozzarella and Sandy in glorious 9" of plush! [via] *cute*
play imaginative's baby hellhound
Play Imaginative is releasing it's first designer PLUSH:Baby Hellhound ~ designed by Touma from Japan! [via]standing @ 10-inch height, it features vinyl parts (presumably the nozzle/mouth) and has a suggested retail price of USD$26.95 and the blue version (show above) is slated for release in December 2006, with three other designs shown (below) awaiting release dates. *neato*added 18.10.06:trio
play imaginative,
hazegear 007
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Thursday, October 5, 2006
yeast infection
:: TOYS / CUSTOM ::The Yeast Infection is an online art toy show featuring customised vintage "Pillsbury Doughboy" figures. made as a part of a promotional campaign in 1971, these 7" tall vinyl figures are making a comeback for this show.the organizer El Maz speaks about the genesis of the project @Kidrobot forums and there's an indepth-interview over @VinylAbuse*more custom-images after the
hazegear 006
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Wednesday, October 4, 2006
300 official trailer
oh what a difference a good screen resolution maketh ~ from the goose-pimple-inducing (murky) "presentation video/trailer" (via - which has since been removed), to the current wide-screened crisp+clear epic visuals that reduces grown men to tears (*pass me a tissue please?*), Zack Snyder's 300 (movie adapted from Frank Miller's comic of the same name) looks poised to conquer the silver screens.
Tuesday, October 3, 2006
doktor a's professor teslastein and his electric creation
Doktor.A continues his "classics"-theme ("nautilus"), with his vinyl-take on the Frankenstein-legend with Professor Teslastein and his Electric Creation!coolness if the electrical-static actually lit-up, or even GID! :pand i've since given up on figuring how it's all done :pitZ alive! ITZ ALIIIIVVVVEEEEE!and let's not forget the good Doctor (Teslastein, i mean) a former Mad*L-turned
hazegear 005
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Monday, October 2, 2006
separated at reel birth: ghostrider7
the new (sneak-peek) Ghostrider movie poster [via] VS Se7en:either hollywood's run out of ideas, or they're just plain slack ~ you tell me? ;p
ghostrider movie,
of designer badgers and a raggin' contest
from the maker of Brickboy comes a new series of paper-toys with a brill twist ~ with a pin-badge in the guise of a three-dimensional "head" = Sjors Trimbach's BADGER!*more details and individual designs featured after the jump*to be released at the coming Pictoplasma conference with 4 designs (each) by: Kenn Munk, Christian Lindemann, Martijn van Sas and Sjors himself (duh) - all Badgers are
hazegear 004
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the hot sand
:: VIDEO / TOYS / 1/6 ::and this is how it's done: [via]and now i have something to show (as visual reference) instead of describing what it is i intend to do (altho definitely not the "military"-aspect lor) ~ *heh*._.
Sunday, October 1, 2006
hazegear 003
:: MY TOYPIX FOR DA DAY ::*protectgear-fashions to combat the haze situation in singapore*:: myflickrset 1 / 2 ::
displacementary launch images
*event coverage and images after the jump*as i stealthily (of coz i exaggerate) barged into made my way into a severely packed opening launch of the DISPLACEMENTARY exhibition @ the City Gallery (an hour late no less *paiseh*), i was overwhelmed by the works displayed before me (no exaggeration). the pride i felt for these folks (whom i only "knew" via the www) put a wide inner smile and frown on
go local,
the killer gerbil,
displacementary videos 01
and while im experiencing some "online technical difficulties" (ie: cannot upload pix on my multiply, dammit done) ~ here's a coupla short video-clips taken during DISPLACEMENTARY (launched last night) for your viewing pleasure:PhuEk's Galactica = PhuEk's 20" Trexi-custom in video,(with music by The Observatory, track: "Acid Pills")*new updated clearer version (26.11.2006): (older version
go local,
the killer gerbil,
hazegear 002
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