Thursday, October 27, 2005
what do you do when the power leaves you
electrical power, i mean :pa scheduled "building electrical maintenance" in my block was forgotten this fateful afternoon ... quite the irony for i did see the notice plastered the noticeboard at the base of my life lobby (which is uncanny, becoz i never do bother to look at the noticeboard at all, if not very rarely), at the beginning of the week. i even told me dad about said: "
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
and yet another film festival begins
(** Warning: tis gonna be a looooong entry y'all **)the 21st french film festival is happening now in rainy sunny singalalaland.screening at both Alliance Française and Cathay Cineplex Orchard Cineleisure. you can read the film synopsis here and here.the schedule and timings on this page is a tad off on a coupla screenings (not all lah), so do check with cathay (above link) and sistic (for
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
a vampire theory/conspiracy unveiled (almost)
to quell bury my anguish, i blindly leaped into the celluloid world of vampires, into the silent echoes of the night (yes, am being melodramatic *bleh*) ... first catching Underworld (UW), starring Kate Beckinsale (one of the only real reasons to watch this flick) ... followed by Queen Of The Damned (QOTD), and followed almost immediately by Bram Stoker's Dracula by Francis Ford Coppola (BS'D) .
off the wagon
i dunno when was it exactly that i stopped smoking; 4 weeks or so ago ... just that one day, after my last stick of cigarette, i upped and decided not to buy a new pack. just like that.t'was in reaction to my declining health (highblood pressure) and financial issues (they're getting gawddamned expensive dey) which i have gone on til end in this here blog. and also "personal issues" and of not
reactions to the news today
a few things to get off me chest, after reading thru the newspapers today:.............................................................................................Culture Watch:(in the LIFE section)here's a pix of (both pensive) Dick Lee and Jack Neo, probably at the ceremony which conferred unto them the The Cultural Mediallion Award.and for which one of the responses/writeup was:read the
the hunt for cool gadgets
just received via email from Lisa of Cool Hunter:The Ultimate Geek Desk"The representation of three-dimensional objects on a surface so as to produce the same impression of distance and relative size as that received by the human eye is a practical definition of perspective. Now imagine the perspective created by a portable, inexpensive three-dimensional immersive viewing system that could be
Monday, October 24, 2005
lost rhapsody
a hilarious parody of LOST, by way of Weird Al Yankovic's cover of "Bohemian Rhapsody" (found via Eau de Humanity)heh. farnie. especially the head slammingtho what buggers me the most is: i have yet to sit thru a single episode of LOST ... *need to see it in it's entirety*; i insist, and hence i've been itching to get the DVD from HMV, if not for my "legendary frugal ways" (*cough*
the wonderful and weird world of toys
there are Toys ...and there are Other Strange Toys ..."(these) plastic sacks, each dolled up with a big question mark logo, dissolve when placed in warm water, revealing one of ten different Marvel Comics figures"wow. what will they think of next eh? finger down the throat heh.but then again, one might argue "Aesthetics versus Functionability" too, innit? but heck, they're but only TOYS, innit?
and the stifling continues
"simplicity thru nostalgia"a line that popped into my mind, tis wretched tuesday afternoon; as i found this serious collection of cassette tape images, created by Not Wild Style [via Cool Hunting]harking back to days of yore and opening the flood gates of nostalgia once again ... and i suddenly feel so ... stifled; creatively ... have i over-thought too many a things? have i looked too deep
61 rooms / 21 artist / 1,000 ideas
"For the launch of the new Volkswagen Fox 21 international artists from the fields of graphic design, urban art and illustration turned Hotel Fox in central Copenhagen, into the world’s most exciting and creative lifestyle hotel."got this exceptional link via pamdemonium (thanx loads, Pam!) and i've been inspired ever since ... loving the concept of "collaboration", in whichever genre and
depeche mode's precious : an evolution of a music video?
the more i listened to Depeche Mode's Precious, the more i like it ... and the more i feel it's the closest sound to Enjoy The Silence and their Exciter album (of 5 years ago?) ... whilst everything else on the album (which is currently on repeat play on me oldskool cd-player, 'natch) does not sound like DM, at all (save for Dave Gahan's+Martin Gore's voices lah dey) ... or rather, they sound
wtf is "popcorn bidding"? and of online auction memories
"discovered" this "new term" today, while sufing thru my comics-related online portals and chanced upon this ridiculous auction (tho i am a fan, i ain't that much of a fan) for Two tickets to the Red Carpet Premiere and After Party of X-Men 3 (scroll to bottom of page) ... which would be a pretty interesting opportunity for some photos and obviously a blog about the event (and fucked is i when i
Sunday, October 23, 2005
fatboy slim's the joker music video
just caught this on MTV and couldn't resist but search for it in google and here it is in all it's toys and pussy glory. made me monday morning; it did! :)
one of the tricks to life
... is to know when to get going when the going is good ... or bad ... whatever the situation may encompass and whatever the action/s may entail ... how the fcuk does one know anyways? when is the exact right moment, to do whatever it was/is that needs to be done.and the real kicker is might be, that even when the moment is right and ripe, and the opportunity presents itself for further action ..
Saturday, October 22, 2005
if only this could be "real life" gawddammit
i ain't a greedy man i ain't kewl. My blog is worth $3,387.24.How much is your blog worth?[courtesy of Lancerlord]a not-so-bad weekend so far, innit? heh :)
Thursday, October 20, 2005
if i said: "i've lost the will to love"
... am i being too melodramatic? or being realistic?a crinkledcrease within the folds of happiness and falseblissBAH._.
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
playing the angel my halo twists and flickers so brightly
i can't switch off my iTunes. i just can't ...itz 335am on a thursday morning and im knackered beyond belief and yet awake i sit by my Mac, eyes barely opened but ears hardly closed ... in fact they're getting sore (ears) from perking up to the sounds coming out of my iTunes (and please do bear in mind; it ain't exactly a great sound system) ... and the warpedsounds of Depeche Mode's Playing The
depeche mode,
the sounds they are astounding
loitering hanging around HMV @ Heeren today (wednesday afternoon); was sorta therapeutic in a way ... lameass excuse to go shopping lor where i discovered what it was that i am drawn to these days ... tis hardly the lyrics, nor the artiste (well, sometimes old habits die harder :p) and sometimes mayhap not even the melody ... i realized i'm more particular about soundscapes and would go to
rain rain go away far far away nahbey
checklist for wednesday:[.. ] go town to pay credit*pui*card bills[.. ] go tower records to look for Depeche Mode's new album Playing The Angel[.. ] go meander about aimlessly trying to look for toys to buy[.. ] go alternative comic-shop to look for missing issues of comics (duh)[.. ] maybe go catch a movie (maybe)but since the rain had just started and the air in my room is
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
narcissism overload as an excuse for self-reflection
censor sensorcookiecutter smilinpeekaboo perva bored wednesday morning scribbling scambling for inspiration and creation to fall flat fuck it tis ain't no self-hate headtrip, lemme assure y'all first ...BAH. whatevah.._.
the jackhammer drilling above me righteye is driving me insane
the entire afternoon. til now. im too tired to be pissed anymore. make it stop, can? and it's not just about yet another article on blogging in the newspapers. it's not just about another (or a coupla) bloggers going-on about the state of blogging in singalalaland and their holier-than-thou attitude towards other bloggers. and tis not just about "good bloggers" versus "bad bloggers" ... tis not
Thursday, October 13, 2005
truth be a bitter pill to administer
tis fifteen minutes after the hour of one, and i feel the shreds of my patience wearing very dangerously thin ... i know not why ... mayhap t'was the waking dream i had in the early morn (where i hadda mouth my explanation to the dream question, even when if i had already awoken) ... mayhap tis the hunger growing inside of me ... mayhap tis the unpredictability of everything ... mayhap tis the
of sms, horror and kewl sketch blogs
just barely checkingout my site meter for the night (*ahem*) and came across a coupla interesting blogs who happened to stray into find themselves on me blog! (how they got here, i'd seriously liketa know) and i'd liketa share them wif y'all here, yeah?..................................................................................Muthu's My SMS Blog = which is essentially a collection of ...
a year into my life and of the rules of engagement
i remember this time last year (14th October 2004) pretty well.i had just finished a 3-week reservist stint (ending on the 13th) and had gone back to camp the very next day (14th) for my FFI Phase One Blood Test. "Fit For Infantry" is a Mandatory Test for any adult males serving PUI the army (in any capacity), to be taken before the age of 35. i had just turned 35 a coupla weeks before. and on
pour sum sugah on me
- as the title says; a little "find" a shortwhile back = HK-styled French Toast in Singapore! WHOO-HOO! (actually not that kickass lor) and y'all know how i feel about french toast, eh? *slurp~slurp* :pmore devious photos here (plus vague directions to the cafe :p) ... tho meanwhile, maybe i'd tempt y'all with this:click on for the "finishing video". heh :)
eh! can lend me this or not ah? i return you very quick one!
there's something that needs to be said about your so-called-frens who borrow stuff from you ... and the responsibility that comes with that loan ~ whatevah that item may be ...there are 3 basic types of "loaners":01. the ones who returns said items in good time and good order. (NO problem here!)02. the ones who returns said items eons later, but in reasonable condition. (fcuked lor)03. the ones
what a great tan you have sir ... you've got the job!
things/stuff peeps ask about/for; when inquiring about my services:01. a showreel (for which im sad to say, i do not have at the mo .... but that will change soon, i hope)02. my CV (downloadable online)03. a portfolio of my works (readily available and updated regularly online on my multiply)04. my rates (no problemo - tho most times based on job requirements)05. ... but a picture of myself? (i
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
been to blog~hades and back
this blog "officially" died on the 10th of October 2005. or to be more precise, as i logged-on, i discovered my template was completely missing. panic ensured. measures were made. hair was torn out. fcuk.and nobody realized it. even when i posted this on the top-banner-area of me blog:quite farnie, this ... tho i attempt at deciphering the reasons (whatever they may be), i realize that it is all
Monday, October 10, 2005
runnin' around in circles with a twisted ankle
a perpetual deja~vu lingering in the subconscious, looping a silent warning alarm scream blam blam blam redlights flash flash flash blinding me luring me seducing me into a sense of normality and eternal comfort as old as the past when tis but an crying infant cradled within thy quivering arms you hold and caress least it crumbles into dust you breathe not a single breatha belated memory?a
Thursday, October 6, 2005
> puffed out
my trusty ashtray now sits beside me, neglected and abandoned.the smell of nicotine has since dissipated from my bedroom.and my lighters had suddenly upped and disappeared from me.the desire and twitch has left me and i can hardly find the tastefor the once familiar solace i had enjoyed and wallowed in ...i have not smoked for the past three weeks. (at least)*beams* okay, okay ... to be totally
Saturday, October 1, 2005
> stuffed
in accordance to my recent/current daily/nightly bouts of feeling thoroughly stuffed (ie: stomach filled unto near-explosion, i kid you not), the same could be said for my overloading pea brain = an obscene gaggle of nouns, pronouns, adjectives (fucked if i knew what they really meant and how to use them BAH) and whatever cleverer descriptions of thought-made-to-words-and-spewed-forth-randomly,
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Blog Archive
- what do you do when the power leaves you
- and yet another film festival begins
- a vampire theory/conspiracy unveiled (almost)
- off the wagon
- reactions to the news today
- the hunt for cool gadgets
- lost rhapsody
- the wonderful and weird world of toys
- and the stifling continues
- 61 rooms / 21 artist / 1,000 ideas
- depeche mode's precious : an evolution of a music ...
- wtf is "popcorn bidding"? and of online auction me...
- fatboy slim's the joker music video
- one of the tricks to life
- if only this could be "real life" gawddammit
- if i said: "i've lost the will to love"
- playing the angel my halo twists and flickers so b...
- the sounds they are astounding
- rain rain go away far far away nahbey
- narcissism overload as an excuse for self-reflection
- the jackhammer drilling above me righteye is drivi...
- truth be a bitter pill to administer
- of sms, horror and kewl sketch blogs
- a year into my life and of the rules of engagement
- pour sum sugah on me
- eh! can lend me this or not ah? i return you very ...
- what a great tan you have sir ... you've got the job!
- been to blog~hades and back
- runnin' around in circles with a twisted ankle
- > puffed out
- > stuffed